December 12, 2001, 00:25
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Posts: 14
Originally posted by Whohangs
Well, I don't know what to do. I've downloaded the new patch a third time. I've uninstalled both the patch and then the main game. Reinstalled both and still have the same problem. If I run in Compatibility mode Win98/ME (the mode I ran in originally that worked without the patch) I get the locked up process. If I run in any other mode or without the Compatibility mode the screen goes into power saving mode. Is there a fix for this? A workaround? Is this being looked into? This is kinda bugging me. The game runs fine in compatibility mode Win98/ME without the patch. I'm running in Windows XP.
Add Refresh=60 to your civiliation3.ini file. If the problem still occurs try lowering the number. This solution is listed in the list of fixes for the patch under the additions section. (list of fixes can be found on on the official civ3 web page) Btw I run XP home edition and the same problem occurs when I try to run in Comp mode. Turn this off after doing the above.
As for the patch:
The good :
The addition of prefs to not see AI moves really speeds gameplay.
Workers staying on auto even when there is nothing to do also speeds up gameplay.
The issues :
I've noticed a worker irrigating any tile it moved to even when the tile is outside my border. Irrigating occurs instantaneously without the usual delay. Haven't found any others yet.
This doesn't fix the problem I'm having, which appears to be the same problem that Whohangs is having. One problem that I'm having that Whohangs is not having is that I cannot uninstall or reinstall the game. After going into either the Uninstall or Reinstall process, it quits and displays the message..."Finished maintenance operations on Civilization 3." Or something similar to that. This may be a separate problem to the not starting problem.
December 12, 2001, 01:12
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What did they patch anyway
My comments on the Patch are:
1) The Governor still will not turn off. After a unit is completed, it still starts making whatever it feels like. Also the governor starts making s swordsman even though you can make a mechanical infantry.
2) Player locations are still not fixed, and this must be fixed. In short the editor must the same capability and flexibility that the Civ 2 had.
3) AI opponents are still insane. They attack when I am much stronger, and they do not bargain a good deal at all. By the way this is in the Chieftain version ?
4) The use of " Strategic resources" still does not work. Often the game goes back in time because you run out of rubber or whatever.
When in real history has a nation had to make swordsman instead of infantry ? It is just not realistic, and badly cripples the game. I have taken to using the editor to allow the units to be built when the advance is meet, and ignore the "Strategic resource" nonsense.
Hey Jeff, it just doesn't work !! The game in general is not balanced
I like the trade aspect, and the culture I should note.
Let's fix Civ 3
Lets fix Civ III ?
December 12, 2001, 01:37
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Problems with the patch:
1) It won't fix my financial problems... PLEASE FIX ASAP!!!
2) It won't fix my woman problems... PLEEEEASE NEXT PATCH!!!
3) It won't let me "really" rule the world!!!
It feels to me like you guys are "living normal lives" when you SHOULD be spending every hour of your life- LITERALLY- to make ME happy with a patch that addresses these issues.
[Edit: really, really sorry for the flame-ness of this post]
"You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon
December 12, 2001, 01:46
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Re: There isn't any tech bug
Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
Thus, when a technology is traded, the cost to research that technology is reduced. If the AI is researching that tech, the reduced cost might be less than the stockpiled beakers, giving the AI the tech. This works in reverse too - and explains why the number of turns to complete research often drops without a corresponding increase in beakers collected.
It's easy to verify this. Just take a save game where everyone is at the same tech level, research a new tech, and compare offers. As you trade the tech to each AI, the other AIs will reduce their offers - and if you trade it enough, some of the AIs will suddenly have the tech.
I have gained techs(pre-patch) this way. I don't remember if it happened during the ai's turn, or at the beginning of my turn, but what would happen is I would have like 3 turns or something left to research and I would get it by the next turn. This might be what is causing this, but it sounds like a bug, from those saves that demonstrated the problem.
Also, it is true that ai's do not all stay at the same tech level, those who get heavily beaten up in wars usually fall at least 3-4 techs behind in my games.
I'm still on my first game after the patch, monarch, which is really tough because of a rocky start, the fact that my last game was on warlord(got cocky and skipped regent  ), and because it is soo much more agressive. I also have to say, that while the ai isn't stellar at war, it is significantly better. Serious shortcomings however are that it doesn't make major use of mounted units(still early mideval) and doesn't use artillery type units.
I concur about the problems of lines not showing up in diplomacy, but actual negotiations are much better, it is much harder to rip off the ai(it won't take gold per turn to sell you a tech even if you have the economy to support it, you have to have at least most of the money up front).
December 12, 2001, 01:50
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Originally posted by codemast01
Add Refresh=60 to your civiliation3.ini file. If the problem still occurs try lowering the number. This solution is listed in the list of fixes for the patch under the additions section. (list of fixes can be found on on the official civ3 web page) Btw I run XP home edition and the same problem occurs when I try to run in Comp mode. Turn this off after doing the above.
Thanks Codemaster! this worked like a charm! I saw some others with this problem, I'll give them this info! Hope you don't mind me quoting you.
December 12, 2001, 03:11
Local Time: 12:16
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Computer seems to be getting a bit wiser to dirty diplomatic tricks.
Russians told me that they would declare war on me if I didn't give them saltpeter. Not wanting a war, I gave it to them. They went to 'Polite'. I then immediately pillaged the roads on my two saltpeter resources patches. When I talked to them again, they were 'Annoyed'.
Ideally they should have declared war on me, but I guess the AI had no way of knowing that I was responsible for cutting off the supply. It didn't permanently hurt my relations, later I traded saltpeter for a Mutual Protection Pact and they have been Gracious to me every since.
December 12, 2001, 04:01
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Espionnage Menu bug
Something that happen to me everytime I'm trying some espionnage attempt vs a big civilization.
The russians got around 250 cities, I plant a spy, I go for some 'incite propaganda' but I can't select the city I want to corrupt in the russian citie's list. The menu pop-up but he is too big on the screen. I can't have the choice of citie I want, just those in the middle of the big menu.
I'm playing with the default resolution, I have no problems except this thing and my game crash when i'm pressing F11. I can play a turn but the game close and send me to my desktop.
Its still a good patch for this excellent game, good work.
Si c'est Dieu qui a créer le monde..
et bien c'est le diable qui le commande.
December 12, 2001, 04:03
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Originally posted by cassembler
Problems with the patch:
1) It won't fix my financial problems... PLEASE FIX ASAP!!!
2) It won't fix my woman problems... PLEEEEASE NEXT PATCH!!!
3) It won't let me "really" rule the world!!!
It feels to me like you guys are "living normal lives" when you SHOULD be spending every hour of your life- LITERALLY- to make ME happy with a patch that addresses these issues.
[Edit: really, really sorry for the flame-ness of this post]
"Oderint dum probent"
December 12, 2001, 04:50
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I have a bug report that I have not seen from anyone else.
I had some cities which suddenly went into revolt for no apparent reason. When I clicked on one of the unhappy people, I was informed that 80% were mad because of overcrowding, but for the other 20% there was no accompanying message beside the number.
I was in a Republic, at peace, and had not founded any new cities in a long time. I had a few more military units per city than I normally have, but only about 4 per city, I would say.
Any ideas?
For Civ IV: The Medmod V v1.0.
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December 12, 2001, 04:51
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Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Obi Wan
Soren, I got the same crash with one of my saved games. I downloaded the game from justin_sayn and it crashes, too. Like justin_sayn I'm using W2k and the 1.16f patch. Do you have any idea how to avoid this problem (I mean any idea except waiting for the next patch or just starting an new game ...)
I have the same issue playing with the game of justin_sayn - this is the same issue I am confronted with in my own games (attached is a savegame one round before it crashes). Even if I step back several rounds to replay, I get these crashes. Tried it on my own W2K SP-2 installation as well as on my boyfriend's Win98. In both cases we used the revised (ie second) 1.16f patch.
This is really disturbing as you never know how long you can play your game and always have to be afraid of being forced to stop playing a long and beloved game.
Any ideas where this might come from?
All others,
Could you please shortly download this and confirm or re-confirm that this is a stable bug ?
Last edited by Martina; December 12, 2001 at 07:20.
December 12, 2001, 05:06
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This is getting ridiculous
I think that what we (the customers) need is for Firaxis to lay their cards on the table and tell us:
- a list of known bugs in the gameplay
- a list of known bugs in the AI
- a list of known problems with different hardware/software combinations.
- a list of features in the game/editor that customers are asking for (including muliplayer), a definitive statement of whether they will be added, and a prioritised order. I'm not so unrealistic that I expect Firaxis to tell us 'when', just 'if and in what order'.
I am a Civ I (Amiga) ,II, Col, SMAC, CTP veteran, a general strategy games (turn and RTS) junkie, and I have been in IT software development and service delivery for over 20 years. Regrettably, this is the most anticipated but disappointing game I have played. I've not enough confidence to play the game as I have been suffering crashes and corrupted save games, and with a game that requires many, many hours of time investing in it, to have this happen is just too risky.
I'm considering taking my copy back to the store and asking for a refund, something that I thought I'd never say about a Civ game.
December 12, 2001, 06:52
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When my Riflemen move around I get sfx of them firing shots every square they move into. It's not bombardment or anything, either, just moving them around inside my peaceful borders.
Kia Kaha
December 12, 2001, 06:58
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Re: Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Martina
I have the same issue playing with the game of justin_sayn - this is the same issue I am confronted with in my own games (attached is a savegame one round before it crashes). Even if I step back several rounds to replay, I get these crashes. Tried it on my own W2K SP-2 installation as well as on my boyfriend's Win98. In both cases we used the revised (ie second) 1.16f patch.
This is really disturbing as you never know how long you can play your game and always have to be afraid of being forced to stop playing a long and beloved game.
Any ideas where this might come from?
All others,
Could you please shortly download this and confirm or re-confirm that this is a stable bug ?
We have identified the driver behind the bug: By using trial and error and disbanding units of the same type, we learned that:
In the above attached game, workers crash the game - as soon as we take out ALL workers (from the human player ie Greece), the game runs smoothly into the next turns. However at the very moment we build a new worker from scratch in one of our cities to compensate the disbanded ones, the game crashes once more (assumably at the time when the game activates the worker for orders).
This is definitely a bug as I can promise you the above attached savegame is definitely a new game from a fresh re-install of Civ3 1.16f without any modifications.
Please help, as we can not play any further until we know how to fix this.
Last edited by Martina; December 12, 2001 at 07:03.
December 12, 2001, 07:37
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Martina
However at the very moment we build a new worker from scratch in one of our cities to compensate the disbanded ones, the game crashes once more (assumably at the time when the game activates the worker for orders).
Martina, did you put the worker in automated mode? Did you try to let it work manually on certain tiles only?
Don't panic - Just count to ten, THEN panic!
December 12, 2001, 08:33
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Solution for patch problems!
 I solved the problem that the patch causes. I unistalled the game, reinstalled without the patch. Instead I am using Korn's Biltz mod and having fun WITH NO CRASHES. It still has many problems of course. The Patch is just another example at the POOR programming that has been put into this game. Or maybe the programmers were not given enough time by the publisher. In either case we are the ones suffering. I myself trusted Firaxis that they would deliver a great game. Instead we are presented with a sequel that bares LITTLE likeness to the original instead it looks, feel, and smells like Call To Power sequel instead. I am sure all you CTP fans are delighted, but myself being a civ fan am VERY DISAPPOINTED!
My question is how much money did you guys pay everyone to give your game a good review? Or is that NONE of these reviews were given by someone who actually finished the game. I have not been able to complete one game since I bought it for various reasons. Alpha Centauri was loaded with bugs too. It still has many unaddressed bugs to this day. However at least SMAC was playable until the patches were all ready.
I am REALLY upset at how many messages I have sent to Jeff Morris and Firaxis and they do not even ackknowledge my complaints or questions. Civ 3 has great potential to be a good game, a sequel it is not. I think the truth about this game should come out!
Desert Dog
December 12, 2001, 08:35
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Martina
We have identified the driver behind the bug: By using trial and error and disbanding units of the same type, we learned that:
In the above attached game, workers crash the game - as soon as we take out ALL workers (from the human player ie Greece), the game runs smoothly into the next turns. However at the very moment we build a new worker from scratch in one of our cities to compensate the disbanded ones, the game crashes once more (assumably at the time when the game activates the worker for orders).
This is definitely a bug as I can promise you the above attached savegame is definitely a new game from a fresh re-install of Civ3 1.16f without any modifications.
Please help, as we can not play any further until we know how to fix this.
Remove the patch to solve issues. We will need to wait once more for another patch hopefully they get the cotton out of their brains and make a good patch this time.
Desert Dog
December 12, 2001, 08:41
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Obi Wan
Martina, did you put the worker in automated mode? Did you try to let it work manually on certain tiles only?
Obi Wan,
Yes I tried that as well with no success unfortunately. It's really crazy, as long as I do not have workers in my civilization, everything is perfect. However any workers (be it my "old buggy" ones not doing anything or be it new ones I create after I disband the "old buggy" ones) in my civilization will crash the game in the next turn.
This is very frustrating indeed as you might imagine.
P.S. I believe the whole thing is more an overall savegame corruption bug as in justin_sayn's case, removing units does not change the picture for his savegame. It seems that at some point in time during random occasions, a savegame gets corrupt. We have known this from CTP as well, however at that time, you immediately noticed when your game got corrupt. It seems that in Civ3 the corruption occurs but you see the results of that potentially much much later. I might be completely wrong, but this is my current conclusion.
December 12, 2001, 09:07
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Martina
This is very frustrating indeed as you might imagine.
Indeed, I'm frustrated, too. On the weekend I'll load my saved game in an hex editor an see if I can find any obvious odds in the file... I'm still hoping that Soren or Jeffrey care about this problem and offer a solution.
Don't panic - Just count to ten, THEN panic!
December 12, 2001, 09:21
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unavoidable Crash
Originally posted by Obi Wan
Indeed, I'm frustrated, too. On the weekend I'll load my saved game in an hex editor an see if I can find any obvious odds in the file... I'm still hoping that Soren or Jeffrey care about this problem and offer a solution.
Yes let's hope our best. I would be already happy if they could confirm that this is a bug. That would at least tell me that sooner or later I can play Civ3 again.
December 12, 2001, 10:58
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Posts: 185
to Martina
* A save corruption problem was fixed. (this from a list of the patch fixes)
I would say this means all save games that were corrupted will stay corrupted. So you must either revert back to a clean save of your game. Or, you must forget it and start another game.
In general..i am running civ3 under win2k pro with a 1.3 ghz AMD system.
In all the days (playtime) i have played now, i have only had 1 crash (and curiously that happened as i was exiting the game.)
December 12, 2001, 11:08
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Re: Re: Copy protection problems
Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
Contact Infogrames tech support. They have a non-safedisc exe they can send to you after verifying your copy of the game.
Thanks, Jeff, for the suggestion. I just tried this (in the UK), and they were totally clueless. Should I contact tech support in the US instead?
December 12, 2001, 11:08
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These are some bugs/issues I've noticed - they were in the original version and the patched version.
I've noticed a problem related to the 'Monitor Goes Into Standby Mode' bug.
I have an old Gateway P3 500MHz, NVidea TNT, 256MB running Windows 98 (1st edition i think).
First-off, the game does run nicely on my machine (despite it's age!) with few of the problems that others have reported.
When the game first loads the screen goes black just prior to the excellent intro movie - this forces my monitor into standby mode. God knows why.
So I hit the 'on' button on my monitor and it wakes back up again for the movie. Then when the movie ends the screen goes black again for a moment prior to showing the main menu - this again forces my monitor into standby mode. Once again I can hit the 'on' button to resume playing but why is this happening?
I dont recall this ever happening with my monitor before installing Civ3 but last night (after I was a bit narked with Civ3) I played Sudden Strike and exactly the same thing happened with the intro movie on that game too!!! Yikes. What's happening here? Has it changed some system settings? Is my monitor broken? Is it a DirectX thing?
I assumed it was some fault with Windows/Monitor until I heard others have suffered similar problems.
I've also noticed the 'stuck music' problem. I have a 52X CD rom rather than a clunky DVD rom so this must be a software or sound card issue ( i have a soundblaster varient). Music seems to get stuck and repeat over and over in between tracks (also that drum beat sound whenever an event happens) - plus as someone else mentioned, only one or two bits of music ever seem to play in each era which is rather repetitive.
I've had occasional 'The program performed an illegal operation' errors that boot me back to Windows, but I cant identify what causes it. It seems to happen after I've clicked one of the 'hyperlink-style' Diplomacy options or maybe the Research Complete pop-up window. This has only happened 2 or 3 times in as many weeks.
A few design gripes....
These new blue 'hyperlink style' options (e.g. on the Diplomacy/trade screens and all dialog windows) are too close together so some of us who enjoy a beer or two whilst running our empires frequently accidently declare war or accept ridiculous trades!!!! Please space them apart a little, or allow the cursor keys to move up/down through the options ala Civ2.
When workers on autopilot are improving land near a rival border and that border expands so that the worker is now provoking war by being in rival territory - please make them Get The Hell Out and not continue building that mine for another 4 turns whilst the increasingly angry Zulus plot my complete destruction!!!
When land & ship units are stacked together in a port, please make the land units active before the ship-units. It's anoying to waste turns waiting for a settler to reach the port only to discover he is there and waiting but you've just told the ship to skip a turn. Likewise with stacked land units, please dont vanish to the other side of the globe to that active explorer when there is a raging battle to be fort.
Armies - I've only ever had one, but could the units in the Army please be upgradable? As soon as I got my first and only Army, world peace broke out and it didn't see war for another 3 or 4 hundred years. By which time Knights had kind of lost their edge! If not, could there at least be a way to disband that army which is less wastefull, maybe they could help build a wonder for 30% of the shields instead of 100%? I love the idea about having naval 'armies' - aka Fleets, are these possible do you think?
Do Coastal Fortresses really work? I've never seen one fire a shot in anger.
Hoover Dam - please replace the Coal plants rather than just Add Hydro plants, the polution is a nightmare!
Can we have a couple of Civ2 bits back please?
*can we have Farms back as there is a massive difference between a few muddy streams (irrigation) and 21st Century chemically enhanced intensive farming. Also the Farms look a lot nicer than those irrigated messes.
*Alpine troops - or at least something that can fight with an advantage in the mountains (but they dont have to have fast movement).
*Partisans/modern day barbarians. Our world is full of militant groups and religous cults causeing trouble can we have something like this in Civ3? I dont mean goody-huts, i mean maybe cities in a state of unrest could have a % chance that 1 population will leave and become a partisan/barbarian. These will maybe provoke trouble with rival nations or destroy improvements if not 'dealt with' quickly. Oh yeah, and give them Kalashnikovs rather than wooden clubs.
Anyway, Love the game, thanks for the patch and I hope some of the above is useful.
'It's all just a bunch of flees fighting over who owns the dog'
December 12, 2001, 11:46
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Re: to Martina
Originally posted by Redstar
I would say this means all save games that were corrupted will stay corrupted. So you must either revert back to a clean save of your game. Or, you must forget it and start another game.
Thanks for this proposal, however the whole game (ie starting from turn 0) was freshly started AFTER applying the patch. In other words my savegame corruption is not driven by the old 1.07f version but based on the new (revised patch) 1.16f version.
A clueless Martina
December 12, 2001, 11:51
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Post Patch Issues
Shift-I doesn't seem to work as well as it used to. Now when I tell a worker to automate for just one city. sometimes they'll just sit in the city and not do anything, even if there are undeveloped squares near by.
Civ 3 hangs on exit about 7 out of 10 times. It didn't do this pre-patch. Fortunately under windows 2k I can just open the task manager and end it's process.
Now... Why can't I go into hibernate mode while Civ 3 is running? My event log has a message that says:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Win32k
Event Category: None
Event ID: 240
Date: 12/12/2001
Time: 10:47:56 AM
User: N/A
Computer: ZOINKS
A request to suspend power was denied by Civilization3.e.
0000: 00 00 00 00 02 00 4e 00 ......N.
0008: 00 00 00 00 f0 00 00 80 ....ð..
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
Also... How come sometimes granaries work, and sometimes they don't? I've noticed that cities pre-pyramids with granaries seem to work, while post-pyramids, they don't work at all. And then on cities on other continents, sometimes when I build them, they work, and sometimes they don't... oddd
Overall it's a great game!!!
December 12, 2001, 12:07
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Posts: 31
Maybe this has already been logged, but:
With the patch installed my units have lost their road movement bonus! This has so seriously undermined my Industrious nation's advantage that I've abandoned the game for now...
Anyone else?
December 12, 2001, 12:27
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Posts: 14
This is amazing seeing how many problems others have encountered. Everything works fine in my games, no odd tech trading with the AI, no worker bugs, no crashes, no loss of road bonus', nothing.
I'll list my system in hopes it means something to some dev's.
Windows ME (Fully Updated running IE 6.0)
DirectX 8.1
Athlon 1.2GHz
MSI K7 Master DDR (Latest Mboard Drivers)
256Mb PC2100
SB Live! XGamer (Latest Drivers)
Hercules 3DProphet 4500 (Latest Drivers)
My system is clean as I keep the registry nice and tweaked clearing up about 94% of system resources by eliminating needless services from starting at startup. I only have two services that run exluding the main three required for Windows to function; my firewall and virus protection.
December 12, 2001, 12:29
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Posts: 17
Re: There isn't any tech bug
Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
There isn't any tech bug
I hope I can disagree without being disagreeable, but I'm fairly certain that you're mistaken.
I started a new game after the patch and saw this for the first time.
I have noticed that if a civ is close to discovering a new tech, he'll only offer you a pittance for it. Interestingly, rival civs know when you are close to discovering a tech and have muted expectations for trades.
Example: I was 19 turns from discovering mysticism and the Iroquois wanted 250 gold for it. Later, when I was 1 turn from discovering it, I offered them 1 gold and they took it.
In my game, there were 4 civs on my continent, 4 on another continent. No contact between continents yet. I was the first on my landmass to discover iron working. I know this because it took me 40 turns to discover it. It never lopped several turns off my research, which would indicate that another civ had discovered the tech. After I discovered iron working, I had the opportunity to trade it to the Iroquois, Egyptians, or French. Note that the French didn't have contact with the other two civs (I know this because I later traded contact to both for writing). I don't believe any of the others were close to discovering IW, because they all offered me handsome trades for it.
Note the word or above. As soon as I traded IW to any of the civs, they all would get it. I never had a opportunity to trade it to a second civ. Also note that it should have been impossible for the French to have received IW from anyone but me.
So I do think there is a bug, and yes, it does reduce my enjoyment of the experience.
BTW, I have seen a few posts on a draft bug. In fact, I posted a couple of paragraphs on this in another thread. It would be great to have some feedback from Firaxis on this. I think I speak for quite a few when I say that our frustration would be greatly mitigated if we could see a list of know bugs/issues that Firaxis is investigating/aware of.
December 12, 2001, 12:40
Technical Director
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Set, what you describe is a trade bug, not a tech bug. (And it is a known one.)
ACS - Technical Director
December 12, 2001, 12:57
Local Time: 18:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: In a state of wonderment
Posts: 126
Soren or Dan,
I would like to know if I am creating my own Frankenstein's monster or is this evidence of a bug.
I made some changes in the editor to create a unique civ, changed city names, leader names, changed stats of a unit and began playing. A leader appeared so I created an army. With that army, I attacked the last city of the Germans and took it. At that point, things got really screwey. German units remained on the board even without a city (I continued the game, exploring the entire continent) - 2 units in my Army bailed out while the third kept the attributes of being in an army but would have the total movement of all of the units in the army added up. The army icon would jump around the screen, sometimes catching up with the unit.
My question is - is there a really good chance of a crash from using the editor? Are these the "unpredictable results?"
"Our lives are frittered away by detail....simplify, simplify."
December 12, 2001, 13:49
Local Time: 13:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Lexington, KY
Posts: 5
I too have a wierd experience with added units
I added a modern carrier to differentiate between a WW2 carrier and a modern one, they are not close to being the same. Everything went well until I reached the industrial era and the graphic for my workers in the unit build menu and the city screen where it shows all the units. The settler graphic in the build unit menu is replaced by the worker. All works fine but it is just a little screwy. Anyone else come up with this problem. BTW, I haven't gotten to the point where I could actually build the new modern carrier unit or even the old carrier. But very soon. Maybe it will go away in the modern era. Ya right!
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