Well, I've been playing for over a month now and I got something to say-This game is tedius and annoying.
Don't get me wrong-I love the 4X genre of games especially the turn based ones.
My problem is war in the civ series.I also love wargames and simulating battles of all kinds however the civ series makes war seem like real work when going to war should be the most fun part of the game.When I first got CTP2 I was overjoyed with stacked movement and combat so I immediately switched from a builder philosophy to warmongering only to discover that the AI wasn't up to the task.That game soon found its way into my recycle bin.
Then I heard that Civ3 was in developement and I got a stiffy.
I thought "Sid and Brian will get it right" so I bought it as soon as I had the cash.
Since I am an experianced civer I didnt bother reading the manual and jumped right in.Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that I STILL had to move units one at a time
To make matters worse Civ3 requires you to build a much larger military.
So I was forced back to being a builder only to find out that the AI will out expand you,out trade you,and out tech you if you dont expand thru war.
OK fine-Ill be a warrior I thought and started building bombardment units out the ying-yang and went to war.
OK so I start bombarding the hell out of my enemies and heres what I found out -Bombardment sucks unless its against units outside of cities.To give an example-recently I sent 10 bombers to bomb a city-5 attempts failed, one dest. a library,one dest. a harbor,two didnt tell me anything at all, and one -ONE- caused one HP of damage to ONE of the defending Inf.
Well at this point I have 2 options -saccrifice half my tank force attacking entrenched Inf.in a large city or wait till next turn and bomb them again.Problem is that my democracy suffers crippling war weariness if I drag this out.Also ,since I couldnt destroy their barracks their Inf will be at full strenth again.
Well I decide to wait another turn and bomb them again and bring up some art.
On the next turn I bombard them with everything Ive got.
I think I must have destroyed every Improvement they had before the computer allowed its units to be damaged in any way.
So my troops triumphantly enter a completely useless city with absolutely nothing but a bunch of resisters.I have to station half my army there to quell resisters.meanwhile my people are getting more pissed about the war(dont they know that they are winning the war?).
Now all this would be ok if it wasnt such a hassle to move all my units one at a time.I mean come on -I move a tank next to a city and the computer decides that I should now deal with that worker on the other side of my empire that has nothing to do.ARRGGH.Ok so I hit shift-a and what does it do? It runs up to the front and starts Improving a tile right next to an enemy unit!AAARRRGGGHHH.Then Im promted to move another tank followed by some ship.Im getting bounced all over the map-very annoying.
I can win on monarch level but to do so means to slow my game down to a crawl while I move 200 units one at a time to crush some insignificant civ that should be destroyed in 2 turns max.
As far as bombardment goes there should be a choice whether it should be tactical(troops,barracks,walls)or strategic(harbors,temples,libraries).There should be an element of randomness but more likely that you hit what you want.I mean defending units dont sit on the steps of cityhall waiting for you to march down main street and engage them -no they defend the entrances to the city.
I held out hope that the patch would address stacked movement(although I knew the chances were about 1 in 1,000,000)but I was disappointed again.
So here I am --A poor builder forced into warmongering.You must conquer cities early because if you wait till modern times all youll get is a city that will not do you any good except to weaken your enemy.
The game designers seem to have gone to great lengths to make sure the human players hands are tied.
Well I guess Im all ranted out.
Feel free to pile on.