Years of Civilization and ... what is result?
I have last my favor about Civilization. Yes of course, some of new ideas look wonderfull, but...
- Too bad when game discard old rules of "zones of control". The game more last than win about it.
- Also with units in one square have attacked. Even in Alpha Centauri this were more realistic and playable.
- Defense now is harder. I remember Civ 1, where City Walls gain a bonus +200%. Walls were rare because of cost, but cityes with Walls usually were taken only by siege. And what's means "siege" now?
- How about sinking of ships without ships? This may be will kill multiplay. Even coastal fortresses are useless.
- And what about cultural assimilation (and "resistors" revolution)? No way to safe your army, no way to do something - only message is writing to you. It's cool feature, isn't it?
- In other hands - what about assimilation across ocean, noy only at borders? This application of culture is looking dead.
- Espionage. Hm... It's may be good that there is not any spy units in game now. But what is that? This turn I have information about this city, and next turn I haven't anything, even old report. What's wonderfull implementation...
- I have not many usefull things. I do not know when my rivals get revolution, learn any advance. I cannot quickly see possibility for trade for resources or science. There is not any simple and fast method of this.
- I like to see slaves in civ where you take rivals workers to work at you borders. But what in their future? This conception is hardly not developed.
- Years of civilization series. But even now most trouble in your kingdom is revolution that simply takes some turns. Yes, of course, this is not very good time for your civilization but WHERE POWER of CIVIL WARS for example. WHERE?