The mighty Ironclads and the faulty Destroyers
This is yet another story of combat screw-ups and an example of how pointless the unit attributes are
The score:
So we (the English) finally go to war with some obscure little island nation called Egypt that lies far away in the 'here be dragons' area of my map.
Eating my second piece of toast of the day and making sure not to get any crumbs on my keyboard I ordered an expeditiontary force of 3 ironclads to patrol their coastal waters.
Sure enough they bump into a large fleet of Egyptian frigates that promptly do battle with them.
Unfortunately I lose two of the ironclads and the third one limps away on 1 hp. however they were able to destroy no less than 8 enemy frigates! (the surviving one took out 4 alone). Wow I thought. The combat system being the way it is I expected one big screwup and perhaps 4 frigates sunk at most. Needless to say I greeted the 8 frigate losses with glee, especially since I now had 3 brand new destroyers en route. Now the ironclads did brilliantly and were 'only' twice as powerful as the frigates. The new destroyers I had chugging up were 4 or 6 times as powerful! If the ironclads could do so well then the destroyers should surely make mincemeat out of them.
So what happens, the destroyers encounter my old foes and 3 battles are fought . . . two of the destroyers are badly damaged (down to 2 from 4 hp) and the third one is absolutely decimated (frigate only loses 1 hp). The result; two dead enemy frigates for two badly damaged friendly destroyers and one sunk. What the hell!?
Tommorow my naval engineering bureau are going to hear the words, "ready, aim, fire!" in quick succession.