Are you wishing for that special something from that goodie Hut? Do you want better results from your Combat Engagement? Or has Pollution struck at the wrong place at the most inopportune time? Do you still want the Vital Resource to not go away? Well there is something that you can do to change this!
As it currently stands, the Random number generator in CivIII really s**ks. It apparently works on a very fixed Random table that is not very Random. If you reload and do the exact thing over again, then the results are the same. If you just change them just a little, then the results are more favorable or not so favorable. What to do?
Introducing the Catapult Bombardment Strategy (CBS)! All of the upgrades work too, but I like the name! Have yourself some useless terrain with a Road that your worker has placed there. Just bombard the square before that vital Fight, or before you go to the next turn, so that that Vital Resource doesn't disappear at the wrong time, or that the Pollution strikes at a different city! The possibilities are endless.
This will work until they patch the Random Number Generator Algorithm.
Worship the Comic
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game