February 6, 2002, 16:42
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Originally posted by Willem
The other day, while waiting and waiting for my turn to come up, I was thinking that it would be really nice if I didn't have to watch as my automated workers ran around my empire. Wouldn't it be possible for them to simply disappear from the map, and reappear when they reach their destination? I don't need to know where they're going, just what they're doing when they get there. I think that would really cut down on some of this wait time we're facing.
You can do exactly this. Turn off "Show automatic piece movement". I have that turned off and workers just plop themselves down on polution or empty squares that need work.
February 6, 2002, 18:21
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Originally posted by Whistler
You can do exactly this. Turn off "Show automatic piece movement". I have that turned off and workers just plop themselves down on polution or empty squares that need work.
Aaah, I was confused as to what that did. And you still can see where your military units are going? That's why I still have it on, I want to be able to see their movements in case I have to change their orders. I was presuming that's what was meant by "automatic".
Last edited by Willem; February 6, 2002 at 19:11.
February 6, 2002, 20:44
Local Time: 13:37
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Unit Upgrading
I'm surprised after reading through this whole thread that no one mentioned that it's an absolute pain to upgrade units in massive numbers! Maybe it's just a personal preference, but I keep a huge gold reserve for when I finally get Nationalization so I can pump those units up to Riflemen, only problem is now I have to go to the Military Advisor screen and upgrade all 200 units one at a time (argh!). Not to mention that every now and then I just happen to hit the disband unit button instead of upgrade (d'oh!). Anyway, on to my idea:
This can be solved in either one (or all) of these ways:
1) Budget Surplus:
(Applies to all units)
An option where the military advisor will ask you if you'd like to set surplus income to "Unit Upgrading" (where randomly, or strategically units would automatically be upgraded)
2) Massive Upgrade:
(An option when you right-click on a type of unit in the military advisor screen)
An option in the military advisor screen to upgrade ALL units (keeping fortifications, please!)
3) Percentage Upgrade:
(An option when you right-click on a type of unit in the military advisor screen)
Like option 2 except you'd have a scroll bar to show the percentage of units you'd like upgraded (50%, 30%) and it would show the gold required as you go across.
Also, I'd like to voice how much I like the idea of Navies, Peaceful Creation of Leaders, and a wonder that reveals the whole map.
A lot of these ideas are great, so good that I'd definitely be willing to pay $30-$50 to buy an upgrade to this excellent game! If you are going to make it an expansion, though, I highly recommend adding (doubling?) the current civilizations.
Wow, didn't see how long this thread really was 
Sorry if someone has already made this suggestion!
Last edited by Voor; February 6, 2002 at 20:58.
February 6, 2002, 21:03
Local Time: 10:37
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Re: Unit Upgrading
Originally posted by Voor
I'm surprised after reading through this whole thread that no one mentioned that it's an absolute pain to upgrade units in massive numbers!
Actually you can do that already. Activate one of the units you wish to upgrade and "SHIFT+U" you will get a pop up with a summary of how many of that type can be upgraded and for how much.
Keep in mind this is not a short cut around the necessity to move the unit to a place that has a barracks.
February 7, 2002, 16:40
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Re: Unit Upgrading
Originally posted by Voor
I'm surprised after reading through this whole thread that no one mentioned that it's an absolute pain to upgrade units in massive numbers! Maybe it's just a personal preference, but I keep a huge gold reserve for when I finally get Nationalization so I can pump those units up to Riflemen, only problem is now I have to go to the Military Advisor screen and upgrade all 200 units one at a time (argh!). Not to mention that every now and then I just happen to hit the disband unit button instead of upgrade (d'oh!). Anyway, on to my idea:
I wish they had unit summary screen like they have in CTP2. You could just look at one window and quickly see how many units of each type you have, how much it costs you to maintain them, where they are, how many more of each type are currently being produced... etc. Plus you had the option of disbanding all or part of a particular type of unit. I'd usually send all of my obsolete warriors to whichever city I was building a wonder in then use the unit manager to disband them all. That was it; three clicks and fifty useless warriors were disbanded.
Now compare that to the current civ3 set up...
February 7, 2002, 22:32
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Good Ideas
There are some neat things here. I really like the canals idea.
The one think that bugs me the most is the time between turns later in the game. I've tried to turn everything off but the computer, but it's still a while. (Of course, I prefer a good AI to short waits, but it'd be nice to have both).
Another addition (and maybe it's in the manual - I'm in an internet cafe (how chi-chi, eh?) and don't have it) -- a command to show the white lines of the city supply areas to assist in placement of new cities.
Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!
February 8, 2002, 21:03
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Originally posted by Whistler
You can do exactly this. Turn off "Show automatic piece movement". I have that turned off and workers just plop themselves down on polution or empty squares that need work.
So I just tried shutting this off and it wasn't what I had in mind. First of all, it also affects the units I send galavanting across the continent, which is what I don't want. I like being able to watch them move, just not the Workers.
Secondally, the Workers still appear on the map as they move. My idea is that they should disappear entirely, and not reappear until they've reached their destination.
So my original request still stands.
February 10, 2002, 02:54
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One other thing I seem to remember (I'm a builder, not a warmonger, so I haven't had many chances to test this).
Leaders should be air-liftable, unless this was done for game balance purposes. I mean, the current version lets you airlift tanks, but not a single person? (I seem to remember that someone from Firaxis said that in the next patch, tanks won't be airliftable, but still).
February 10, 2002, 09:04
Local Time: 18:37
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Re: supply
Originally posted by Palisol
In real life not a single army ever fought any battles without food or for example weapons, gasoline, ammunition and so on... I will call these generally as 'supply' from now on. I was thinking that in order to function properly units would have to receive supply from a nearby supply source.
Cities would be supply sources. A unit far away from a supply source would have a greater possibility to get immobilized (or even die) than a unit closer to a source. Unit on a road connected to a city gets supply much easier than units wondering in wilderness. Units inside your borders also get supply easier. Scouts could have a special ability to move great distances without supply.
A unit that doesn't get supply could destroy irrigation or mines to get supply for a turn or two.
Enemy units could cut through supply lines. In this way, supply lines could get a lot longer or units could even get trapped behind the enemy lines without any supply and get hurt.
Naval units could have mission to defend supply lines (just like fighter and jetfighters have air superiority missions)
You could build special colonies (for example military camps) that would function only as supply sources. Using these special colonies is would be necessary if you're running a military campaign far away from your own cities.
Supply is a wild thought and most likely cannot be implemented in the game but it would add a certain amount of realism.
This is a great idea. supply is a key concept in some of thos great Avalon Hill/SSI board games. I was actually wondering why there was no such concept in Civ III when i first played it. Units should be required to have a clear route back to a friendly city or perhaps some supply units, such as airbases or ships. Enemy units interrupt supply lines. Unsupplied units fortify, lose movement points, or fight at half effectiveness, or something like that. This would be a MUCH better feature than the current corruption concept.
February 10, 2002, 09:11
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Originally posted by hoppy39000
Vivisector, my point about Carriers was this... If you check the "industrial ages" eras Tech tree you get a "carrier" under the tech "mass production" which is achieved by researching Combustion" and "replaceable Parts"
Since "flight" is the upper branch from combustion, and "mass Prod" the lower...if you have already got electricity and "replace Parts"
it is actually possible ( I did it) to have a carrier in que, and even built long before you choose to research "flight" you can even reach "adv flight thru bottom of tech tree
this seem pretty stupid..and wasnt the case in civ2 as for transports and galleons...my point is in the artwork....in 16-1700's your building galleons and frigates that fit the age..."transportts" look like 20th century ships...the should chg and upgrade thru the age..... i had a carrier at regent lvl and transport by 1800....but oddly...no planes to put on the carriers.
Good point about having no planes for carriers, but a minor issue, IMHO, since I've always found I have planes within a few turns of carriers. As for artwork, you've lost me there. If I've got steel, replaceable parts, and everything else, I expect my transports and battleships to look like they're made of steel, etc. Just because its 1800 and I've developed really quickly doesn't mean my ships should look like something out of Wild Wild West. It means I've changed history and developed the 20th century 200 years ahead of schedule. That's my view, anyway.
February 10, 2002, 21:35
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Starting Positions
I would like to see starting positions for all the civs made more consistent and give good potential for future growth. Starting positions in the middle of vast deserts, jungles and tundra are too common. If it's 4000 BC and a band of nomads are in a desert, they're not going to survive long without food.
I have also found that it is also possible to get a good idea of the number of civilizations on your continent before meeting them, especially if you're Expansionist and able to explore quickly. If you count the number of different luxury resources you find on your continent while exploring, this always seems to give a good indication of the number of civilizations on your continent. This should be changed somewhat so the numbers are not always accurate.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
February 10, 2002, 21:58
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Re: Re: Unit Upgrading
Originally posted by Bill_in_PDX
Actually you can do that already. Activate one of the units you wish to upgrade and "SHIFT+U" you will get a pop up with a summary of how many of that type can be upgraded and for how much.
Keep in mind this is not a short cut around the necessity to move the unit to a place that has a barracks.
Wow! Thanks, I feel ignorant...
But it would still be nice if they stayed fortified.
February 12, 2002, 10:21
Local Time: 18:37
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Posts: 11
One sided ROP.
Most of the time the AI needs/wants to go through
my territory. If that's the fact the should be able to ask me
for ROP and be willing to pay/give something. The more polite the
more the should be willing to pay/give.
The way it is now is that the Romans just go through through my
territory to fight the Japanese and when I offer ROP the Romans
want me to pay for it because it is a two sided ROP.
In the old days I just bribed those units that blocked my
railroads. What happened to the diplomat/spy.
I thought that Civ3 was meant to be more in favor of the
peacefull builder types like myself. Now I need more fast
units in a city/fortress because they move out of it after
I attack.
Beeing able to build a sewer system in the same age that lets
me buil a hospital.
At the moment I don't build hospitals until I'm almost in the
modern age because of the pollution caused by population.
Workers should stay in the shift-p mode when I push the space bar.
Less corruption/waste when I discover radio.
Less corruption/waste when I discover computers.
More building in the modern age. What happened to the superhighways.
Maybe some extra happiness-buildings. I think I saw a few examples in
this thread.
February 12, 2002, 12:57
Local Time: 10:37
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Location: The Wilderness of Orygun
Posts: 26
Re: Re: Unit Upgrading
Originally posted by Oerdin
I wish they had unit summary screen like they have in CTP2. You could just look at one window and quickly see how many units of each type you have, how much it costs you to maintain them, where they are, how many more of each type are currently being produced... etc. Plus you had the option of disbanding all or part of a particular type of unit. I'd usually send all of my obsolete warriors to whichever city I was building a wonder in then use the unit manager to disband them all. That was it; three clicks and fifty useless warriors were disbanded.
Now compare that to the current civ3 set up...
Actually the CIV3 setup has pretty much what you are asking for here. Go to the military advisor screen and sort your army either by city or by unit. I believe in city sort it also tells you what is being built if it is a military unit.
Obviously you already know that disbanding troops will not add shields to the CIV3 wonder building.
February 12, 2002, 15:12
Local Time: 13:37
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Location: Bethesda, MD, USA
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This is more of a bug fix, but here it goes anyway:
Sometimes when a civilization has nothing but a settler and a few units in some sort of transport units and you destroy that transport unit the game displays the "Sir, we have wiped out yadda yadda" and then the game crashes.
Is this your way of getting me to leave the Aztecs alone?
February 12, 2002, 20:00
Local Time: 13:37
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Posts: 51
1. Make autosave default to 4-digit year, i.e. C:\Program Files\Civilization III\Saves\Alexander of the Greeks, 0010 BC.SAV.
Perhaps this can be an option - it makes sorting games chronologically much easier than dealing with C:\Program Files\Civilization III\Saves\Alexander of the Greeks, 10 BC.SAV between C:\Program Files\Civilization III\Saves\Alexander of the Greeks, 160 BC.SAV. (This is only an issue for games between 1000BC and 1000AD - pretty significant part of the game, however).
2. This may have been said already - military advisor view by city does not have scroll bars that I can see - so I can only see the first 8 or so cities by city.
- belchingjester
February 13, 2002, 08:50
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