Severe Beatings with Warriors
Yeah, so I find myself building MANY MANY more warriors than Civ2. It works very well for early conquest.
1) Set tax rate for max income.
2) Rush build barracks ASAP.
3) Crank out about 4-8 warriors for each city that you want to take.
* Don't worr about culture at all yet, wait until you take at least three cities or so before switching production.
4) conquer.
For better use of the strategy:
* The smaller the map, the better.
* The more civs, the better
* The earlier in the game, the better
* I usually beef up the big armies with at least one or two archers, but I find that two warriors have a better cost/ effectiveness ratio than one archer (except for the upkeep.)
* Works particularly well on a small 16 civ map.
"You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon