Actually Colonisation gives us many clues how should we implement those natives.(how nice game is was..)
*The Goody/Goodie hut upgrade proposal*
This has been suggested by me a while ago in Korn469's ICS problem thread but I'd like to bring it back again.
Assuming there are 8~9 slots available for major civs with additional 5~6 minor civs, just adding more minor civs would be too much burden for our hardworking CPUs.
I'm pretty sure the designer's intention to create those huts were;
1.representation of Barbarian horde(military threat to civs)
2.representation of primitive natives(source of easy tribute/imperial military protection)
3.sort of bonus for an early explorer(money,knowledge,mercenaries,civilised nomad?)
Current problems
1.No diplomacy allowed to those huts(quite contradictory to history which is full of intense interactions between civilisations and natives/the less-civilised)
2.There is no chance of those barbarians establish a civilisation either by force or accumulation knowledge/culture.
3.The hut which may be the representation of groups of villages can be eliminated too easily(Just one move...)
4.Getting a technology/discovery from the hut(totally unrealistic and can create a situation that most advanced civ get a tech from primitive natives)
5.Those mercenaries are actually your army and have no hometown to return(against true definition of mercenary)
Suggestions to solve the problems
1.Make the hut as a base for those natives and not so vulnerable from foreign invasion(as resilient as the one of Colonisation)
2.If a civilised cities are conquered by barbarians, they should get a chance to begin new civ(minor or major depends on how powerful they are also that should be up to availabilty of civ slot)
3.Allows diplomacy with natives
*Demand tribute in exchange for military protection(Roman clients system)
*Recruit/pay/discharge mercenaries
4.Each native tribe should have its own unique traits & chracteristics and for some cases military speciality(light cavalry,javelineer,etc)
5.Random or periodic appearance of charismatic barbarian leader which brings unity to many huts around his/her one and eventual assembling of the horde then invasion to neibouring civs.
Any other suggestion?
[This message has been edited by Youngsun (edited August 21, 2000).]