I must be a complete fool...
If I believe half the threads that appear on this forum, I am obviously a fool -- a bottom-feeding moron -- for stomaching such an utterly "boring", "uninspired", "unchallenging", and "dull" game obviously intended for the masses of average intelligence like me.
It's a good thing I have a healthy sense of ego, or I don't think I could stomach being here any more.
I'll fully admit this game is imperfect, heavily micro-management intensive, and -- at times -- "boring".
But Civ2 is even more so. MUCH more so. I can't believe how many people I've actually seen advocating B.S. tactics like CIV2 style spies (ridiculous) conquering the world, ICS, camel-pumping wonders(dumb), etc. It's strategies like those that Civ2 infinitely more dull (anyone with half a brain can beat that game easily).
Yes, Civ3 -- much like any turn-based game -- can be very boring. Pat yourself on the back for pointing out what's been wrong with the formula since Civ1. However, this is clearly the best Civ game ever made because all the lame tactics have been removed and a couple of interesting ones have actually been added.
You know, I have a friend who only sees about one movie a year. Whenever he sees it, no matter how cliche and "cheesy" it is for regular movies goers he really ENJOYS it.. he laughs .. he cries.. he thinks it's the greatest movie ever. Why? Because it's all new for HIM.
You people have been devoting yourselves to this game for YEARS and you suddenly realize that it's boring and totally imperfect. Welp *GASP* it's been that way all along. Trust me. Go back and play Civ2. See if you really like it more. You've just been so exposed to it that the same formula isn't going to cut it anymore. It's never going to cut it anymore for you. You guys are DONE playing Civ. Leave this forum, turn away, and don't return until it's far.. far .. from your mind. This game -- this series -- is finished for you. It will never be the same addictive game for you. Your expectations have been risen to an impossible level. Please, leave now while you still have some fond memories of the incredibly unspired exercise in tedium that is Civilization.
And I'll go back to playing and enjoying this game like the ignorant, mindless swallower of Civ-style tripe that I clearly am.