June 7, 2000, 03:46
Scenarios that should come with the package?
I think a decent 'Italy during the Renaissance' scenario would fit nicely with the package.
Just think, the scenario would balance military, trade, diplomacy and would be quite fun.
Th objective would be to eventually unify Italy, or dominate the economy or somehow win a diplomatic victory.
Also, make a really good 'Rise of the Roman Empire' scenario, and the object would be to vuild an empire and maintain it, hopefully making it to modern times. Just think of the epic scope of the game. Towards the time when the real empire fell, it should become increasingly difficult to maintain control. Which gives me an idea. There should be an event which increases difficulty DURING the game.
June 7, 2000, 07:54
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If I recall correctly, SMAC had hardly any scenarios. And Civ2 only shipped with a few as well, the WWII one among them, which I thought was OK, but lacking creativity in its design. Whatever scenarios Firaxis implements should be of the highest quality. We could debate for ages about what the scenarios should be about, but in the end, they've just got to be good.
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June 7, 2000, 08:13
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The most important thing is a comprehensive scenario editor.. then the amount of scenario's available for Civ3 wouldn't be much of a problem, because there are enough creative gamers out there
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June 7, 2000, 13:28
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for the last couple of weeks i've been hooked (again) on RR-tycoon 2, & one of the things i really like about that game is the way the scenarios are set up to encourage you to develop different strategies for different aspects of the game. one focuses on railbuilding, another on acquiring properties, another on the stock market, and so forth.
i was thinking it would be cool if the scenarios in Civ III were set up in a similar way -- one, for example, would require that the player learn how to finesse the (hopefully awesome) diplomatic system, one might concentrate on city management, one on defense, etc.
they could even be linked together into a "campaign" mode. any thoughts?
June 7, 2000, 13:53
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I am not quite certain it is anything the designers should spend their time and effort on. A scenario editor might take a bit more time to work, but it is infinately more rewarding.
However, if the deigners were to make a few scenarios, how about making them on different wars? Maybe the 30-years war, the Middle Eastern Conflicts, and a fantasy scenario? What the scenarios should do, like the ones for Conflicts in Civilization and Fanastic Worlds, is to exhibit how to use the editor to its fullest potential and serve as inspiration for the community of scenario-makers.
June 7, 2000, 16:55
Exactly, a well documented, full bodied scenario editor with a couple of good examples is the way to go. Perhaps get early editions into the hands of gamers who have made good scenerios in the past and let them build the example scenarios and assist with the editor documentation.
June 7, 2000, 20:28
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Are you telepethically gifted, Abuzayd?
You've read my mind and said it all.
Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
June 7, 2000, 22:44
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Good editor, let Firaxis work on the game not scenarios, let us work on scenarios, and suggest for the game
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June 8, 2000, 11:49
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i agree that a "full-bodied scenario editor" would be a great advantage to the game. but i also think a variety (a diversity, perhaps) of well-designed scenarios would help not only players but scenario designers. the two aren't incompatible -- again I refer you to RR-Tycoon 2, and also Starcraft. They both come with scenario editors (neither are perfect, of course, but...) AND cool scenarios.
In other words, I want it all!!
[This message has been edited by abuzayd (edited June 08, 2000).]
June 9, 2000, 00:18
I'd really like to see a well done Middle Eastern conflict scenario. But it would have to have seperate nations, not just "Arab Alliance" or something like that. Also, how about a Franco-Prussian war scenario? It was a short war, but interesting none the less.
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June 9, 2000, 03:39
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Don't you think some of the scenarios suggested have scales that are too small to fit comfortably in Civ?
However, a War of the Rings scenario would be cool.
June 9, 2000, 03:48
If you did a middle east scenario, when would it start? They've been at war forever
June 9, 2000, 07:15
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As was suggested, I think it is far less important what scenarios ship with the game (though if any do ship, they should be good). Instead, Firaxis shoulod concentrate on making a good game with a fully featured scenario editor, and if you guys fancy a Middle East scenario, simply create one yourselves.
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
June 9, 2000, 10:17
Middle East Conflict - in Civ 2 (MPG) there's already a scenario about the arab roman wars. I meant Israel v. Arab nations. It could start in 1948/49 when the first Israeli Arab war occurred. The Civs in the scenario would be Israelis, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Egyptians, Saudi Arabians, Iraqis, Turks, and UN.
~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
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June 11, 2000, 10:50
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I think a Cold War scenario would be interesting, because it would involve diplomacy, competition and research (Space Race anyone?)... if they could somehow make the MAD-deterrent real, it would make for a challenging scenario.
June 17, 2000, 08:55
I think that scenarios should come with the game...
There should be this "Download" or "Civ3 On The Web" menu in the game where you could download scenarios, modpacks, units, techs, civs etc.. Using its own interface.. It should be transparent - you click on the item to download and it downloads and installs itself..
Email: shiva@mailops.com
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ICQ: 17719980
June 17, 2000, 09:07
Oh, and I forgot - you should be able to submit scenarios for testing and approval.. Then they would be on the Official Civ3 site and be downloadable from civ 3..
I think that these scenarios should come with the game:-
WW1 and WW2
Roman Empire
An Indian Scenario (strange that for 6000 years of history, with wars, conquests, reconquests, colonisations, jihads, independence etc., there aren't too many good Indian scenarios.. Perhaps one on the Mughal (known as Moghuls to you Westerners) Empire)
Crusades or some good European scenario..
Israel/Arab.. problem is that scenarios could become political and there might be complications..
Another idea: perhaps some scenarios could be grouped together to make campaigns.. For example, a Roman campaign could have these scenarios: Establishment and Rise to Power, War with Carthage and in Asia Minor, and fall at the hands of the huns/goths..
Email: shiva@mailops.com
Web: http://www.crosswinds.net/india/~shiva
ICQ: 17719980
June 17, 2000, 23:40
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I'll second the cold war suggestion.
June 18, 2000, 10:16
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I spend most of my time making scenarios for Civ 2. I spend more time making scenarios than I do playing the game. So an excellent scenario editor is a must for me.
There should be more triggers in Civ 3 editor, and terrain that can be drawn and given stats that's not in the regular game. For example if you did a pirate scenario and you had to find the gold at 'X', you should be able to draw and 'X' on any terrain piece (grassland for example) and the 'X' will only show up on that one piece not all over the world. And when you reach the 'X' you get some gold. It should also be a more point and click enviroment, and be able to select what land is visible to each Civ instead of taking units and exploring it.
A lot to ask I know but these are all things I wish was in the editor now.
If you want to see some of my scenarios just go to my homepage. Here
June 22, 2000, 00:00
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There should be this "Download" or "Civ3 On The Web" menu in the game where you could download scenarios, modpacks, units, techs, civs etc.. Using its own interface.. It should be transparent - you click on the item to download and it downloads and installs itself.
Cool idea, but it would hopefully not be too proprietary (i.e. you can only d-load scenarios from Firaxis).

Another idea: perhaps some scenarios could be grouped together to make campaigns.. For example, a Roman campaign could have these scenarios: Establishment and Rise to Power, War with Carthage and in Asia Minor, and fall at the hands of the huns/goths.
yes yes yes!! There should also be a way for scenario designers to link scenarios together to create campaigns. Another Roman scenario: Caesar's Civil War.
June 22, 2000, 02:23
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yes yes yes!! There should also be a way for scenario designers to link scenarios together to create campaigns.
I agree! This is a must - we must be able to design a proper campaigns. So if in the first scenario you failed to capture a strategic town in the set time, then in the second scenario, the enemy would be much harder to kill. I'm not sure how this could be implemented, but I definitely don't want Civ2's method of creating different scenarios for every possible situation (wasn't it a different scn for each civ?).
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
June 26, 2000, 19:43
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Perhaps get early editions into the hands of gamers who have made good scenerios in the past and let them build the example scenarios and assist with the editor documentation.
What he said.
St. Leo
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