December 10, 2001, 09:14
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Do U Hate To Swich Cd?
I cant stand when I play different games to swich the cds all the time. So I got the crack for civ3 from gamecopyworld but it seems that there is no new crack for v1.16f so does anyone know where can I get new crack for civ3 1.16f???
December 10, 2001, 10:20
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Duh... I don't like switching CDs, duh... so I like to steal, duh...
You're a F@cking idiot. First of all Civ3 is only 1 cd. Second of all Warez is theft a$shole.
December 10, 2001, 10:24
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AFAIK it's not illegal to use a crack IF you own the rights to play the game!!!
I do use cracks too, because I don't want to change the cd's each time I want to start a different game!!!
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December 10, 2001, 10:32
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Originally posted by SerapisIV
Duh... I don't like switching CDs, duh... so I like to steal, duh...
You're a F@cking idiot. First of all Civ3 is only 1 cd. Second of all Warez is theft a$shole.
Please. Are you a 12 year old? It *DOES* suck to have to swap CDs in. I and many others hate it. The only reason I'm not playing the cracked version now, is that the patch only works on the retail version.
Hey, at least I have *ONE* benefit of having actually bought the game.
I really don't understand this "you have to have the CD to play the game" JOKE the companies try. Any MORON can COPY the cd, and the damned cracked version is out before the real thing is in stores! Basically, I'm being screwed for being honest and buying the game.
Anyway, if a cracked version comes out that works with the patch, I will gladly use it! If anyone condsiders that theft, please report me.
December 10, 2001, 11:25
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Originally posted by SerapisIV
Duh... I don't like switching CDs, duh... so I like to steal, duh...
You're a F@cking idiot. First of all Civ3 is only 1 cd. Second of all Warez is theft a$shole.
Hm. I like to listen to music from my cd-rom. Then it sucks when i must insert cds. It doesn't matter if it's one or fifty cds. I'd like to use the cd-rom for something else. But of course - I understand why they do this. If it's easy to copy a good game, more people will get the copied version instead of buying it. It's the dilemma of piracy.
December 10, 2001, 15:46
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December 10, 2001, 16:48
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Sure, the music in Civ3 is better, but I don't care how good it is, the music gets boring after hearing it for the 37th time. I use the noCD crack so I can listen to the tunes I want and yes I do switch the CD very often.
That's not the real world. Your job has little to do with the sort of thing most people do for a living. - Agathon
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December 11, 2001, 02:44
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Sure, the music in Civ3 is better, but I don't care how good it is, the music gets boring after hearing it for the 37th time. I use the noCD crack so I can listen to the tunes I want and yes I do switch the CD very often.
So you have a crack for civ3 v1.16f? Could you give me an adress where can I get it?
December 11, 2001, 02:56
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Originally posted by Nagel
Hm. I like to listen to music from my cd-rom. Then it sucks when i must insert cds. It doesn't matter if it's one or fifty cds. I'd like to use the cd-rom for something else. But of course - I understand why they do this. If it's easy to copy a good game, more people will get the copied version instead of buying it. It's the dilemma of piracy.
Many people do that anyway. Civ III was downloadable before it was in the shops here.
I have bought the game in case anyone was wondering.
I think the biggest problem in piracy is not so much that people can get a game without paying for it, but that they can try out a game before buying. This means that in most cases they find out what a piece of cr*p it is, delete it as fast as possible and won't buy it. This is where the companies lose money.
December 11, 2001, 05:53
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Why don't you buy another CD or DVD drive? I believe you can pick up CD drives for about $40 or less.
December 11, 2001, 06:37
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Isn't there a "CD Emulator", just a device driver that makes either a portion of RAM or a portion of disk space look like it is a CD. You can then copy the contents of the CD into that space and free up the "physical" CD drive ?
December 11, 2001, 06:41
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Ah ha ! Check these out, I'll look for more and try some later on.
Virtual CD (
December 11, 2001, 08:12
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I will readily admit to using the original crack for the game. I have a laptop and the cd/dvd is proprietary (did i spell that right) so when it does eventually die i have to buy another computer. Because of this i purchase all my games and the use the crack so my drive doesn't die from overuse (im a bigtime gamer). Is this illegal, not where i live in the great state of Georgia.
Not everyone is a criminal, and I actually work very closely with US Customs in Atlanta, so im no stranger to differing criminal acts.
Also one more thing... to this dude SirPenisIV
"Duh... I don't like switching CDs, duh... so I like to steal, duh...
You're a F@cking idiot. First of all Civ3 is only 1 cd. Second of all Warez is theft a$shole."
Get a Life, Not everyone is a Thief
December 11, 2001, 08:42
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I hate switching CD's too! My guess is that the crack for the new patch will arrive shortly. As far as it being theft I don't think so. It's just a convienience thing. I don't support piracy or warez sites but CD cracks are a useful tool.
"To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
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December 11, 2001, 09:16
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Originally posted by PapaLenin
So you have a crack for civ3 v1.16f? Could you give me an adress where can I get it?
There is no patch for the update yet  But I really hope somebody will make one soon  I believe I almost look one time an hour just to see if there's been released one
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December 11, 2001, 09:56
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intro movie
is there any way to start the game without loading the intro movie? i know in age of empires if you added "NoMovie" to the startup target it would skip it. is there a way to keep it from loading pointlessly at the start of each game?
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Roma Invicta
December 11, 2001, 10:01
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Cd-check protection sucks.
How would you feel if every time you would like to use ms-word, you would have to insert the CD. Or even better when you use IE-explorer or want to start windows.
I bought CivIII and I'm playing it on my laptop. Those CD-drives on laptops are really crappy. Changing Cd's to much is very delicate.
I hope the carck for v1.16f will be out soon.
P.S. Warez is a good thing. I downloaded a warez version of CivIII, liked it and bought the game. (but 55 euro for one game is still a lot of money)
December 11, 2001, 10:51
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Originally posted by badassb
P.S. Warez is a good thing. I downloaded a warez version of CivIII, liked it and bought the game. (but 55 euro for one game is still a lot of money)
No warez is still a bad thing even though some people *might* buy the game because of it, more people will not buy it because they can get it for free as warez.
And because of warez we've got all sorts of shitty copy protections on the cds, which although will stop you from copying the game to friends, also brings a load of compatibility and etc. problems.
December 11, 2001, 13:05
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Originally posted by Cruzz
No warez is still a bad thing even though some people *might* buy the game because of it, more people will not buy it because they can get it for free as warez.
Actually warez is a good thing, if warez didn't exist I wouldn't have bought the games I have bought. Civilization would be something total unknown to me if warez didn't exist, the same thing happened to other game series which I wouldn't know without warez.
Ofcourse there's always those people around who thinks if you can get it for free then it's all good, but those people also (most of the time from my experience) says: "if it aint free, it aint worth getting!" Copy protection is just bad: "Good money spend wrong!"
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December 11, 2001, 13:16
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Originally posted by CB2034
I will readily admit to using the original crack for the game. I have a laptop and the cd/dvd is proprietary (did i spell that right) so when it does eventually die i have to buy another computer. Because of this i purchase all my games and the use the crack so my drive doesn't die from overuse (im a bigtime gamer)
But why can't you just replace the drive?
I too have a laptop, are you just exaggerating when you talk about disks dying and stuff? You have me kind of worried.
December 11, 2001, 14:09
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Originally posted by David Murray
But why can't you just replace the drive?
I too have a laptop, are you just exaggerating when you talk about disks dying and stuff? You have me kind of worried.
Me personally, i have never had a drive die(I am very blessed). However my roommate is a networker for LyncSystems and he tells me the horror stories of people and their drives with laptops. There is one girl he tells me about who every three months her drive on her laptop fails because she listens to cd's. Yeah, on a desktop u can easily replace the drive but because of some of them being proprietary on laptops u have to send laptops back to the manufacturer on occasion to get the drives replaced. Just look at your laptop however and u can see how flimsily made they are.
December 11, 2001, 18:03
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My cd drive is dying, sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. It royally sucks. I have to crack my games to play them consistently.
Contrary to what an earlier person said, it's illegal to crack a game just because you "own" it. You don't own it, you are leasing it, read your Terms and Conditions. In the T&Cs it almost always says you may not modify the software (except under certain specific and limited conditions). Cracking it violates your license and terminates your lease.
At least that's the theory. In reality, the software companies don't care as long as you've given them their cut. If you can produce the cd and the proof of purchase, you'll be fine.
Also, cracks are illegal under the law. Again, the cops care less about you having them than if you distribute them.
Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
December 11, 2001, 19:00
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Originally posted by Cruzz
And because of warez we've got all sorts of shitty copy protections on the cds, which although will stop you from copying the game to friends, also brings a load of compatibility and etc. problems.
Copy protection will NOT stop anyone from copying the game if they want to. With cracks so easily available, even if they don't make a perfect copy, then all they have to do is go to GameCopyWorld and download the crack, and voila, they're playing. Copy protection is just stupid and wastes money and the real consumer's time.
Humans are like cockroaches, no matter how hard you try, you can't exterminate them all!
December 11, 2001, 20:08
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The TOC carries absolutely no legal significance. If you bought the game, the CD is your property and you can do whatever you please. The game content is in your possession and you can crack/hack/rip it to your desire. The game company cannot create their own laws and subject them to you simply by including a TOC.
But remember that the distribution of cracked exe is distributing copyrighted material so that is illegal.
December 11, 2001, 21:33
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The T&Cs are legal contracts you enter into with the software company when you hit the "accept/I agree/etc" button. Contracts are enforcable by law, hence they have legal significance. In almost every T&C I've read, it specifies that you are leasing the software, not purchasing it.
Congress passed a law making cracks illegal, even if they don't pass copyrighted material. Distributing information on how to defeat electronic copyright protection is a Federal crime, which is taken very seriously. Even speaking about it is a crime, and has landed a Russain professor in jail here in the US after a speaking engagement. The trial hasn't happened yet, and hopefully won't.
Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
December 13, 2001, 07:49
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Guys I don't really give a f**k is it legal or illegal. I myself think that civ3 is not even worth buying. Everyone wanted real starting locations in world map but they didn't even repaired that. Now players such as Marla have to do lot of work to correct these small mistakes. But lets not talka about it anymore. All I want to know is just where the hell can I get the crack. If someone knows please tell me. No opinions pleas just the crack.
December 13, 2001, 08:13
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Warez is the main reason why Wintel won the PC race, or in other words there'd be no Firaxis/Civ2/Civ3 as we know it if it wasn't for warez.
The PC industry is full of greedy hypocrite bastards who's forgotten where they came from (FU M$).
December 13, 2001, 08:47
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Re: Do U Hate To Swich Cd?
Originally posted by PapaLenin
I cant stand when I play different games to swich the cds all the time. So I got the crack for civ3 from gamecopyworld but it seems that there is no new crack for v1.16f so does anyone know where can I get new crack for civ3 1.16f???
blah blah blah!!! you evil pirate you! I hope you burn!
and while we are waiting for you to burn try this ftp site:
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December 13, 2001, 09:06
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Originally posted by chegitz guevara
Congress passed a law making cracks illegal...Even speaking about it is a crime
Well let's just throw the entire 1st Amendment out the window. In fact, let's just tear up the whole U.S. Constitution while we're at it. And also, might as well burn every law book in the nation too!
Wait a minute- that means software cracks are legal after all, since there aren't any legitimate laws left to follow!
Anarchy is sounding better every day..
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