Originally posted by kaan
well im surpriced that you dont know that activision has totaly abandoned this game. but what is more interesting for me is that they send you here for answers, could you please post the entire email from activision here?
Klaus, following is the e-mail that you requested, sending me to this site for any fixes was their only sudjestion.
Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support
center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
If we do not hear from you within 96 hours we will assume your issue
has been resolved.
Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
I am writing to inquire if there is or will be a further patch to Call to Pow...
Suggested Answer
At 12/04/2001 10:24 AM we wrote -
Thank you for your interest in Call to Power 2.
At this time we are unsure as to whether there will be another patch for the game. I'd recommend watching Apolyton's CTP2 site for more information on this and other CTP2 issues:
---- 12/04/2001 10:15 AM ---------------------------------------------
I am writing to inquire if there is or will be a further patch to Call to Power II, beyond that of the 1.11 patch. There are several (re-producable) critial errors still exsisting in the game that make it nearly unplayable to date. One of these very basic errors is the inablity to move within an Allies "Zones of Control" as is suppose to be possible. Another is a (crash error) that occures whenever you (the player) or a computer player "Pillages" any square improvment that is not located within a nations colored borders. This becomes a serious problem making continuing past a point in the game impossible, esspecialy when the computer is doing this someplace where you cannot see. Both of these problems I have tested on 4 difrently configured computers and found them to be present each and every time. I feel that with a game that is this old, there is no excuse for these problems, especialy when the basic nature of each make the game unplayable to a certin point. Should you have further questions, please contact me via E-amil or Phone XXX-XXX-XXXX. I would even be happy to work with a patch team to recreate the problems. Thank you.
Question Reference #011204-000167
Product: PC
Sub-Product: Call to Power II
Date Created: 12/04/2001 10:15 AM
Last Updated: 12/04/2001 10:25 AM
Elapsed Time: 0 Minutes
Status: Waiting
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Brant Clabaugh
Activision Customer Support Representative
So, basicly this sight is it. I figure I got the normal corporate TECH response to a question they have probably been asked a few hundred or thousand times. Personaly, I think some sort of legal action is warranted. They have made an unfinished and almost un-usable product that dose not work, then they forget it ever happened, but they sure dont mind taking our money. Ooo...there are about a dozen other small bugs that I could complain about two, but obviously sending me to a third party site for a fix has got to be the all time brush off and message that "We arnt going to do a thing, because there isnt any money it."
Il keep a dialog going as to further findings, and thanks for the information. Im glad to hear atleast that these problems are known by other.