AI is cheating somehow... IMO
starting at regeant lvl, it's almost impossible to beat the AI to finishing a wonder.
i start building the pyramid asap
after producing 2 warriors (10 turns?) and a settler (another 10?)
then temple, then pyramid
the settler then produce 2 warriors to "patrol" the capital while it's building the pyramid to keep the unhappiness down 'cause pop if going above 6
while, all the time, the AI wonder city builder have pop at most 4
so, how can a pop 4 city out produced a pop 8?
and to make it worse, they always beat me by a few turns!
and when it comes to trading... the most annoying thing is...
a few civs and i have been in contact and pretty much equally advanced
then a new civ came in contact, it's like half way in ancient era, and the rest of us already in the beginning of the next era
w/i a turn or 2, that obsolete civ suddenly became as advanced as us!!
dang civs trading all their techs to the new guy and bam, it became 1 of the top 5 civs
a human player would NOT trade tech away like that to make them technologically advance over in 1 turn!!
AI should not also, since a rise of another civ means another threat to them!
/rant off
AI expansion is bad.
Corruption is worse!