JULY 1942
Great number of Russian infantry attacked Krasnodar. Also they made counterattack with T-34 and KV-1 tanks and infantry near Voronezh. I lost almost all my tanks operating against Voronezh during the struggle.
Over the whole front there were engagements between german Me-109 and FW-190 and russian Yak-9 fighters. Casualities were quite equal. Near Rossosh Luftwaffe met with catastrophe. Local air commander forgot to send fighter escort to protect Ju-88 and He-111 bombers and in result many bombers were lost. Göring was furious and the commander was immediately replaced.
In Stalingrad soviets liberated big part of the city during fierce fighting. Rumanian reinforcements arrived to north of Stalingrad.
Soviet partisans were very active in rear areas: they destroyed several city garrisons and managed to capture Lwow.