The barbarians have really devolved in CIV III. In CIV 2 and CIV CTP they at least advanced enough to be a nusence into modern times.
Perhaps if the nature of the barbarians would change with each age it could keep them an interesting part of the game.
In ancient times of course it is reasonable to find them as isolated, annoying tribes. There should be a chance that having conqured a village, it could be turned into a settlement as part of your empire.
In the next age, they could be hords thriving on their conquests or revolting peasants. But they should have the units of that age.
In Industrial times they could be anarchists or revolutionaries. And in modern times they could be Fundimentalists and Terrorists (is that redundent?).
Wondering packs of 'barbarians' should have a tendency to 'clump' when they meet, thus forming promised raging hords.
It is disappointing to find that so little was done with them beyond giving them tribal identities. Again, it is not terrible, but for a third generation product it is a poor show.
Don't forget to do the switch in the Editor so that at the level you are playing at, you don't get any combat advantage over the barbs (change to 0).
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.