Q: How might I zoom out? Can you, or is just for screenshots?
There is only one zoom-out level. Press 'Z' to do so. Press it again to zoom back in. You can perform all game functions from either view.
Q: How might I start off good with a building order?
Well, I'm not a pro but my preference is to build a defense unit first . . . then a settler or two . . . then a temple to get my culture and boundries going. The first city can sometimes wait on the temple since your palace is already generating culture. Your other cities, however, will need to expand their borders fairly quick unless it has absolutely everything it needs within its original boundries. Then I produce another settler or two. If your food growth is slow, you may be able to sneak in barracks or city walls while buidling your population back up.
Unfortunately, this is only a general rule I follow. Each game I've played often required changes in tactics depending on terrain and circumstances. I do tend to focus on culture, however, because I want my boundries expanding quickly with no cities defecting. By the way, this is on Regent level. In the lower levels, you can wait longer to start your temples since riots don't start as early.
Q: How might I choose what civilization to use for what purpose?
I tend to be partial to Religious cultures because of the strategy I mention above. I also like the one turn anarchy when changing governments. However, I haven't played all of the civs yet so I'm still learning myself. From what I gather, you should play your civ's strengths (pretty straightforward, eh?

). Consequently, you may want to take note of the playing style YOU ENJOY and then pick your civ based on that. Once you get good and comfortable with the game, you may then want to experiment with the other civs.
Have fun civing! I know I am!