Cities Ceding From Your Empire
This is a permutation of my colonisation idea - maybe under some forms of government, outlying cities (especially ones on a different island far away) would sometimes declare independence and you have the option of declaring war of them. If you win the war you get back the towns under your control, but if you lose (ie decide to sign a peace treaty), then the cities form a new civ with all your techs, a bit of money, etc. If you decide to let them become independent then they'll still form a new civ but'll then repect your civ a lot in the future, and form a sort of an alliance that's called something like a "Commonwealth". Civs which are in a Commonwealth with you are far more inclined to fight with you, share techs etc. Declaring war on a Commonwealth member would incur a sever reputation hit.
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...