Embargo -> War (More AI Weaknesses)
I've noticed this happening in plenty of my games & was curious what others have experienced. The AI Civ you team with to embargo another Civ later declares war on that Civ. Examples:
1-After signing a peace agreement with me paying the Egyptians 4gold turn. I later get the Egyptians to also put up a free embargo (seperate agreement) against the Aztecs (who they had a MPP with & even a Military Alliance together against me once). 30 turns after the embargo starts the Egyptians declare war on the Aztecs. These 2 seemed like close strong allies... and because I asked the Egyptians to embargo the Aztecs now they are at each other's throats.
2-I take some cities from the Iroquois (the Aztec's weaker sidekick) & as part of the peace settlement get them to put an embargo on the Aztecs. About 10 turns later the weaker Iroquois declare war on their stronger neighbors... the Aztecs! The Iroquois were also once military allies with the Aztecs.
3-Before planning my attack on the Persians I get most of the other AI Civs to embargo the Persians. I end up delaying my attack hoping the Persians will declare war on me for this, so I get less of a war weariness penalty. Instead as I'm waiting, several of the AI Civs who I got to start embargos on the Persians begin delcaring war on the Persians! The weaker Romans do it in 8 turns, the stronger Russians do it in 10 turns, & "peaceful" India does it in 12 turns!
I could go on with other examples, but hopefully you see the pattern. Wouldn't the AI Civ who has the embargo on them be the one angry & declare war instead? Especially on the Civ who has created most of the embargos on them...me? Worse, it seems almost too easy to set up free embargos against your enemies. The manual states you have to pay the AI Civs to set these up, but truth is they either will do it for free or not at all. And it seems there is about a 33%-50% chance of creating a war between the 2... even if it's suicide for a weaker AI Civ. Why would a weak AI Civ declare war on a stronger AI Civ without a military alliance or MPP?
Anyways, this trend is far too common for me not to notice anymore, but has anyone else had different experiences? Anyone not see a problem with this?