Military Suppression of Defection doesn't work.
I can verify in a recent Diety game that the "1 unit supresses 1 defector" rule doesn't work. Keep in mind that this is a fairly extreme case, but it's still frustrating.
I had just taken Thebes 2 turns ago. I was busily suppressing rebels so I could begin seriously oppressing the populace. The current population was 10, 1 of which was a resister, and I had 15 knights in the city. My overall culture was fairly low, and the Egyptians had a fairly high culture. I did, however, outnumber the populace 3:2.
The city defected back to the Egyptians. Poof, there goes my entire offensive force on a single die roll - which I believed was not a risk, since I had believed the "1 unit per population" rule of thumb.
Just a bit of information for those of you that might have been counting on this concept working.
- Gus