I'm too lazy to go quotes so I'll just post my ideas.
Heads have different types. Theres the basic Man and Woman head which shows the total and how many of each. This is the start head screen. Then you can go into others.
age-Adults, Children, Elderly
jobs-corporations, business, unemployed, gov,
science, entertainment(maybe)
class-lower, middle, upper
I don't like consumables, just goods or something and have food seperate.
2 types of each, in modern times 2nd generation stuff is needed
Food>processed food
goods>manufactured goods
construction materials>refined materials
fuels>engine fuels
each square should produce something but as better technologies come around squares are less and less used for mining and growing and more just as a place to live. Most countries have forever have had a fertile area that produced the most food as well as local food. Cities would need a certain amount of each to build units but not improvements should cost more money than construction materials.
these goods wouldn't be only for modern and industrial ages. The phalax should need refined goods(clean bronze). Legions need construction materials and refined materials to be built and repaired but not supported. A direct supply line from a region with food and possibly goods and fuel is needed or the unit will be hurt. Regions can be newly conquered ones too.
At first people will move from villages to cities then back during depressions or wars. As time goes and if your empire has a fall, or near fall or recession villages will pop up everywhere. Also there shouldn't be any villages in the middle of the desert. Jobs should be important so if the village is in a fertile soil area chances are its going to be mainly farming. Whole regions could be mainly farming with a capital city for exporting.
labor should be the form of jobs. Companies or guilds for construction would provide the labor for construction and keep people in jobs and not unemployed thus not ready to riot because they can't afford food. Wonders could need government job searches or something and a good way to lower unemployment. Rome had big problems with unemployment and had to give a lot of food away. Unemployment would be money and you could thread the line between losing money, spending the money on creating jobs(theoretically) or keeping the money for something else. Here's where wars that stimulate the economy come in. It makes the game more realistic.
Everyone has a job,
business, small business includes guilds for construction or companies. Service industry everything not in other categories
government, this is improvements that can't be sold to people or corporations and military as well as a certain amount for infastructure
corporations, unrealistic but good for gameplay hire many many people
unemployed, pretty obvious they suck up money and give nothing back but can riot if there is too many.
jobs+standard of living+religion and stuff should decide how people migrate.
The technical stuff is ok as you stated it, plus Firaxis can do some of that
I've expanded my suggestions into a mini model I'm sorry, no wait no I'm not
I use this email
(stupid cant use hotmail)
Don't ask for golf tips
Your game will get worse
There is no spoon
-The Matrix
Let's kick it up a notch!!
-Emeril Lagasse
Fresh Soy makes Tofu so silky
-Ming Tsai