December 18, 2001, 00:16
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Originally posted by Jack_www
I just visted the MOO3 forum here on apolyton. I must say form what I have seen I am very impressed with the way Quicksilver is very open about their game and answering people's questions about what is going to be in the game and whats not.
Lets see whats its like when the game is released. Until then, no comparison can be made. B-17 was supposed to be a great game, according to the pre-release forums and the developers. Look how that turned out. Hell, look at any forum for any game -- when the game is released I bet there will be a group of people jumping up and down saying it sucks. Look at the Civ & Civ2 sucks threads that I posted.
They also said that they are going to include mp in the intial release, unlike Civ3. I think that the people who handle PR for firaxis could learn a thing or two from the people at Quicksilver when it comes to dealling with their fans.
So what you're saying is "PR people should say anything to make their fans happy." Hey, multiplayer would be great, but Civ3 doesn't have it. Ding Civ3 for not having multiplayer, but what do you want them to do? Say it'll have it, and then not have it?
December 18, 2001, 00:47
Born Again Optimist
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And when Quicksilver decided to cut some of the features they were hyping, they LOUDLY and CLEARLY and OPENLY explained why ... on the official site. And what was the fan reation? "Well, that sucks, but I'm glad they were honest with us."
Find the honesty with Firaxis. Not the 'after we've beaten them over the head and yelled and kicked and screamed at them for weeks' kind of "Firaxo-honesty," either.
I don't want to be coddled. I want to be respected (collectively, not me personally) as the person whose pockets are paying for their office space and car. And for that, I don't want to be promised the moon and delivered a beta. I want to be levelled with and not have to search 1,000 odd-ball threads for a scrap of a hint of information.
I don't want backpeddling and semantic games, either. If you hype MP, the editor and, indeed, the entire game itself as 'the best in the genre,' then I damn well want some honest answers (again, not after screaming for them for weeks) as to why MP and the editor are basically non-existent and the game itself is a bore, to put it lightly.
Tell me point blank: "We screwed up, but we're gonna fix it. Help us to do it." Cause, frankly, if Firaxis DOESN'T think they screwed this release, then they aren't just too proud to save themselves ... they're just clueless.
If Firaxis' plan is to bury its head in the sand because we big bad whiners are just so mean, that's fine by me. With its head in the sand, the Firaxis ass is just begging to be kicked. Oh, not by me, but by the big bad marketplace of whiners with holes in their pockets not quite big enough for a company seemingly unable to pay for enough storage space for its ego and incompetence.
Sure, some will argue that the whiners have holes in their heads and not in their pockets. Well, then, I suppose Firaxis is only for the 'elite' gamer: All 12 of you.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
December 18, 2001, 02:21
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Originally posted by Steve Clark
That does it, Farley and Dog are now off of my Christmas list.
yin, I need to learn to take our personal banter to PM, lest someone might make the mistake of not ignoring posts that had nothing to do with them! But with you in a different day of the week, PM is hard to do in a coherent manner.
Sorry about that Steve, didn't mean to offend. But when you stated your opinion, you made it sound like your the president and the rest of us are on welfare. I'm sure you've done some pretty good things with your life, as I have. But what does "that" have to do with a "computer game" or its "consumer relations". Just thought that I would mention that. Sorry.
Oh and Steve, your still on my Christmas list. 
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December 18, 2001, 02:28
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Originally posted by XPav
PR is the job of the publisher.
You're the people that have latched onto Firaxis, some of the designers/programmers/others at decided to volunteer to talk to you, and you're rightfully pointing out that the people who volunteered to talk to you don't have PR as their primary focus.
Do you want PR? Fine, well, then PR means that you don't talk to the designers, and have to deal with interviews and stuff slapped on a website. There's no point in spending money hiring a PR person to stroke the ego of all the types of people that hang out on web forums.
Its not worth it for small companies to hire someone to do community relations, and from my experience it, forums where designers and programmers talk to fans are more a hindrance to the completion of a good game.
Reading the board for ideas -- thats one thing. Stepping up to be called names is another.
You make a good point Xpav, I agree with you 100%. So why doesn't Firaxis update the "Civilization@home" site on a regular basis to keep us informed? As it stands that site is a ghost ship. Why can't they post public messages in the forums addressing all issues on ONE post, (similiar to a newsletter) so that the public can see that they have addressed those issues. Rather than post individual messages! My idea works, but will they use it? And don't say they have, because I'm informed enough to know that they don't!
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December 18, 2001, 02:40
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Originally posted by yin26
Tell me point blank: "We screwed up, but we're gonna fix it. Help us to do it." Cause, frankly, if Firaxis DOESN'T think they screwed this release, then they aren't just too proud to save themselves ... they're just clueless.
Sure, some will argue that the whiners have holes in their heads and not in their pockets. Well, then, I suppose Firaxis is only for the 'elite' gamer: All 12 of you.
 You think only 12 people--out of at least tens, probably hundreds, of thousands of people who have tried the game--enjoy Civ3 . . . and Firaxis is clueless?  How's THAT for exaggeration and bandwagon argumentation?
I've decided to stop bothering making counterpoints you will ignore and just enjoy your posts as the incredible farcical entertainment they are.
I no longer have a problem with you posting the same things over and over without merit, yin  Best satire on the web next to The Onion!
Keep up the good work!
December 18, 2001, 02:52
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Isn't it amazing that some people have problems comprehending sarcasm?
December 18, 2001, 02:53
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Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
You make a good point Xpav, I agree with you 100%. So why doesn't Firaxis update the "Civilization@home" site on a regular basis to keep us informed?
[apavloff@shodan apavloff]$ whois
Infogrames Interactive, Inc. (CIV5-DOM)
c/o Infogrames, Inc. 417 Fifth
New York, NY 10016
That's why -- its not Firaxis' site, its Infogrames, and Infogrames is the one that's supposed to do the PR. However, Infogrames PR is smart enough to avoid web forums and usenet, because they know that their brand of corporate PR, aimed at magazines, game web sites, and the mass market, doesn't go over well in discussion forums.
December 18, 2001, 02:55
Born Again Optimist
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It's always sad to have to reply to people who don't even understand what you said in the first place.
When I said '12,' did you take that number literally? I think you did. Are you even the least bit embarrased?
However, when I said Firaxis is clueless, THAT is something I meant directly as written.
Can you not discern a difference in the two statements. *sigh* Like reading poetry to monkeys...
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
December 18, 2001, 02:56
Born Again Optimist
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N. Machiavelli: You posted first.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
December 18, 2001, 02:58
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Originally posted by XPav
Lets see whats its like when the game is released. Until then, no comparison can be made. B-17 was supposed to be a great game, according to the pre-release forums and the developers. Look how that turned out. Hell, look at any forum for any game -- when the game is released I bet there will be a group of people jumping up and down saying it sucks. Look at the Civ & Civ2 sucks threads that I posted.
So what you're saying is "PR people should say anything to make their fans happy." Hey, multiplayer would be great, but Civ3 doesn't have it. Ding Civ3 for not having multiplayer, but what do you want them to do? Say it'll have it, and then not have it?
We already know they can "design it".. nothing is impossible in code. I know several programmers. And they code anything and everything, as long as it doesn't go outside the code laungage parameters. Which for example means, using VB code in a C++ enviroment. That sort of thing. In other words, THEY CAN DO IT, but will they? But I think what yin and others are saying is that they don't have to tell us everything, but they're not even telling us anything. Something is better than nothing. And its not hard for Firaxis to give is factual information like "I'm sorry, we're having trouble coding the MP feature right now, it might be (and he over-estimates ofcaorse) a few more months before anything is developed" what would be wrong with that style of communication? I see no problem with it. And you made the point that they can't "answer everyone". But I made the point that they could, if they did newsletter-style posts, or update the home site more often. So there is no excuse.
Simply, business's should never "ignore" their clients/customers. Otherwise they lose money. As Firaxis is right now, I'm sure.
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December 18, 2001, 03:13
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Oh here's Xentropy again...
You don't *read* what people say do you? You just scan it quickly and then start bantering off criticism. Yin was simply stating his experiences with Firaxis, and believe me they're not uncommon experiences in the Civilization-Community. Firaxis currently does have bad PR. Its a fact, otherwise nobody would be complaining. Why do you think people complain? Reason with yourself and think about it.
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December 18, 2001, 03:25
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Originally posted by XPav
[apavloff@shodan apavloff]$ whois
Infogrames Interactive, Inc. (CIV5-DOM)
c/o Infogrames, Inc. 417 Fifth
New York, NY 10016
That's why -- its not Firaxis' site, its Infogrames, and Infogrames is the one that's supposed to do the PR. However, Infogrames PR is smart enough to avoid web forums and usenet, because they know that their brand of corporate PR, aimed at magazines, game web sites, and the mass market, doesn't go over well in discussion forums.
Pav, I already know "why" they avoid forums. But all I'm saying is, I think they're wrong for it. There has to be some form of PR. And I gave a very good suggestion in my earlier post I dont know if you caught it, but I'll repeat it for you. They can *easily* post "newsletter-style" updates in the forums. A member of Firaxis grabs all the information/questions etc and then they answer them in Q&A format or other, whichever suits them. And they dont have to go one on one with any fans. It's a simple system, and it WOULD work. And if that doesn't the least they could do is update their website! Did you catch all that, or do I have to repeat it? Please elaborate on that one issue.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
December 18, 2001, 03:30
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Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
We already know they can "design it".. nothing is impossible in code. I know several programmers.
I'm a programmer, and you're right -- nothing is impossible in technical terms.
"I'm sorry, we're having trouble coding the MP feature right now, it might be (and he over-estimates ofcaorse) a few more months before anything is developed" what would be wrong with that style of communication?
A couple things.
1) That message gives confirmation that there will be multiplayer. What if there isn't?
2) Never, ever give time estimates out to those that aren't signing your checks. What if something else comes up (person gets a new job, company gets sold etc etc) that pushes those dates back?
3) The word "trouble coding" is too unspecific. What does it mean? That the programmers are stupid? That its taking longer than expected? Does it taking longer than expected mean the programmers are stupid?
The only acceptable communication would be:
* Multiplayer will be in our expansion pack (or deluxe edition, or whatever).
Simply, business's should never "ignore" their clients/customers. Otherwise they lose money. As Firaxis is right now, I'm sure.
Firaxis' client/customer is Infogrames.
Not us.
However, Infogrames doesn't want to deal with us, but some of the Firaxis folks have volunteered to talk with us.
Now they're in the not-so-enviable position of taking the flak from the community but not having full control over the direction of the product.
Since we do not have the full details of the contract between Infogrames and Firaxis, we also do not know how Firaxis gets paid (royalties, no royalties?), and we do not know how much money Infogrames pays Firaxis to do post-release patching.
(now I'm saving this post in notepad so that if Apolyton tells me its busy, I can still post it later).
December 18, 2001, 03:34
Born Again Optimist
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Firaxis to Infogrames: "So, we won't be able to deal with the fans in any kind of professional way if we sign with you?"
Infogrames: "Yep. That's how we do business."
Firaxis: "Does Sid have to sign directly? He's busy working on a game he actually likes with some people who actually care."
Infogrames: "No. Any Firaxis drone will do."
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
December 18, 2001, 03:44
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Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
Pav, I already know "why" they avoid forums. But all I'm saying is, I think they're wrong for it. There has to be some form of PR. And I gave a very good suggestion in my earlier post I dont know if you caught it, but I'll repeat it for you. They can *easily* post "newsletter-style" updates in the forums. A member of Firaxis grabs all the information/questions etc and then they answer them in Q&A format or other, whichever suits them. And they dont have to go one on one with any fans. It's a simple system, and it WOULD work. And if that doesn't the least they could do is update their website! Did you catch all that, or do I have to repeat it? Please elaborate on that one issue.
1) is not Firaxis' web site.
2) Too many of the answer to people's questions would be
I don't like XXX, will you change it?
* That's a good idea. We will not change it though.
Answering question after question after question takes too much time. I'm a programmer. I have one person in my company bug me every day about "can we do XXX because customer YYY wants it." or "How do I do QQQ."
I usually say NO because we have better things to do that will pay the bills. I spend probably an hour a day helping with support questions that need me (as the programmer) to help with.
And that's the questions from one guy.
Now make it a hundred guys on usenet/apolyton/civfanatics.
As the manager of a company, are you going to dedicate a programmer to answering these questions to the depth that will satisfy the people asking the questions? Its your publisher's job to be handling PR and support.
Are you, as the manager responsible for making sure that there is money to pay the bills and payroll with, going to allocate the time of the skilled programmer to collating & answering questions on a webforum?
As the manager, who do you decide to put up in front of the webforum to read the board & the abuse within? Do you ask for volunteers? How would you, as a manager, feel about reading page after page about how your company is incompetent, greedy, and unethical? As a manager, do you even WANT to force your employees to take the morale hit that reading these board entails? (And it is a morale hit -- I've seen that first hand).
At the end of the day, its a business, and when you line up the numbers and weigh the pros and cons, its pretty obvious why Firaxis doesn't pay as much attention to these boards as you'd like:
Its just not worth it.
December 18, 2001, 03:50
Born Again Optimist
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So when we add up all the returned Civ3 and the sudden drop in its price going into the very holiday season it was meant to rape for cash, do we say that horrid PR had actually NOTHING to do with that?
If your claim is the game sucked entirely on its own, I'd meet you half way.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
December 18, 2001, 04:00
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Originally posted by XPav
I'm a programmer, and you're right -- nothing is impossible in technical terms.
A couple things.
1) That message gives confirmation that there will be multiplayer. What if there isn't?
2) Never, ever give time estimates out to those that aren't signing your checks. What if something else comes up (person gets a new job, company gets sold etc etc) that pushes those dates back?
3) The word "trouble coding" is too unspecific. What does it mean? That the programmers are stupid? That its taking longer than expected? Does it taking longer than expected mean the programmers are stupid?
The only acceptable communication would be:
* Multiplayer will be in our expansion pack (or deluxe edition, or whatever).
I totally agree with everything you said. Time estimates are a horrible idea, they almost never work. However, people may not understand too much about the game design concepts or how the magic is done. But all that programmer garble can be translated in a way that they will understand. So to suggest that a game company alternatively says nothing, due to the lack of understanding between "consumer-designer" is a bad way to do things. But that's probably just my opinion. But it has been known to affect sales in many companies, wouldn't you agree? Your idea about the "Multi-player will be included in our expansion pack" is also another great alternative. But, it's also kind of vague. And another issue that often arrises in the Civ-Community is that when Firaxis or Infrogrames speaks, it's always so vague and hard to make any conclusion of. My father works for a company called "SearchLight Inc" they design software for Law Firms. And when new firms contract them out, they always have questions before they sign the contract. But with "games" you simply have no idea, until you "buy it". And to gamers that's a grey area. Most people rely on the "ads" or the "magazine reveiws" to tell us whats going on. But you can't even rely on that, because obviously not all these ratings and reviews are acurate. So the *last* and only hope we have is from the what the designers tell us. Because there is always that benifit of the doubt that a "designer won't lie, or incriminate him/herself". And people go for that.
Firaxis' client/customer is Infogrames.
Not us.
However, Infogrames doesn't want to deal with us, but some of the Firaxis folks have volunteered to talk with us.
Now they're in the not-so-enviable position of taking the flak from the community but not having full control over the direction of the product.
Since we do not have the full details of the contract between Infogrames and Firaxis, we also do not know how Firaxis gets paid (royalties, no royalties?), and we do not know how much money Infogrames pays Firaxis to do post-release patching.
Another fine point you make. But if Firaxis has very little or no control at all over the product direction, then that's a bad business decision. Or in simpler terms, I wouldn't sign the contract if I didn't agree to the terms. Perhaps Infrogrames is easy to deal with, and they're an easy sale. Which saves Firaxis money in the long run. But in my opinion they should shop for a better client so that they can produce the kind of results they really want to. Especially meet the expectations of their long time fans and community. However this is all fiction, as we discuss it. Because what will be, will be. But I've heard nothing but bad things about Infrogrames so far, and I'm not please at all with the final product (Civ3), it turned out nothing like I invisioned. However, I still strongly believe that SOMEONE should deal with us, whether it be Firaxis or Infrogrames, or even someone closely affiliated with them. As long as we're not "left in the dark" so to speak.
(now I'm saving this post in notepad so that if Apolyton tells me its busy, I can still post it later).
 thats funny. I should start doing the same thing. 
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December 18, 2001, 04:15
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At the end of the day, its a business, and when you line up the numbers and weigh the pros and cons, its pretty obvious why Firaxis doesn't pay as much attention to these boards as you'd like: Its just not worth it.
Yeah I can see your point. And beleive me, I'm not disagreeing with you. But not all of us are "clawing" at Firaxis in the manner that you suggested. Some section of the fans that are distressed are actually in it for some information and a bit of direction that is all. Again, to simply suggest that "Firaxis is too bogged down, with better things to do than answer hate-mail" or "none of our employees will do the dirty" is in many ways a cop-out. There are SO many ways they can handle the PR and address the public, as I said before, and this is the LAST time I'm going to say. They can write indirect "newsletter-style" posts, addressing the issues in a "ONE-POST" email. That way they don't have to answer to every little fan. Get my point, for the last time?
They don't actually have to talk to anyone, they can post "public newsletters" letting us know what's going on! rigth?
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December 18, 2001, 12:18
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When everyone was screaming and hollering about the stuff Firaxis was allowed to put up at (or the impatient whining about not getting new stuff on a regular basis), I countered with that pre-release info really means's what comes after the release that means a great deal to its customers. I do NOT agree that developers should be at fan site forums at all. However, I do agree that they need to communicate as much as they can through their website. has no value at all at this time, but hopefully in the near future it would.
(Farley, not to bring this up again, but those posts earlier were directed solely at my friend and fellow husband/father, yin. Basically, he feels that the time and effort in the past 2 years here at Apolyton should amount to something. I contend that it should amount to nothing except as time-killing entertainment.)
December 18, 2001, 13:57
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
They can write indirect "newsletter-style" posts, addressing the issues in a "ONE-POST" email. That way they don't have to answer to every little fan. Get my point, for the last time?
But how much time does that save you? You've still got to have someone comb through all the forums looking for all the questions and issues, reading all the posts, collecting the questions, and then you have to have this person march around to everyone on the team to ask them the questions that they'd know the answers too.
Firaxis is a company of game designers and programmers. Not PR folks.
December 18, 2001, 14:14
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Firaxis is a company of game designers and programmers.
Do you have evidence for this assertion?
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
December 18, 2001, 15:09
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Originally posted by Libertarian
Do you have evidence for this assertion?
Alright, I was wrong. Most people at Firaxis are artists.
There are some programmers, producers, the usual admin folks, and a corporate PR person (that deals with mags & the like).
That's it.
35 people.
Most of them on the pointy end of the stick.
I can count at most six people that aren't directly involved in the creation of games.
Is that evidence good enough for you? Do you understand that there isn't anyone there to provide good southern suckup paragraphs for whiny people on forums?
December 18, 2001, 15:24
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1) is hosted on infogrames servers but is updated by Firaxis(Dan)
2) firaxis has the total of two people for pr and marketing
December 18, 2001, 15:44
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Do you understand that there isn't anyone there to provide good southern suckup paragraphs for whiny people on forums?
Hmmm... Seems to me you'd be a perfect fit for their PR department. Why not apply?
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
December 18, 2001, 17:08
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I think that too much attention in these forums has been placed on Firaxis and little to no attention towards Infogrames. I think better communication with the Civ community is possible and should be pursued, I also believe that vilifying Firaxis is misguided. I think Infogrames is much more responsible for the lack of communication than Firaxis. Most definitely they should post some information on Right now the web site looks like it was made to promote a game from five years ago, not two months.
December 18, 2001, 17:38
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Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
The thing is, I *am* being up-front and honest, I'm just not able to give you all the answers you seek. I wouldn't have bothered to explain any of this (or post here at all) if I wasn't concerned about the feelings of fans.
Dan you might not be aware of it but you are promoting posting without actually communicating information a new form of art.
December 18, 2001, 17:46
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Originally posted by yin26
And when Quicksilver decided to cut some of the features they were hyping, they LOUDLY and CLEARLY and OPENLY explained why ... on the official site. And what was the fan reation? "Well, that sucks, but I'm glad they were honest with us."
Find the honesty with Firaxis. Not the 'after we've beaten them over the head and yelled and kicked and screamed at them for weeks' kind of "Firaxo-honesty," either.
I don't want to be coddled. I want to be respected (collectively, not me personally) as the person whose pockets are paying for their office space and car. And for that, I don't want to be promised the moon and delivered a beta. I want to be levelled with and not have to search 1,000 odd-ball threads for a scrap of a hint of information.
I don't want backpeddling and semantic games, either. If you hype MP, the editor and, indeed, the entire game itself as 'the best in the genre,' then I damn well want some honest answers (again, not after screaming for them for weeks) as to why MP and the editor are basically non-existent and the game itself is a bore, to put it lightly.
Tell me point blank: "We screwed up, but we're gonna fix it. Help us to do it." Cause, frankly, if Firaxis DOESN'T think they screwed this release, then they aren't just too proud to save themselves ... they're just clueless.
If Firaxis' plan is to bury its head in the sand because we big bad whiners are just so mean, that's fine by me. With its head in the sand, the Firaxis ass is just begging to be kicked. Oh, not by me, but by the big bad marketplace of whiners with holes in their pockets not quite big enough for a company seemingly unable to pay for enough storage space for its ego and incompetence.
Sure, some will argue that the whiners have holes in their heads and not in their pockets. Well, then, I suppose Firaxis is only for the 'elite' gamer: All 12 of you.
December 18, 2001, 21:45
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Posts: 303
Originally posted by Steve Clark
When everyone was screaming and hollering about the stuff Firaxis was allowed to put up at (or the impatient whining about not getting new stuff on a regular basis), I countered with that pre-release info really means's what comes after the release that means a great deal to its customers. I do NOT agree that developers should be at fan site forums at all. However, I do agree that they need to communicate as much as they can through their website. has no value at all at this time, but hopefully in the near future it would.
(Farley, not to bring this up again, but those posts earlier were directed solely at my friend and fellow husband/father, yin. Basically, he feels that the time and effort in the past 2 years here at Apolyton should amount to something. I contend that it should amount to nothing except as time-killing entertainment.)
I completely disagree. That is no way to run a business. That policy is for the birds. If I ran a company and I ignored my customers because simply "I had too many" I would most likely lose a huge percentage of those customers. Firaxis "owes" some form of response to its consumers, even if it's from their "home-site" as long as they "respond". And I would pay *more* attention to the "angry" customers because they've found problems with my product, and the only way I could improve my product is (unfortunetly) through them! So my point is, Firaxis should not only "respond" but respond with some morales.
So in other words you're half-right on this issue.
As for you and yin, I was only defending an issue I agreed with. I have no idea what's between you and yin, nor do I care. Sorry.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
December 18, 2001, 21:59
Local Time: 10:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Canada
Posts: 303
Originally posted by XPav
But how much time does that save you? You've still got to have someone comb through all the forums looking for all the questions and issues, reading all the posts, collecting the questions, and then you have to have this person march around to everyone on the team to ask them the questions that they'd know the answers too.
Firaxis is a company of game designers and programmers. Not PR folks.
All good points. All I'm saying is, to merely "not respond" is out of the question, they'll lose sales. I don't think they'll go out of business due to bad PR. But since when was PR bad for sales? Public relations is only bad for the employee who has to do it. And as far as I know, keeping in touch with the consumers is healthy for a growing company. It will only increase sales! But you say that PR will hurt the production, this maybe true, but I would rather sacrifice production to satisfy the hungry fans in order to increase good public relations, which in the long run increase sales and popularity. It's a business maneuver, either they do it, or they don't. The overall sales of a company can and will determine their fate.
Point: PR will increase sales, no PR will hurt sales.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
December 18, 2001, 22:00
Local Time: 19:28
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Vienna, Austria
Posts: 988
The Firaxis/Infogrames Argument
OK, some people seriously retreat to the position that Firaxis sells to Infogrames, not to the players, so customers should direct their complaints to Infogrames.
NASA sells the Challenger to the Government, I suppose, not to the masses at large. So, if the Challenger explodes, the people should really complain about the Government, not about NASA?
Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts
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