Well, I've been playing with the patch for a while now, and I did an editing change that took me, oh, about 1 minute:
Optimum # of cities for all map sizes is now 512. Corruption ridiculousness is now a thing of the past. I still need courthouses and police stations in my outposts, but the 1 shield problem is GONE.
I imagine it would take about 5 minutes for me to fix the A/D/M ratios to whatever anyone would want, to disallow spearmen from destroying tanks for example.
Am I stupid? Why are some of you spending hours upon hours upon hours complaining about the game when it's so customizable? It would honestly take you 10 minutes to fix it to the exact way you want it!!
Am I missing something here? Anyway, I go back to my game. Have fun turning blue in the face!