Considering the time it takes to the computer to move and everything, not everyone is very entousiast at playing with 16 civs. So how many civilizations to you usually use in your games?
I'm playing against 7 civs always, even though the large map has space for more. (Guess that would make it 8 civs, if I also count my own, but I already voted 7. Oh well. Guess maths is not one of my good points at 1 AM)
The reason is that I find it to be too much of a pain in the rear to keep switching civs in and out of the available slots. I want to see immediately who's becoming annoyed with me.
Originally posted by Moraelin
I want to see immediately who's becoming annoyed with me.
Likely it's everybody. ;o) They all get indignant and hatefull no matter what I do to try to appease them. Jeez, just because I'm the strongest.....I'm playing Germany, so why do I feel like the U.S.A.?