A few tips.
1. Test to see if you can host. You don't need anybody else to run through the setup and start an MP game with you the only non AI. Even though it's best to test it with one other person.

But feel free to try it alone, by selecting MP games, Internet games, then going through the game options.
2. Verify that everyone has the same version. (USUALLY means that everyone is running the latest patch.) Nothing more frustrating then finally getting a game set up to find out not everyone is compatible.
3. Disucss settings and philosophies on different issues to see if you consider them cheats. (BEFORE THE GAME STARTS)
Thinks like city or unit bribing.
Trading units for infinite movements.
Trading wonders.
4. If you make a commitment to play, show up.
5. Check out "Setting up IP games" to find other players