Heck, I'm bored, so here's a thread about world wonders we'd all like to see. Feel free to add your own, or to use them for a mod. And don't take it too seriously
1) The Blitzkrieg. Gives +1 movement and +1 attack to all your ground units. Becomes obsolete very quickly.
2) Hollywood. Gives you a high bonus to propaganda and +2 content faces in all cities. Drops the rest of the world's regard of you by one step (e.g., from cautious to annoyed), after seeing themselves always portrayed as a bunch of barbarians in your movies. Ditto for what they think of your culture, as a result.
3) The Vichy Government. Your troops have a good probability to surrender without a fight, but your cities are never razed and the rest of the AI countries always come to rescue your butt.
4) The Maginot Line. No defense bonus, but gives a +1 happy face to all cities -- yours AND the other countries' -- on account of being one big joke

Also gives everyone a +1 research, as they try to figure out why the heck was it even built, and why would anyone think of it as impenetrable
5) The Microsoft. Gives a -1 shield production penalty to all towns, -2 to cities, and -3 to metropolis, yours AND other countries' alike. However, it makes all other countries pay you 1 gold per town (their town) each turn, 2 for city, and 3 for metropolis, as they keep up with pointless upgrades. It's never obsolete, but the effect is reduced by 1 with the discovery of Linux. (I.e., penalties become 0 for town, 1 for city and 2 for metropolis. Ditto for how much they pay you per turn.)
6) The Kama Sutra. Doubles population growth and gives +2 happy faces in all cities, but reduces your productivity, taxes and culture, on account of your people's losing interest in all else. However, it makes the other countries think one step higher of your culture than it really deserves. (E.g., "in awe of", instead of "admirers of" your culture.)
7) The Inquisition. Doubles the effect of temples and cathedrals in all cities, but halves the research output.
8) The Internet. Enables everyone to build backbones in their cities to connect to it. Connected cities enjoy a research bonus, which is doubled if someone else already discovered what they're researching. However, it gives a penalty to production and taxes in those cities, on account of people surfing and posting on boards instead of working. Makes 1 citizen unhappy per city size (i.e., 1 for town, 2 for city, 3 for metropolis) in unconnected cities worldwide.