December 7, 2001, 22:35
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Originally posted by TechWins
Davebo, this is pertaining to the NoCD problem. I can't seem to find the file name for 'Unistall_Path' nor 'Install_Path'. Could you provide the directories for those two files for me, please?
I'm not sure if the names will be the same, as they will likely be different from machine to machine.
Look in the "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information". The patch will be the latest entry in there - mine was {8FC3531C-16AF-4216-A366-014CD00E1EA9}, making the whole string in the registry look like the following...
C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{8FC3531C-16AF-4216-A366-014CD00E1EA9}\Setup.exe
The install path is where you have the game installed on your machine. On mine it's...
E:\Games\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III
December 7, 2001, 22:35
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Oh NO, Mr. (Bill) Morris - Redux
Yep, she's a little unstable now (hic!)
Crashes after trades, etc. sometimes. Not immediately after (well, not consistently anyway).
Again, Windows XP Home (pre-installed), stock HP Pavilion 7935, 384MB.
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
December 7, 2001, 22:42
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Well first I decided to wait for the patch before installing the game on my shiny new XP windows, now i'm going to have to wait for patch2 before I can play it!
I give up, can somebody remind what's at the end of the tunnel again, I'm starting to forget.
Aloisia Vonotar
December 7, 2001, 22:49
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Originally posted by Alex 14
The patch no longer shows the AI moves, or you worker moves, [SNIP - KWP]
The patch apparently automatically turns off the viewing of these moves (at least it did so on my machine). You can turn these back on if you wish in the preferences menu. I assume the reasoning behind this was that the average user will not adjust the settings and will not have to deal with the very slow late games (Just as most security packages have in the past been shipped with the least secure setting as default and many/most do not bother to change them to what they need to be) I actually thought it was a pretty smart move on Firaxis's part.
BTW Thanks for the lame patch, I got about 18 turns into my pre-patch started game after applying the patch when it died (running XP-Pro). I did notice that in the turn immediately before, I lost all relationship lines on the diplomacy screen.... a warning indicator? perhaps.
PS - BTW, Thanks for making the patch backwards compatible with old saved games (Seriously!! - This was an issue in CTP that really pissed me off)
Keep up the hard work.... I'm checking for the updated patch hourly
Later Again
December 7, 2001, 22:50
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Thanks Davebo.
Well, the new patch (500k) should be put up for download any minute now.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
December 7, 2001, 22:51
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I got Win2k Pro
Whenever I lookat the Diplomatic Screen, there are nor more WAR or PEACE lines between the heads of the civs... i activated them but they are just not there
and I crashed twice
Don't get high on your own supply
December 7, 2001, 22:54
Local Time: 14:09
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Posts: 9
Originally posted by TechWins
Thanks Davebo.
Well, the new patch (500k) should be put up for download any minute now.
No problem...
Where did you hear about the patch to fix the patch?
Is this to fix the NO CD issue, or the W2k/XP crashing issue?
December 7, 2001, 22:54
Local Time: 18:09
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Fix the installation bug also?
Jeff -
I just posted a note about a hiccup in the installation process of the patch, as well (in hopes y'all would see it.)
Basically, the patch suggests to install to the default Civ3 directory, even if you have it installed elsewhere. This could lead to an increase in support calls, etc - and leave folks feeling generally dissatisfied with the patch if they neglected to change the path.
I suggest having the installer ping HKLM\Software\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III for the Install_Path. Hopefully that's something that could be slipped right into a slightly updated version of this patch.
So a bus stops at a bus station, and a train stops at a train station...what happens at my workstation?
December 7, 2001, 23:29
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Originally posted by Alex 14
The patch no longer shows the AI moves, or you worker moves, this is a bit uninformative but certainly cuts the time you have to wait for your next turn. Usually in the modern era it's about 15-20 seconds now. The new features in the editor are nice, but there isn't any majore changes, the patch looks alright so far.
Check your prefs -- this is now a pref, and for some odd reason, the defaults are set to "no"...
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
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December 8, 2001, 00:09
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Originally posted by Bambusk
The rifle sound is missing when the Calvary attacks
i never had a rifle sound for calvary, i don't think it is related to the patch.
Originally posted by KWPulliam
The patch apparently automatically turns off the viewing of these moves (at least it did so on my machine). You can turn these back on if you wish in the preferences menu.
please tell me this is not the reason why so many people have been reporting the game being faster now
December 8, 2001, 00:12
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There are no Win2k/XP machines at Firaxis? I don't want to sound unfair or unreasonable, but to release a patch and then almost at once say there is a problem with such a large installed base of users indicates bad testing.
I really like this game, and have been looking forward to the patch to fix the air superiority, etc. issues.
I'm just glad I read the message board before installing the patch.
December 8, 2001, 00:13
Local Time: 13:09
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I'm on 2K Pro
And I have no problems.
Still no sound (or a strange pig sound) for the cavalry..
Si c'est Dieu qui a créer le monde..
et bien c'est le diable qui le commande.
December 8, 2001, 00:14
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I had a gunshot sound during my cavalry for a while, then it disappeared - and never came back. I also notice that sometimes ship movements are "double" volume.
Something is goofed inthe sound system...
December 8, 2001, 01:00
Local Time: 18:09
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Posts: 205
Yeah, my cavalry "bang" is gone, too. Now I just have a grunting horse whenever the cav attacks. It disappeared before the patch, so it's not a patch-caused problem (though one that needs to be fixed). This is after eight or so games with the sound, so something odd's happening.
December 8, 2001, 01:15
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The icons for Settler and Worker are gone in the city build list.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
December 8, 2001, 02:03
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Downloaded v 1.16f and since I am running win98se it seems to run ok.
some comments:
Corruption didn't seem much better. I ran an earlier game that had 279 gold corruption on the f1 screen on original version. It came in at 225 gold on corruption with the patch. Better but...
Courthouses are still mickey mouse.
Has anybody else noticed that palaces are now 10x in price?
was 400 shields, now 4000 shields. It's a good thing that I have already re-located my palace in the current game.
December 8, 2001, 02:22
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corruption & cavalry gunshot
My initial reaction to the patch is luke warm--virtually no reduction in the level of corruption--very disappointing. I can also to the loss of gunshots with the cavalry--I had it for several turns but it suddenly disappeared, never to return. I'm waiting to test the air superiority deal although I am skeptical based on the highly touted and poorly executed reduction in the level of corruption.
December 8, 2001, 02:43
Local Time: 10:09
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The only major change to corruption on standard and larger maps appears to be that POLICE STATIONS NOW DECREASE CORRUPTION. So build those police stations!
And palace costs are now tied to how many cities you have. For it to cost 4000, you have a civ that can afford the time to build it; at least, that's Firaxian logic ;>
December 8, 2001, 03:10
Local Time: 18:09
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Posts: 3
yep its true
Well I am running win 2000 pro and it is crashing left right and center. I've got it narrowed down now though to it just crashing when I am in any of the advisor modes f1-f12 or whatever. It usually happens most frequently when I go to check my current statistics versus the rest of the world.
This patch has patched some old bugs, but the old ones never made my machine crash so I am debating reinstalling the whole thing and playing patchless.. ahaha....
December 8, 2001, 03:10
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My palace costs 1000. So if you start a new game and build 2 cities does the palace only cost 5 shields??
Finally a reason to build police stations.
Well, im off to test the new patch in a game.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
December 8, 2001, 06:00
Local Time: 12:09
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Posts: 532
Originally posted by TechWins
Davebo, this is pertaining to the NoCD problem. I can't seem to find the file name for 'Unistall_Path' nor 'Install_Path'. Could you provide the directories for those two files for me, please?
Those aren't files; those are registry entries. If you are not familiar with manipulating the registry, perhaps you should wait.
December 8, 2001, 06:58
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I'm running Win98SE and the freaking lines from the diplo-screen are gone.
To quote Kubrick's 2001:
"My mind is going... I can feel it..."
December 8, 2001, 07:03
Local Time: 19:09
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Disappearing relations (foreign advisor)
Hit F4, after that F11 -> BUG, sometimes even crash
After applying the patch I observe various problems that I had't observed on the unpatched game before. But I'm not fully sure that they are patch-related because I'm too lazy to test it on an unpached game once more:
Hitting F11 ("Top 5 Cities / Demographics"). After that hitting F4 ("Foreign Advisor") shows that the display of all relations is totally gone. This stays even if you stop the current game and start a new one (without leaving the program).
This is 100% reproducable. In most cases somewhen after that the game crashes with an access violation.
Using Win 98SE, PIII 600, 768 MB RAM, NVIDIA TNT2 Graphics.
Great game, but the quality assurance  and the publisher  is way below average.
December 8, 2001, 07:07
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Damn, I feel worried. I'm currently downloading the patch, but in 4 days I will be upgrading to Windows XP, but I hope the game will work for me. It would be kinda silly if I had to uninstall and reinstall it without the patch just to get Civ 3 going on Windows XP.
As for the rifle sound of Cavalry attack, I also had it disappear in my second game, before I patched. Must be another bug.
Got to hope that the patch for the patch will be available soon. But this starts to remind me of Activision. The patch came soon, but won't work on some OS.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
December 8, 2001, 08:14
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Win ME
Well, I'm on Windows ME and I have the following problems post patch:
Cavalry sound comes and goes (Was there before)
Very loud ship sounds on occasions (Same)
The city size number for each city has gone into really horrible coloured text with black shadow that looks ghastly and is hard to read
---Signature under Beta testing---
December 8, 2001, 09:41
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When I try to install the newest patch (the fixed v1.16), it gives me this message:
I already had the previous v1.16 patch installed and am running WinXP Pro.
When I clicked OK (I first moved all my save game files just to be on the safe side), it didn't delete anything and applied the patch fine, but the message is nonetheless a little confusing.
Humans are like cockroaches, no matter how hard you try, you can't exterminate them all!
December 8, 2001, 10:43
Local Time: 13:09
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Location: Angola, Indiana
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Hey, lay off of QA....
Quality Assurance is never perfect. Heck, I've found bugs that have existed in a program for YEARS but no one has ever even thought about testing it.
QA is not easy. I would imagine QA for Civ 3 might be easier then QA for an antivirus product (what I do), but still....
Oh, and so far I haven't encountered anything wrong... neither the DVD drive issue OR the Function key issue... both work perfectly fine on my XP Professional machine here.
Yeah, I guess posting my system specs might help :P
[Glad I have this saved... :P]
P3-850 MHz (weakness of the PC believe it or not)
512M of RAM
1x 40 GB HD (7200 RPM, 1 NTFS partition running XP)
1x 80 GB HD (5400 RPM, 1 NTFS partition (40 GB), nothing else partitioned)
PNY Verto nVidia GeForce 3 chipset graphics card (64M DDR)
17" Monitor running at 1600x1200@60hz
Intellimouse Explorer (USB 4 button + scroll optical)
Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro (USB, 2 USB ports on keyboard)
SoundBlaster Live! Platinum
Cambridge SoundWorks Surround Sound (4 speakers + sub)
LinkSys Ethernet Card (ick)
NewPoint 4-Port USB Hub
SCSI Toshiba DVD Drive (10x/40x)
SCSI Smart and Friendly CD-R Drive (8x/20x)
2x Gravis Gamepad Pro
-Æther SPOON!, the one who tormented Firaxis by asking questions about SMAC under Win2000 :P
Last edited by aetherspoon; December 8, 2001 at 11:04.
December 8, 2001, 10:56
Local Time: 03:09
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I installed the patch and the game is running faster and seems to play very smoothly.
But... the game crashes now ( it never crashed once in the three weeks that I have had the game). Sometimes I would for hours without stopping +5hrs. It crashes with the diplomacy screen (just before or right after). I tested this out with the previously "auto " saved game. And If I repeated the same moves it would crash at almost the same time.
Also, when I exited the game for some reason some part of the game stayed in memory and I was unable to shut down properly.
Used CTRL-ALT-DEL, but ended up freezing.
I have 400MHZ AMD K6-3
16M Banshee card
WIN98SE Japanese
December 8, 2001, 11:04
Local Time: 13:09
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Just wanted to send a big THANKS to all the Firaxis people who apparently FORGOT that there are other OS' on the market besides Windows 95/98/ME. I guess anyone using Win 2000 or XP was slated into the "technical enough to solvetheir own problems caused by this patch" category.
Hmm, thanks guys, love the *non* support!!!
Looks like I put Civ3 back on the shelf until the folks at Firaxis get a CLUE and some decent damn QA testing.
December 8, 2001, 11:30
Local Time: 13:09
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This isn't the first time....
... anyone ever try to run Alpha Centauri under Windows 2000?
You should know of the problems with it... just one graphical glitch and it runs MUCH faster then usual.
Ever try contacting Firaxis about it? Don't bother. They will bite your head off for running it under an unsupported OS.
I guess this is why they didn't support it... maybe their QA isn't all that familiar with 2000?
-Æther SPOON!, the one who tormented Firaxis by asking questions about SMAC under Win2000 :P
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