December 9, 2001, 07:36
Local Time: 18:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 6
Unknown Invaders
The French commander (named Henry) stood on the horizon. In the distance he could see the strange enemy troops advancing on his position. The French commander had bought his army to a strategic location. It was called ‘The Gandhi Mountains’ because these were the mountains that had held out against the armies of the Indians during France’s first war. But would these mountains survive after these technologically superior invaders hit. These strange invaders were yet to lose a battle. They had mysteriously arrived 7 years ago and had quickly taken control of 3 Indian cities and 2 Egyptian cities. Now they were moving further south to attack the French. Henry knew that his troops were the last thing standing between these invaders and the French city of New Orleans. The Queen, Joan had told Henry to hold these mountains and when the Queen told you to do something then it was of upmost importance as the Queen usually let her advisors make all the decisions. The Queen had even given Henry the strongest, most technologically advanced troops France had to offer. The French commander watched as his archers, spearmen and warriors positioned themselves for a tough battle and so the biggest battle in France’s history began.
David, the commander admired his foe. Despite the fact that these ‘French’ soldiers stood no chance it looked as though none were about to retreat. He wondered if his troops were in that hopeless position if they would stand strong in the name of their empire. The commander’s plan was to swiftly take these mountains and move on to the French city of New Orleans. He ordered his pikemen to protect his catapults while the catapults threw large boulders into the fortified French positions. As the pikemen began to assemble it all began to go wrong. Arrows began to hit the pikemen. Then David looked up at the mountain beyond the French spearmen to see archers volleying arrow after arrow into the condensely packed pikemen. Disaster hit as David looked at his pikemen to see them cowardly running in all directions. David yelled in anger. Only about a dozen pikemen had fallen dead but still his troops acted as though they hadn’t had training or battle experience, it was humiliating. His pikemen were running everywhere in panic. If news of this embarrassment got back to the emperor David would be the laughing stock of all the generals. He had to act fast, so as the pikemen ran back towards the forest from which they had assaulted the French and where the rest of the army stood David issued the order to his swordsmen. Just as the pikemen thought they were safe because they were out of the French archers range the swordsmen began to charge. The pikemen thought nothing of it until the charge stopped metres from the pikemen and the swordsmen drew their swords and began slashing at the pikemen. With the element of surprise and fighting close range the swordsmen quickly overwhelmed the pikemen. David knew that he could no longer win this battle now, here, with what he had left. He would have to retreat and return later with another stronger, more advanced army. David gave the order to his army to retreat.
The French commander was shocked for 2 reasons; 1 he had beaten the invaders dispite the fact the invaders had twice as many men at their disposal and were far more advanced and, 2 these mysterious invaders had killed their own men. He knew it would be some time before the mystery invaders would return to attack France.
December 9, 2001, 07:58
Local Time: 18:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 6
Henry had been asked to attend a special meeting. When he entered the room he realised just how important this meeting was. As he scanned the room he saw the Queen with her scientific advisor which would no undoubtably have to explain everything that as going to be said to the Queen. He also saw her military advisor with a few other generals, but besides that the rest of them were noblemen and other rich men. In the centre of the building stood Shapeshere, (A very well known scientist). Shapeshere greeted the people as they entered. After everyone was seated, comfortable and all was quiet Shapeshere began to talk. He said, “Ladies and Gentlemen as you know these invaders have been thought to have been invincible with their extremely advanced army but now I believe we can duplicate some of this technology.” Shapeshere had obviously gotten the Queens attention as Joan stood up impatiently and said “How?” Shapeshere replied by saying “well my queen you see I have worked out the secrets of working iron or as some other scientists say iron working. With this we can make swordsmen just like the enemy. But there is a catch, we need to secure a source of this iron and the only source we know of is on the “Gandhi Mountains,” where Henry’s army is stationed. Its also right in these invaders war path.” The Queen looked worried and asked “what about the Egyptians and the Indians, do they know how to work iron?” “Not even close” replied Shapeshere. A smile, no more of an evil grin appeared on the Queens face now as she left for Paris to tell her Production advisor to put these swordsmen into production.
David had received news that after he had lost the battle against the French on ‘Gandhi Mountains,’ India and Egypt had begun to assemble a task force to take back their cities. This consisted of warriors, archers and spearmen. David gathered some of his best troops and headed off to fight the threat from the Egyptians and Indians.
December 10, 2001, 01:55
Local Time: 18:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 6
The Egyptian commander marched his army with pride. To the left was a tiny group of mountains and to the right was the ocean. They were only a day’s walk away from the first city that they would take back, but then disaster struck. As his troops were marching along large boulders and arrows began to rain from the sky. Or so it appeared, at second glance the Egyptian commander realised that they were coming from over the mountains and they were landing right in the middle of his troops. He couldn’t believe the accuracy of these invaders, it was overwhelming. Then he saw the enemies swordsmen march over the peak of the mountain and beginning there descend down the mountain. His men began to run up the mountain and the Egyptian Archers stayed at the bottom to fire at the invaders swordsmen. Just as the Egyptian warriors and spearmen engaged the enemy screams could be held from the bottom of the mountain. At first the Egyptian commander who was with the warriors in battle thought that the Indians, a few hours walk behind the Egyptian army had arrived, and had begun to charge but when he turned he saw his archers being slaughtered as masses of these invaders riding horses rode in at a fast pace and engaged the archers. The Egyptians archers didn’t even have time to put down their bows and get their short wooden spear before they were in combat. It took less than an hour for the horsemen to kill off every last Egyptian archer. Up on the hill the Egyptian army had dispersed and were slowly being killed off 1 by 1. David was happy to have beaten the Egyptians with minimum casualties but he knew that he wouldn’t have enough time to finish off all the Egyptians before the Indian reinforcements arrived so he ordered his army out of the mountains to get into position to ambush the Indians. But not all the swordsmen came down, several hundred stayed up in the mountains under the command of David’s apprentice Matthew. Unlike David Matthew thought hitting your enemy long range with catapults and archers was for the weak and he preferred hand-to-hand combat. He divided his troops into several hunting groups. He also told his troops to take no prisoners. Matthew knew he would be fighting in these mountains for days but he didn’t mind because if he did this it would please David, and maybe then David might make Matthew his successor of general of all the armies on the large island.
The Indian commander was more cautious than the Egyptian commander. He had heard the screams of the Egyptian soldiers as they died. He knew he was about to engage something totally different. The Indian commander said at any sign of trouble I want the army to run to the mountains because we can last for days in there and I doubt that the enemy is willing to spend days fighting us in these mountains. Then he saw the flag of the enemy in the distance. He told his army to advance.
The battle started with the Indians and the Invaders exchanging fire. This affected the Indians more than the Invaders as the Invaders had iron armour. Then the Indian commander ordered his spearmen and warriors to advance. David looked at one of his officers and said, “Why do our enemies always use the same moves?” The officer replied by saying “well I guess they haven’t heard of the word tactics before sir.” The officer saw a look on David’s face as if he was bored with these battles. David looked at the messager and told him to tell the horsemen its time. Once again the horsemen charged in and began to slaughter the archers but this time the archers did as the Indian commander had said and began to run to the mountains. The mountains of this area were too rouged for horses to move along so the horsemen had to dismount and pursue the Indian archers on foot. The Indian warriors and spearmen had already taken heavy casualties and had only inflicted minimum casualties to the invaders. David watched as yet again the battle begun to swing in his favour yet again the general let out a sigh. Then he heard the clattering of metal in the distance. The first thought that came to David was what were his men doing all the way out there. Then as the clattering came closer he realised that they were French swordsmen carrying the French flag. This was an outrage the French were copying his technology. But then David realised this was the battle he was looking for but then he surveyed his troops and realised that they were all wore and his horsemen had gone up the mountain. His archers were beginning to run short of arrows. The only thing that was fully working and good was his catapults that used large rocks from around the area. As the French swordsmen came into range the catapults began to fire. This was proving near useless then he had an idea. He told his archer to light the tips of his arrows with fire before shooting. This had an excellent affect. Not only did some of the French soldiers burn to their deaths but some collapsed in dehydration from the heat the fires made. Then David ordered all his hand-to-hand troops to engage the French. It was a depressing day for the French. Their first loss against the invaders.
Henry laughed as he heard one of his rival generals had wasted an entire army of swordsmen to the invaders because he wasn’t cautious.
December 10, 2001, 07:31
Local Time: 18:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 6
Alexander was your average 30 year old male at that time. He had a home, friends, a wife and a family but one thing he didn’t have was a job because several years before the invaders landed less jobs were becoming available. Well when these invaders came Alexander just like most of the Egyptian citizens in the city of Cairo was resisting as much as these invaders as much as they could. Much of the population even abandoned the city to head for the closet Egyptian city that ironically also now was in the hands of the invaders. But the mood was beginning to change because like most of the population Alexander was loving the opportunities and luxuries. For example he now had a job in the iron mines just outside Cairo and the job paided triple the amount Alexanders old job did. Originally this iron had been imported with all the military troops but with the troop transports coming less frequently they had to mine their own coal. Alexander also was joyed with all these strange items like silk, etc. He also liked this Republic form of Government. It worked a lot better than the Despotism government that had been existent with Egyptian rule. Another thing Egyptian citizens liked about these invaders was that they spent masses of money. Business of many shops and marketplaces had tripled and quadrupled. A lot of these Merchants would come to their island on boats and purchase items that were sent overseas. Libraries and schools were being constructed everywhere as were temples and granaries. A lot of the invaders civilians had begun to arrive. They were usually the rich types that made more jobs. After only a few years unemployment had gone from 30-40% down to 0% to needing more people to do the jobs. This boom in the economy had won over the Egyptians as they praised the emperor just like the invaders did.
Ten days later David returned with his army to the city of Cairo. Alexander had left the mines early to witness the armies return. He had expected a glorious parade with the soldiers marching in line. Everyone would be smiling. It was the exact opposite, when the army entered the city it was chaos. There was thousands of wounded barely able to walk, hundreds of dead being carried back. The dead would probably be taken back to the mainland. Doctors were running left, right and centre. There were cries and moans coming from the soldiers as they walked in. But probably the thing Alexander noticed the most was that only half the men came back. Then Alex saw general David walking into the city with some officers. David didn’t look too happy, he looked as though he thought these battles were a waste of life. There were very few celebrations as the whole city of Cairo finally realised if this is what happened to the victors, what happened to our Egyptian brothers. David gave a speech a week later stating that we must move on. He also mentioned that he was going to start recruiting Egyptian civilians for his army because reinforcements from the mainland were becoming rare. Alex thought for a second, these soldiers were considered the best and 1 year of service for this army paid 4 times that of 1 year of working in the mines. It was decided Alex would join the army first thing in the morning. Alex had an argument with his wife that night, she had complained and said to Alex that half the men hadn’t come home and half of the ones that did were wounded. But despite all her convincing once Alex had made up his mind there was no changing it. The next day when Alex went to sign up he realised that only about 5 dozen men had come. After informing the officers with their next and previous occupation they tested them with some weapons. Alex liked working the catapults but they said since Alex was above average in tactical manoeuvres he had to report to David for special training. David and Alex got on well together but Alex knew David was withholding information from him and all the people on this island.
Alex was about a month into his training and was clearly the favoured over Matthew. Alex had been invited to have dinner with David and wife. After dinner David and Alex went to the study. David said what you learn tonight is not to be talked of tomorrow. Not with your wife, not with Matthew only me. Alex agreed and David opened the door. It was a well-lit room with no windows, it had several candles and a lot of maps. He saw one that looked a bit like his own island. David saw Alex’s interest in the map and said, “you think that’s this island??” Alex looked at David and nodded his head. David replied by saying “Nah, that is a smaller island half way round the world.” Then he added, “I’m going to go live there when I retire.” Alex smiled and then looked around some more. He came to a gigantic map. Huge and it was the most detailed of all, every valley, mountain, hill, and city neatly drawn on. It was a masterpiece. Alex pointed and looked at David. David said “heh, let me tell you about that. Have a seat.” Alex quickly sat down, he had been waiting so long to hear of the origins of these invaders. David started to tell his story “Back thousands of years ago there was an empire called Germerica. It was vast but that didn’t make it different from the rest. The thing that separated it from the other 4 empires there was that it grew rapidly. So fast that it occupied 85% of the continent. Now there was no threat of any other of the empires on the continent of beating this empire so it spent vast amounts of money on science. But over time the empire began to be filled with corruption that it was losing more gold to corruption than it was spending on science. There was only 1 solution, the empire had to be split into 2. These were called the American empire and the German empire. It worked with the empire split in two they could cut down on corruption and a time what some call a ‘golden age’ ascended on both these new empires. But as time got on they both stopped wanting to share technology, maps and the final blow came as they decided not to share military. It was as if the people had forgotten the truth. Well just because the two empires weren’t the best of friends that doesn’t mean they went to war, it was just peace. But the real reason for me recruiting Egyptians and Indians into the army isn’t that we had a tough campaign to repel the Egyptian – Indian army or because reinforcements aren’t coming as often but it is because we soon have to fend for ourselves. The Americans and the Germans are on the brink of war. This all started because of our actions here being called barbaric, un-humane, evil on the mainland.” Alex was shocked but managed to say, “w-what side are we on?” David replied, “You will be informed in time, but not now.” Alex asked, “if war does break out what will happen, will it be like here and what will happen to us.” David replied “Well alright but this is the last question I answer. If war breaks out on the mainland it will be 20 times worse than here and I am sure that we will be safe here but we might be called to make ships for our side.”
Alex was about to walk out when David said before you leave wipe the tear off your eye it will be a dead set giveaway that something is wrong. Just as Alex was leaving David ran up to him and said “by the way I have decided to put you in a frontline battle at ‘Gandhi Mountains’, we leave tomorrow at dawn. That night Alex told his wife that he was leaving for his first campaign in the morning. Alex’s wife knew Alex was with holding something.
December 11, 2001, 12:12
Local Time: 13:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Sherbrooke, Quebec, Can.
Posts: 23
Wow dude, I like this story! Very intricate and filled with intrigue! I'll read next part when you post it!
what the ...?!? that was only luck!!
December 12, 2001, 07:12
Local Time: 18:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 6
It was to be Alex’s first campaign and one he wouldn’t forget. It started at ‘Gandhi Mountains’ and once again Henry was ready to take on the invaders. Alex took one look at the Fortified French positions and went straight to David for advice. David told him it would be best to find another way around but Henry was sure that if he could take these mountains then he could cut off the French’s supply of iron and press in with little resistance. If he did it David’s way it might save troops now but Alex would meet heavy resistance all the way. David had said it would take too much time. Alex knew he could take this position with just a few thousand swordsmen. David agreed, Alex would stay here and fight the enemy while David took the rest of the army to cut off reinforcements.
Henry was surprised, only a few thousand swordsmen had run into the mountains and the rest had moved on. Fighting had gotten extreme since then. Henry’s soldiers knew the terrain and the paths but these invaders were elite troops and took down the French one by one. Alex was quite happy with the progress he was making. He had moved along quite well and was now 2 km into the mountains. Although fighting seemed to last forever and the battles were continuous very few were dying, instead many were wounded and had to get off the frontlines. But eventually something began to happen, the invaders were picking up the pace and the French began to be losing fast. At first Henry didn’t know why but then he realised that supplies hadn’t arrived for days, weeks now and the workers that took the iron from here to Paris continuously disappeared. Henry went into an area were his soldiers sat, as he looked at them he could see half of them were starving. The wounded that had come from the battlefield received to attention or medical aid, equipment, etc and his archers fired into areas still under French control. Morale was at an all time low and Henry himself was beginning to feel weak and tired. Henry realised the only chance he had to save his men was to surrender himself and his men. It was a glorious day for Alex he had won, the French commander had agreed to surrender if his men were fed and sheltered. Alex had been pondering wether to execute the French commander to set an example but he decided not to. 2 days later a messenger from David arrived to the mountains. The message read “Alex great success, I have taken 3 cities already. Request you at my side, important news. Danger Imminent.” Henry wondered what could be so important, he put one of the officers in charge and raced on a horse towards David. When he got there and found David he could tell something was very wrong. David looked at Alex and said “I need you to gather ambassadors from all the minor nations on this island and bring them to Cairo.”
Alex had gathered French, Egyptian and Indian ambassadors and took them all to Cairo. David walked into the room with Matthew and smiled at Alex. David then turned his attention to the ambassadors and said “gentlemen, do you know why you are here??” The ambassadors looked around and then David continued, “We are here to discuss ‘terms of peace’”. The ambassadors looked confused, but then that was soon replaced with joy. One of the ambassadors asked, “What are the terms.” “Well David said we want 2 Egyptian and Indian cities and we want 1 French city. The French signed straight away. The Indians took some time but eventually decided to agree. Then there were the Egyptians that really didn’t want to but now that the Indians and French were at peace they stood no chance so they agreed. From the time David had said peace Alex had been worried and confused, sure he was happy that peace was back but it wasn’t in David’s nature to ask for peace. Had David lost it mentally? As soon as everyone had left and David and Alex were alone Alex said to David “why? We were going so good.” David looked at Alex and said “war has broken out on the mainland. Germany declared war on the Americans because of the atrocities America committed against other minor nations. Matthew will be leaving tomorrow for the mainland because he is the only general that is spare and has battle experience.” Alex asked, “what about me I have battle experience.” David looked at Alex and said “sorry kid officially you can’t be a general because you are Egyptian.” “Well how are we going to help,” replied Alex. David quickly replied, “We are to build a navy, we might send troops over as well but mainly our job is to build ships.” Matthew left that night on a Frigate for the mainland. After several weeks the first ships were finished. David gave orders for the Frigates to bombard enemy coastal cities. This was a mistake.
Phillip was a tactician and he was becoming concerned with all these cities being bombarded. He was heading to convince his leader that 70 % of all ships in the Timim Ocean were being built on an island. When he entered he looked at his leader, he wasn’t too happy because recently a major battle had been lost. He got a map and threw it onto the table unfolding it. Then Phillip pointed too an island. That is what we must take and then their navy will be crushed for good. Phillip’s leader stroked his chin and finally said, “Assemble an army and bring all spare ships for tomorrow that island shall be mine.”
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