feature request - map markers
It would be a tremendous help to me if it were possible to plant arbitrary markers on map tiles. It would just be an interface type thing. That way, if I wanted to stage all my legionaries from one spot, it would be trivial to make them all go to one spot. This is the way I envision it working:
shift-# click: pressing shift and a number key (AFAIK, in the general map screen, those aren't being used) and then clicking on the main map view would plant such a flag on that tile
#: would center the map screen on the flag
ctrl-#: would move the current unit to the flag corresponding to that number
So supposing I have two groups of military units and one group of workers. I want to move the first military group (A) to just outside Rome. I want to move the second military group (B) to just outside Veii. And I want to move the group of workers to a spot of pollution near, say, Beijing. I would create a map marker (1) outside Rome, one outside Veii (2), and one on the pollution near Beijing (3). Then when the legionaries came up, I would press either ctrl-1 or ctrl-2 to send them to one of the staging areas, and when one of the workers came up, ctrl-3 to send it to the pollution.
These markers would also be visible on the world map at the bottom left as grey dots or something.
This limits you to 10 (0-9) map markers, but I think that should be more than sufficient. It certainly would be better than nothing. This would address some (though not all) of the need for a grouping/escort capability but with some added flexibility.
Last edited by sophist; December 6, 2001 at 19:00.