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Old December 9, 2001, 03:02   #1
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Observations of 1.16f .. and a Question
I finally had a chance to play a few hours of Civ3 with the patch today, and noticed a few things that I don't recall seeing previously. Granted, I have only logged ~20 hours playing thus far, so some of this might be old behavior I just hadn't seen.

- AI units healing in other AI nations' territories.
For example, a Greek unit moving into Russian territory to heal, then coming back fully charged without ever moving into neutral or Greek territory. No alliance of any sort between the two is visible on the Foreign Advisor screen.

- AI Players sending their troops through other AI territories without any apparent repercussions. Playing on 'Satya's Huge World Map', the Japanese marched a horde of units from the Orient through Russia to Eastern Europe without any reaction at all from Russia. Again, the Foreign Advisor indicated no alliance or war of any sort between the two, and the Russian military units, which I could see, simply ignored the Japs.
Something very similar happened several times with the Persians marching their units through the Greek held Caspian Sea area without any apparent reaction by the Greeks. Naturally, when I tried to send a retalatory strike force back along the same invasion route to Persia, the Greeks cried bloody murder.

- Fortress ZOCs now seem to be working, but the "free shot" seems to limited to a single strike of one point - not exactly fear inspiring.

What are the exact effects of "We Love the King" days in Civ 3? The only ref I can find in the manual states that the effects vary with govt type and include lowered corruption.
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Old December 9, 2001, 07:14   #2
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