I tend to agree with the general thread of this subject that too many people are prattling on about this being weak and that being weak, and whatnot.
That being said, there are two people I shall comment on directly.
Yin43 or whatever his number is. He's a troll and I skip over his posts. When doing so, I find nothing annoying about him.
Venger. Not a troll. Seems very interested in making constructive criticism - never heard him say he hated the game or that he was robbed by Firaxis or that the design team were Sesame Street rejects. Still plays the game from what graphics he seems to post. I've enjoyed reading him (although his defense of himself on this thread took more offense with the original poster than I thought was warranted)
Look, this is the web. For people who think the game is better than sex as it was released (the game, not sex), they aren't going to post anything. For people who are hostile at the situation, they are, and they're going to go on and on and on and on... You tend to only here the negative. So you have to learn to use filters....
Post done... am I still a Settler?