Stacking and Tech
Ok, two little gripes about this.
1. Stacking Units: Fraxis should take a little hint from CTP2 and implement a stacking ability like that. With that you could only have 12 units at most. The army from a "Great Leader" thing sounded good but how do you get a "Great Leader" if he hasn't lead anything before. Also, "Great Leaders" could do something more useful than creating armies (assuming they let you stack units). And if they don't, I figured out how to fix it, just go into the editor and make a mod where most (if not all) units can create an army.
2. Tech: Ok, I am a really big fan of really big maps. I always play on large or Huge. Anything smaller and I find myself too close to the comp to comfortably be able to expand. My problem here is that on Large and Huge maps it takes forever to research crap. This doesn' really make sense. I played one game where I got to the middle ages around AD 1900. I had tons of science points but it always took forever to research. They should either do away with this "feature" or at least lessen its effects.