December 8, 2001, 07:56
Local Time: 19:03
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Whenever a city finishes a unit/improvement, transfer the first ten surplus shields to the next unit/improvement. (This reduces the incentive to micro-manage shield vs. gold production to save some shields that would otherwise get lost.)
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
December 8, 2001, 08:03
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I hope they will make later patches to read the registry and automatically install in the Game directory, and not in the default directory, Which I overrode because I want some order and keep all games in one directory, and all apps in another.
ACS - Technical Director
December 8, 2001, 09:32
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 38
There are a few issues I didn't see in the list that I would like to see implemented. Sorry if I'm repeating anyone.
1. Concrete Alliances: Why is it alliances only extend to war in Civ 3? I'd like to see an option in diplomacy to form an alliance indefinitely and not just for purposes of warfare. Basically wrap mutual protection, right of passage, and perhaps even shared strategic resources all in one package and make it last until either the player or AI calls it off. You would just need make sure the AI doesn't go with its attitude in MGE and form\break alliances with you every other turn on a whim.
2. Some definitive way to *keep* the AI off my land. I know, it's been done to death, but it's still annoying. If they *need* to get through my territory that badly, they should negotiate for passage or openly declare war before barging on in. If they're in my borders for one turn, I don't mind that. When they go on extended treks through the whole of my empire, however...
3. Tone down the AI's trigger happy state if the situation justifies it. If the AI is running around with three times the size of my military and are cranking out tanks while I'm still building knights, there's no way I'm going to declare war on them. The AI doesn't seem to mind doing that. I don't know if that would be difficult or not, but I would imagine not. In Civ2, there came a point where the AI knew it was beaten and cowed.
4. An option to delete high scores in game instead of manually deleting the file.
5. Reduced pollution. I'd love it if pollution was made an option, as it's one of the only things I despise having to deal with in the game, but just reducing it would be enough.
There are also a couple points I read in the list I strongly agree with. Pressuring allies to make peace with a third party is a big one. The chance for a divided empire if your capital falls is another. The Civ cap for each game could be maneuvered around by either making the cities that break away join another Civ or just become barbarian cities(since barbarians are there anyway). That would also help the issue of beefing up the barbarians and keeping them around for the later game. But I'd be satisfied with just losing the palace until it was rebuilt if your capital falls. Also the combat system as far as spearmen standing a little too much of a chance against armor is something I'd like to see changed. That's about it for now.
Last edited by LRotan; December 8, 2001 at 09:45.
December 8, 2001, 09:53
Local Time: 18:03
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This may be already mentioned. It's not in the list, or in any posts after last edit time on the list:
If you are a couple of techs above the rest of the pack, but have omitted to research one or two techs from previous eras, the Science Advisor will describe you as "backwards". Eg - I made it to fission, nuclear, recycling, computers and all that jazz first - but I hadn't researched Amphibious warfare or Advanced Flight, because they were useless to me. So, despite my four or so tech lead, I was described as "backwards" because of those two previous-era ones I'd not taken. As soon as I traded for them, it sorted itself. This seems a little unfair.
I would suggest that, when deciding whether you are backwards, average or advance, previous era optional techs don't count as much as your standing in the current era. Maybe 1/n times as much, where n is the number of eras old they are.
December 8, 2001, 13:02
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Erm, I guess I'll reorganize my ideas:
-allow city improvement to count as a resource in the city it was built (For instance, a Steel Mill could count as a Steel resource)
-allow advances only to certian civs.
When I think of more, I'll post them.
"Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
"Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."
"is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis
December 8, 2001, 13:59
Local Time: 18:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 38
 Fireaxis for getting the tech screen fixed for custom rules!
One 'cosmetic' change I would like to see however, would be
a) the ability to specify where the connection lines between technologies start and end or
b) mkaing sure that the outgoing lines start at the right side of the tech boxes instead of the left (at the moment the tree can look rather muddled up)
And the other change I really would like to see is the ability to ADD technologies.
December 8, 2001, 21:47
Local Time: 13:03
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Posts: 51
Nice thread.. a few things to add..
1) Up naval units significantly
2) Up air units significantly in addition to the ability of some units just bieng damaged, others killed (as you mentioned). This should work for all bombardment types, not just air. But especially air, as they had a pearl harbor effect in civ2 where ships would almost immediately lose, though slightly less drastic.
3) Add more palace improvements!!!! Too many times have I completely finished it. After that, there's no more real inspiration to continue..  It'd be nice to have something like turrets or jets flying at the background too
4) This one is quite unlikely but I'll post it anyway.. Add FP and AC to units. FP will determine the amount of damage done with every shot and AC (the amount of damage absorbed?) This would surely realize combat. Now instead of a tank doing 1 damage a shot to say a warrior, it'll do say 3, but only 1 to say a mech infantry because mech infantry have high AC. Also, from a more or less good programmer's point of view, this isn't that hard to implement either.
5) Greatly up the importance of colonies as already mentioned.
6) AI should trade off some of their land without going to war. Land has been sold and bought PLENTY of times throughout history. The price should be very high, but the AI has to not be utterly repulsed by any deal involving cities if it's not a surrender.
7) You should be able to negotiate for how many turns the deal will stand or forever.
8) This one I'd LOVE to see implemented but it will sadly probably never be in civ3. It's not hard to do either. Make manufactered and raw goods. Raw goods are the natural resources we have seen added to civ3. Manufactered goods are things that you make from these to make solid products. For example, if you have oil, rubber, and (aluminum or iron?) you can build cars which is a big luxury. The first car you have to use for your own population and if you're making any excess you could trade them to AI like any luxury (though A LOT more expensive than the raw ones.) Also, the resources you use to build these manufactured goods will be considered used up as though you're trading them away. The way you would build these is it'd be on the list like a city improvement. Every manufactured good will have a certain cost like any other building though a city that's keeping with the times and not miserably far away and getting 1 shield a turn should be able to build it every turn. When it is built, you'd have the resource to trade. This doesn't necessarily just work for luxuries. You could make bread out of wheet and get more food or steel out of iron as a resource that is necessary to build some units.
If these, among with some of the things listed before would be implemented into civ3, I'd be one happy camper and give Firaxis a great, big hug.
December 8, 2001, 22:09
Local Time: 13:03
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800x600 support!!!!!
I have only one request for anothe patch, and that is support for 800x600 screens. I have a laptop that that is all it supports. I know it won't be optimized or anything, but please at least give us the option for trying it out. Or at least release information on how to try using it on a lower resolution. Thanks a lot for a great game by the way!!!
December 9, 2001, 01:07
Local Time: 02:03
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In the patch, I would want more city names!!! Some fan even did it, so I guess simply write them wouldn't be harder for Firaxis.
So... Firaxis, simply add more city names so we don't get 4 different Berlin with a little difference in the name. Make it so it has some sense
December 9, 2001, 02:29
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 185
civil war
"The civ2 capital system is perfect in my opinion. When your capital is taken, a couple of things should happen! First, corruption should run rampant through your empire. Secondly, You should have a chance of civil war, just like civ2"
i thought this was only possible in civ: original.
In all the hours i have spent on civ2..that never happened 1ce.
anyways i agree, there should be something gained on reaching the capital. I liked the civil war
I kinda understand why its not possible now.
In civ3..finding the capital is as easy as asking.
then all you have to do is send in a couple of nukes and a transport and the capital is yours.
i think with free access agreement..units should be able to pass through units. As it just have to surround the competition.
for example in my marathon game..going on 72 hrs...
i surrounded 56 french workers (for some reason they were moving in packs of 16 through my territory). The result was that france barely had railroad by 2012.
December 9, 2001, 02:31
Local Time: 18:03
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for the 800*600 post...
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No probs running Civ 3 here. Top game.
Btw, if you add "KeepRes=1" to Civilization3.ini, you can run at whatever your desktop res is.
December 9, 2001, 03:53
Local Time: 02:03
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Re: civil war
Originally posted by Redstar
"The civ2 capital system is perfect in my opinion. When your capital is taken, a couple of things should happen! First, corruption should run rampant through your empire. Secondly, You should have a chance of civil war, just like civ2"
i thought this was only possible in civ: original.
In all the hours i have spent on civ2..that never happened 1ce.
anyways i agree, there should be something gained on reaching the capital. I liked the civil war 
I kinda understand why its not possible now.
In civ3..finding the capital is as easy as asking.
then all you have to do is send in a couple of nukes and a transport and the capital is yours.
i think with free access agreement..units should be able to pass through units. As it just have to surround the competition.
for example in my marathon game..going on 72 hrs...
i surrounded 56 french workers (for some reason they were moving in packs of 16 through my territory). The result was that france barely had railroad by 2012.
When a capital is taken, it gives some organization problems, thus ineffectivity as in SMAC (here, it is named corruption). Also, it may cause some civil disorder such as people REALLY wanting their capital back (patriotic), people that are depressed and stressed, which may have some consequences.
BUT: How could they introduce this in a patch? Little too much I think. Some balance issues exist with all this and it seems complicated to me to put in a patch.
December 9, 2001, 06:26
Local Time: 19:03
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I would like to see some sort of terraforming in the game. Perhaps very slow or demanding many workers early on in the game - but possible.
Especially I want to be able to build canals. On some large maps, the world is almost split in two halves, because small strecthes of land connects two, three or even four large continents, making sea movement take ages.
I want to build the Panama or Suez canal
December 9, 2001, 09:50
Local Time: 13:03
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Reply to Redstar
You are able to play the game in 800x600 mode? The reson I ask is this, I have a laptop that was free from my school, but since it was free it doesn't have many advanced features like higher than 800x600 support. When I install and try to play Civ3 on it it just doesn't do anything. I ean I double click the icon and try to get it to run, but it just doesn'topen anything up. Do you think this is because of the resolution or some other problem? Thanks a lot!!
December 9, 2001, 10:24
Local Time: 13:03
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Re: Actually, it can...
Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh

One would just need events scripting to do so. Let me exemplify:
Great... use "events scripting".
So instead of asking them to do something simple, let's ask them to do something much more difficult, even though they've said they have no plans to add it.
"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind... Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always triumph."
December 9, 2001, 10:33
Local Time: 18:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 525
Please, pretty please!
Can we have:
1. Fundamentalism
2. Plant nuke and plant disease (espionage)
3. Trade food
4. Trade military units
5. Negotiate for return of captured units
1. Editor ability to add in all of above
I know you can technically add fundamentalism with the editor, and any other govt. type, but I don't see anything in the editor to, for example, make fundamentalism eliminate unhappiness.
I know I have banged on about these for ages, but this shall be my final request.
The fact that these old Civ2 features are missing is seriously impeding my enjoyment of Civ3. But then again, I'm strange.
December 9, 2001, 15:52
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 185
1) rhuarc -yes/ 2) re:fundamentalism/disease
Rhuarc. My post was a quote from the guy listed in that post.
Just add that line to the ini file mentioned and you can play in any res.
For me, under win2k, the game would not even install until i changed it to the specified res. Since then, thats the res i use.
But ya, i have seen a few people now mention the keepres=1 option.
Fundamentalism/disease/planting nukes
I have a strong suspicion that these options were removed because of the recent Sept 11 tragedy.
It would be validating the taliban/al-q and terror as a legitimate civilization.
December 9, 2001, 15:54
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 116
when you raze cities to the ground, please have some animation
December 9, 2001, 17:36
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Originally posted by star mouse
* Remove the memory leaks that are still present in the game.
* Include a diplomacy screen that can handle all 16 civs.
* Make the civilopedia accessible from the city screen, particularly when choosing troops or improvements to build.
* Fix the sound glitches.
Never heard these...
* Allow troops to be moved in a stack.
* Make borders over forest, jungle and irrigation easier to see.
I think the 1st patch already addressed this issue.
* Make it possible to upgrade some unique units (like war elephant)
So far this has been probably the only 'good list' IMO :P
December 10, 2001, 00:08
Local Time: 13:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 3
First Off: A Kick butt Game!
I tried to play Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor but. . . Oh God. . . the bugs. . . the bugs. . .
Couple of things:
1. I have the very latest corrected patch. I am running Windows XP, 1024 M RAM, 60 G Hard Drive, Athlon XP 1700+, the fabled Soundblaster Live!, and a GeForce 3 Ti500. I dunno if this helps but I thought I'd give the specs.
2. The corruption must end. . .
3. I like the fact the game is harder though.
4. Fix the problem where units are stacked. I would like to have all of them activate at once rather than flip me across the universe to another active unit first.
5. For some reason, only 1 civ has coal every game I play. While this is cute, it has become disturbing.
6. What is the insanity of Civ's plopping a settler in the middle of your territory? Can this be stopped?
7. Hmmm. . . that's all for now, but I'll think of some more!
8. Just did. I feel artillery is useless. Any thoughts?
December 10, 2001, 00:09
Local Time: 13:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 3
Some thoughts
First Off: A Kick butt Game!
I tried to play Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor but. . . Oh God. . . the bugs. . . the bugs. . .
Couple of things:
1. I have the very latest corrected patch. I am running Windows XP, 1024 M RAM, 60 G Hard Drive, Athlon XP 1700+, the fabled Soundblaster Live!, and a GeForce 3 Ti500. I dunno if this helps but I thought I'd give the specs.
2. The corruption must end. . .
3. I like the fact the game is harder though.
4. Fix the problem where units are stacked. I would like to have all of them activate at once rather than flip me across the universe to another active unit first.
5. For some reason, only 1 civ has coal every game I play. While this is cute, it has become disturbing.
6. What is the insanity of Civ's plopping a settler in the middle of your territory? Can this be stopped?
7. Hmmm. . . that's all for now, but I'll think of some more!
8. Just did. I feel artillery is useless. Any thoughts?
December 10, 2001, 03:32
Local Time: 13:03
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Oh yeah, and make bombardment kill stuff much more often rather than just bringing them down to 1hp, and if they're at 1hp they should die when bombarded..
I'd love to see a Firaxian respond this post and tell us what are the chances of any of this bieng addressed in civ3? A civ3 expansion pack? Civ4?
December 10, 2001, 09:30
Local Time: 20:03
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Re: Desires For Future Civ3 Patches (A thread saving thread)
a way to modify the number of cities needed per army would be nice, and a way to make it possible that armies are as common as normal units, this is one reason why i want this.
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
December 10, 2001, 13:17
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 185
I would like the ability to turn off/on cultural influence
its just way too random in my opinion.
Or, maybe its more to do with having 0 influence in captured cities regardless of what they still have.
December 10, 2001, 16:27
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 116
domestic micromanagement
(Sorry i accidentally made a new thread but I meant to respond on this one)
Under "Contact Governor" there should be a button that automatically changes all selections of "This City" or "This Continent" to "All Cities." ( I hate having to individually click every single drop down to All Cities).
Let there be a "Wake All" option when you right click on a stack of units (so, when I have 40 tanks sleeping in a city and I go to war, I don't have to individually click on all of them.)
December 10, 2001, 20:10
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Originally posted by Nexus VI
Have you ever tried pressing the "E" key with any of your units?
Nothing to add, but MOM was a great game indeed... maybe one of the best TBS. Many races, many units (every race had its own), many spell (of many circles) and much much more... I love it, I'd like to see a MOM2 with all the wonderful things the first chapter had.
Well, until there is a new MOM, try Age of Wonders. It is almost a direct decendent of the original MOM.
Actually, for Civ, a combat resolution more like Civ CTP would be better, if it is done properly instead of how poorly CTP implemented it.
December 10, 2001, 21:16
Local Time: 18:03
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Location: Boulder Creek,CA,USA
Posts: 105
Please add/fix
1] Stack movement!!!!!!!
2] Ability to see existing agreements without engaging diplomacy with the ai.
3] Ability to ask what the AI will offer in exchange for for peace.
4] Ability to sort the list of cities in the domestic screen and have them STAY sorted. Currently the list reverts to its random order after a few seconds.
5] Highlight cities in trouble so that it is easy to find and fix them.
6] Include access to the demographic data from the domestic screen and some explaination as to how it is calculated.
7] Show the information necessary to decide if to click a button before I click the button, not after. ie, if I want to upgrade a unit or hurry a improvement the cost amount should show in a baloon over the button or somewhere on the screen and if unable, the button should be disabled.
8] I should be able to see and access ALL the civs in the diplomacy screen.
9] Give me an event log to respond to at leasure, don't drag me arround the globe to see fleeting events that barely have time to apprehend or stop the process to announce events that are simply informational but I still must respond to. Really, I hate that and it slows down the turn processing tremendously.
10] Give me a kill button for the paperclip personalities, or at least make their announcements more infromational rather than conclusionary. Give me facts, don't tell me what to do or what they mean. I know that if the enemy has more troops than I that that is a bad thing. It is nice to know that something is available, but don't tell me to build it. Juvinile comments really detract from game enjoyment.
December 10, 2001, 21:26
Local Time: 18:03
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End of game Blues
In the original game, getting your civilization to survive was a celebrated accomplishment and your high score was the cherry.
Now in a very negative and juvinile fashion you are subject to a stupidly insulting dart board. PLEASE remove this unecessary and revolting display of drek, it serves no purpose but meanness. At least give me the option of disableing it. The win display is equally silly and valueless. And worse, unimaginative. Use your brains and give me someting worth my viewing time.
The known as is fine, but add more terms and please deleat the stupid hammer and bell act, it is annoying and infantile.
Please include the appeliation name on the hall of fame list.
December 10, 2001, 21:34
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Borders should not extend beyond the first coastal square. I mean, really, who is reporting back to you, Charley the Tuna?
When you get radio you could justify seeing another square deeper by presuming or building Radar.
Building an Apollo should reveal unexpored areas if the map, satillite should keep your map updated.
December 11, 2001, 03:18
Local Time: 18:03
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Posts: 185
I would like to see numbers beside the cities so i know how many i have...same with captured workers.
I would also like to see a record of how many units have been killed..just like in the other civs. However, i would like to be able to see that info even after the civilization is wiped out.
small things to be sure.
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