December 8, 2001, 23:59
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how to play on Earth map with all correct locations in 30sec
I'm writing in here because I guess many people want to play with all civilizations in correct starting positions. It's really easy to do so. That's why I won't post saved games, this way, you would play with the civilization, the rules and the difficulty level you want.
Message Edited:
It's now even more easier than ever !
There's only ONE file to download, the map above. It's a self extractor that will automatically install every files in the correct folders.
What to do to get correct locations:
1- Open civ3, choose new scenario and then marla's map.
2- Choose your rules to play and save the game in 4000BC as FIX.SAV
3- Go on the start menu and click "correct start positions" (no need to quit civ3)
Note: You really need 30 seconds to do it and when you load your edited saved game, you're not in the black and you don't see the map where you used to appear on the first time.
Thanx to Vonotar for that version. I would also like to thank Gramphos cause he already helped a lot with his copy tool before.[/I]
Last edited by Marla; December 11, 2001 at 21:56.
December 9, 2001, 00:01
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Here's a snapshot of the earth map I'm talking about :
204x256 map, version 1.10 (5th version) - 16 civilizations
December 9, 2001, 00:06
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J'aime bien la carte du monde!
Si c'est Dieu qui a créer le monde..
et bien c'est le diable qui le commande.
December 9, 2001, 00:42
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Why didn't Firaxis done such a nice thing for us?...
Simple option... Doesn't seem that hard since us, simple fans, are able to do it. Maybe they didn't had the time to do it before it was time to put the game on the shelves?...
December 9, 2001, 01:14
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Originally posted by Trifna
Why didn't Firaxis done such a nice thing for us?...
Simple option... Doesn't seem that hard since us, simple fans, are able to do it. Maybe they didn't had the time to do it before it was time to put the game on the shelves?...
maybe they just don't care. i still want this fixed before the mac port is done.
Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum
December 9, 2001, 11:11
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The Civ3 editor has been made really fast to me.
- There's no possibility to designate the civilization that will start here.
- There's no possibility to put cities and units to the map (which is quite more important than roads or irrigation when you build a scenario).
- There's no minimap in the editor ! There's not even a zoom !!
- You can't make run a custom mod with another custom map !! For example, I had to add new city names to the file of the map to have that, It's not possible to load the mod with city names added.
December 10, 2001, 09:12
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Thanks really much. The only thing I needed in pach was this and they didn't make it. I am glad that there is someone who actually understands what civ3 has to be like. They should hire you in civteam and kick everyone else out =). Though one question is this the converted civ2 map or the shitty civ3 map. ( havent got time to play yet) ?
December 10, 2001, 10:27
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Well, what I did and I like to play a lot is to remove ALL player start positions from the Huge earth map, then place one were Rome would be. Them place barbarian camps all over the world, then go to the editor and turn off any bonuses you might get when battling those pesky barbarians, and set them to raging mode. Now start the game and play as the Romans. If the game says you won (since you're the only civ) just click on the option to play some more. Now do what the Romans did, destroy those barbarian tribes!!!
For a little more fun, try to place each city exaclty, or at least near wher the city was originaly located in the real world.
And remember: ROMA VICTOR!
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
December 10, 2001, 11:38
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It's not a converted civ2 map, it's not an improved version of the original map, it's a fully new created map.
Actually, the map size has been edited. It's 204x256 which looks quite big I must admit. BUT! In here land/sea ratio is respected: ocean fills around 2/3 of the map.
So compared to a 180x180, there's not really more land (I agree it remains huge).
I've made a huge plan of the map on paper to get a fully proportionated map (the original map is the Miller's Cylindrical projection of the earth, which looks to me like the most accurate one for Civ3... knowing that the Civ3 map is actually... a cylindar).
Ressources allocation has been made as a balance of accuracy, esthetic and of course gameplay.
Well, I advise everyone to read the readme files for more information on the map. You can get a general view of the map simply on opening it through the map editor.
December 10, 2001, 13:02
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I had some trouble using your mods....Maybe I'm an idiot, I don't know. Which cpf files do you use, and what exactly do you do with them? thanks.
December 10, 2001, 13:30
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You rock! Your map is awesome, and I'm having SUCH a great time playing on it (my first game on this map is, of course, as the French, in your honor)  Anyway, I just wanted to chime in and let you know that I think the map is absolutely fantastic!
And the "don'treadme" file is well done too....not that I read it of Absolutly not.
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December 10, 2001, 13:51
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NOTE: To XP or Patched Civ3 users:
Well, I've heard that people got issues to make run Gramphos CopyTool properly with xp or the patch.
Here's another way to get the correct locations using Mortioso's Civbreed :
1 - Save your 4000 BC game as FIX.SAV
2 - Go back to windows.
3 - Run the file run_this.bat in the saved game folder.
4 - Launch civ3 and open the new saved game FIXED.SAV
INSTALLATION: Normally when you extract the zip it installs every files in the correct folder, you don't need to download anything else than this zip to make it works, everything is here.
=> If the extraction doesn't install everything in the correct folder, here's what you should do:
you must create folders to make it works:
1- Inside the Civ3 folder, you must create a folder called: EXTRAS
2- Inside the Extras folder, you must create two folders: MARLAMAP and CIVBREED
After, you must put each files in the good folder:
1- Civbreed and its readme in the CIVBREED folder
2- Marlamap.c3b in the MARLAMAP folder
3- run_this.bat in the SAVES folder
4- Marla.bic and its readme in the SCENARIOS folder
Normally the extraction does that already, you don't have to do all that unless it didn't extract it correctly.
Thanx to Vonotar for this alternative
Here's the zip folder you should download:
Edited Message: The file has been removed since a newer version is available on the top of the thread.
Last edited by Marla; December 12, 2001 at 15:35.
December 10, 2001, 16:00
Local Time: 18:13
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I'm having a problem with your Earth map (which looks very good by the way). The problem is this... the science doesn't work. What I mean is, you can't choose which project to research from within the science advisor screen. Anyone else have this problem?
Dr. Charm
December 10, 2001, 16:42
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okay, I'm really confused. I don't have civbreed. If using it is easier I'll try, but where can I get it? I assume from the files forum, right?
December 10, 2001, 17:03
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Okay... civbreed is included in the last file posted...
Well, Vonotar is preparing a self extractor file that will automatically put every files in the correct folders. It will be even more easier to put correct locations, just a click in the start menu.
He already send me a version but it don't work totally, that's why I won't post it now. But I'm sure the result will be neat.
Just wait a bit... that version will certainly be here on tomorrow.
December 11, 2001, 22:00
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Vonotar has finished his works.
It's great!! I love him many thanx to all of you and merry christmas to everyone
December 12, 2001, 15:12
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I dont get it... Could you please explain a bit. I downloaded your file : marla's map... But when I start dling the file it's called j'an de arc.sav is this how it is supposed to be if it is where I'm supposed to save the file??? I have dl your map before and tried to get things work with copy tool but didn't manage to. So could you explain a bit on this one. So what do you mean by "Go on the start menu and click "correct start positions" (no need to quit civ3)". Do you mean start menu in windows or civ3 menu and where can I find this "correct start positions" button??? Could you explain step by step to me cause I'm like little stupid I guess  ...
And Thank you!!!
December 12, 2001, 15:33
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ok, that's only because the file is still in your temporary items folder on your hard disk. The computer recognizes the file you want to download as the file you had downloaded before and just popup the old one. (the message has been edited, I've replaced a file by another)
Normally, when you click on it and joan appears, the zip folder isn't named "marla's world map" but "joan d'".
What you can do is to download the file on another thread... for apolyton, go on civ-Files forum.
If it's the same there, you can go on in the downloads section there's, another "mirror" (that's how we say now?) of the file is there.
December 13, 2001, 07:53
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Thank you got it work now though used the civbreed. But there is problem with science advisor. Someone else told about thats so I guess you are aware of that. Any options to correct this one??
And thanks really much
December 13, 2001, 12:23
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Science advisor
That comes from a Firaxis bug. Normally, that's corrected in the patch (1.16f version). You should download it.
The 1.07f version of civ3 is the original version of the game and not the patched version.
The patched version is the 1.16f version.
I should put that in the readme...
December 13, 2001, 17:02
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lines on the tech tree don't get drew correctly when using this scenerio. any way to fix that?
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December 13, 2001, 17:14
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Originally posted by Dida
lines on the tech tree don't get drew correctly when using this scenerio. any way to fix that?
It uses changed rules. If you don't have the patch, get it. Otherwise you have to live with the bad lines. (they can still be read.)
ACS - Technical Director
December 13, 2001, 18:41
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Your map looks really good, but I cant get the civs in correct positions' The USA is where the english are, I tried to save the game as fix.sav and then I reloaded nothing happened, so I went to look for the correct positions but cant find it.....I need help bad.
I thonk I bang my head to much ...hehe
December 13, 2001, 18:50
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Tech tree, science advisor, technology queue, etc...
whatever is the way to call the problem, the patch sould fix it normally... so I advise you to download the patch (1.16f)
I haven't downloaded the patch already, but people told me it solves the problem
Correct Starting Locations
The game still randomize starting locations, it's how it works with the civ3 game.
So normally, if you had no worries in the installation of the self extractor:
1- start a new game on the map with the rules you want, save BEFORE founding the first city in 4000.BC. Save the game as FIX.sav
2- go in the start menu (quit the game if it's easier to you but there's no need). Click on "put the correct locations" in the map menu...
3- You need to load a new game, it's NOT fix.sav but FIXED.SAV... it's not the same file.
Hope it helps...
December 13, 2001, 20:08
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Jesus H. Christ. The consumer SHOULD NOT have to go through this hell just to get a frickin' decent Earth map with correct starting points for the civilizations. We're doing all the frickin' programming the short-sighted folks at Firaxis should've done in the first place.
No skin off your hide, Marla, or Gramphos. Both of you are good people. But don't you ever get tired of having to do the finishing work that Firaxis is responsible for?
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire
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December 14, 2001, 00:42
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Great map. I really appreciate the effort. I had a problem with the French where after I went through the steps my settler was in the middle of the ocean. Has anyone else had this problem?
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November 19, 2002, 10:31
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I have tried the Map and I get not a valid saved file. I am using patch 1.29.
Please help!
November 19, 2002, 23:53
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*Cough* *Cough* ... *Cough* *starts getting a sore throat*
In the v 1.29 Editor, there's a True Start Position Feature:
Step 1: Find the Starting Position
Step 2: Set it as a generic Starting Position
Step 3: Right click this Start Position then select Reassign from the context menu OR right click this Start Position then select Properties from the context menu and then click the Change... button next to the 'Owner' box
Step 4: From the box that pops up, select the third radio button (which has a list of civs) and select the appropriate civ.
Step 5: Click OK, then save the map.
Step 6: Play
You're done!
I've done this to my copy of Marla's map and I don't have to use the CTP thingy!
November 20, 2002, 13:00
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Thank you, Sultan Richard. I will try that.
November 21, 2002, 06:21
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I agree with GateKeeper, I really gotta admire u Marla by the way Great map. No problems here, everything is workin just fine for me .
I am also playing France,and in the modern age ,though a little behind the A.I. , but i'll fix that soon enought
Are there any plans for any future maps??
keep up the good work we owe u one.
Leave the die'n part to the other unlucky bastard ! ! ! !
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