I think he has a point, a distant colony might become unhappy if practicaly all of the civs investment was being spent on a few central citys and none on them. After all they pay taxes as well, maybe they think that they could run things better on their own.
Just off the top of my head heres an example of how it might work. Each unbuilt improvement possible at the current tech level, will inflict a certain amount of unhappieness in a city, modified by the city size and the distance from the capital. This way those civs with higher technology levels get more of a problem.
Also the more units you build from a distant city the more unhappy they get, why should they fight in the war when they dont get the benefits of victory (a historical example might be Australia during the second world war, where many brave Australians went to fight and die in another mans war).
The net result should be that you have to be realy kind to your distant citys to stop them declaring independance from you.