Comparing middle-of-the-game results
Im currently playing as the Egyptians on a large map against 6 other AI-Civs. Im playing on Regent level. Every preference is game-default, except for the age of the earth; 5 billion years. Im just a little more then halfway through the game, just finished with the Nationalism-tech. The year is 1605 AD. Nothing else has been researched in the industrial era, and every tech has been researched before that.
I currently have 28 democracy-ruled cities to manage (about 7 of them conquered from the greeks, who before that was the dominant power. All of these conquered cities are now up an running and very productive. None of them was razed.) which together produce:
- Culture rating: 31008
- Income from cities: 1295 Gold
- Treasury: 1553 Gold
- Approval rating: 88%
- GNP: 1295 million
- Mfg goods: 339 tons
- Land area: 68500 square miles
- Literacy: 60%
- Disease: 1%
- Poluttion: 0% (obviously - industrialization hasen started yet)
- Life expectancy: 63 years
- Family size: 1 children
- Military service: 2 years
- Anual income: 5 per capita
- Productivity: 1550
Finally I have 3 horses + 3 irons + 3 salpeters + 8 luxuries within my empire - some of them traded away. My plans for the Egyptians immediate future, is to conquer all 12 cities from the culturally weak Romans, wich shouldnt be too hard with my veteran cavalry-units and superior culture (his "in awe" of it).
Im doing pretty well, I think - although Im sure Im gonna get humbled by some of your results. Im just curious - what have you guys achieved about halfway through the game?
Last edited by Ralf; December 17, 2001 at 17:02.