Or ruthless machiavellian manipulation (like forging messages from players, or "manufacturing" incidents).
That's the spice of LAN games, methinks! Once in a game I was in a very tight position as the two ones with largest empires, a Yang and a Zak, were fighting over me (or, I was trying to kiss up another, so to speak).
So, Yang asked me to probe Zak. I probed Zak, but then told him that the probe was all about showing off to Yang to make friends of him, so that I could then backstab him and help Zak.
Well, that helped for somewhile... Then, _Deirdre_ complains that I had done something I never had, told by someone, I still don't know who, and suddenly declares war! And in ten turns, I have been crushed, making all previous attempts of securing my position utterly futile.
In a nutshell, the game was