So, I was playing a Civ 3 game last night, first game I have played as the French, I am playing on the third difficulty level, standard map, continents 8 civs. After surving the Babylonians declaring war on me and being in a current war that the Indians started with me, I was contacting other civs to trade them my newest cool tech and I noticed Germany already had it, but they had Chilvary, which I had just started researching. I really wanted Chilvary because I needed some knights to kill those pesky war elephants. Well, I meant to press the "What can I give you for this?" question, but I missed and hit the "Give this to us or face the consequences." instead. To my suprise, the Germans agreed, but they went from polite to annoyed. So I went back into the trade menu and gave them 30 gold as a gift and they went back to being polite. I am sure I could not have bought Chilvary for 30 gold, so it ended up being a good deal for me

Just thought I would share. Maybe I will even write a real story next time.