Year merry Chrismas to all,
oh and by the way play GoodMod.
But note do not exaggerate it. I think the last turn was a turn too much.
I noticed while I was playing that I was able to make with one AI peace, in a very strange way. This AI was really furious about me, I really had a problem to keep my cities. I reloaded my save game several times every time with the same effect six or seven turns after reload this particular attacked my declared war on me and attacked and conquered my city. Therefore I tried this: I offerd a chease fire in exchange of some gold but the AI rejected. Therefore I threated with war. And this AI acceped it. This is strange, because this AI would have decleared war on me a few turns anyway and this one can influenced by a war thread. The next things that I blackmailed was a map exchange and a peace treaty and now this AI is still happy with me although if I wouldn't blackmailed him it would have declared war on me. And actual the was no real reason to take my blackmail serious. I was the civ that was at the bottom of the power graph. My cities were very bad defended. My infrastructure was bad. And than I can blackmail a civ to turn from an enemy into a friend.
At least threats from very inferior civs shouldn't be accepted, if you are inferior you have to make gift and not threats to make them happy with your.