If you researched 8 beakers worth during an anarchy, then it would count only as 8 beakers. 24 turns to go @ 1 beaker/turn.
Say you increase your research level to 2/turn.
8 + ( 2 * 24 ) = 48 out of 80
You have only researched 48 beakers worth, but still get the tech in 32 turns.
Say you increase your research level to 3/turn.
8 + ( 3 * 24 ) = 80 out of 80
No you have researched the full 80 beakers worth, but still only get the tech in 32 turns.
Ok, now we increase the research level to 4/turn.
( 80 - 8 ) / 4 = 18 turns.
Its only now that we actually see any difference in speed of researching. Rather than the maximum 32 turns, we have gotten the tech in 26 turns ( 18 + 8 ).
Note: The post-patch research cap is now at 40 turns. This actually gives you a reason to devote more than 10% to science in the ancient period.