Originally posted by Anunikoba
Do you also lose a pop-point when conquering larger cities now?
haven't tried it. I scraped the game I was playing after putting in the patch, starting at BC age again.
I did install the newest patch though (for win2k) and still does the same thing. Must be one of the various change/additions/fixes (pick one) that was not mentioned.
Hey I'm not complaining, I even wrote that I was gona raze the city anyway, it's just that it surprised me as I was used to something different. However if you ask me, firaxis should of kept the option in (to either raise or conquer). Really now, how are we supposed to be playing the game? One way for a month, then a different way the next month, and so on and on? Makes you wonder just how much firaxis is working on civ3 after-release at adding and changing and tweaking. Post release shouldn't be so much involved

A heads up on
all changes beforehand though would be appreciated! Unless of course this change is written in the readme (didnt see it though)