I lead in culture - about half the AI civs are in awe of mine, but several are not far behind. I have the highest population, land area, production, and GNP, among other demographics. While my culture lead is not so great (~5% > second place Germany), I just built 2 wonders and a rash of cathedrals in recent turns, then captured the Hanging Gardens. My people are so happy their faces hurt from smiling.

Maybe my turn by turn culture gains have soured the AI attitudes... My tech lead is negligible, many others have all techs that I have. The most backward lack only 3 or so techs.
Hopefully the large army isn't the solution. To boost my coffers, I disbanded about 20 units in recent turns.

I have pikemen and swordmen, plus a handfull of knights I built while the horse trade was still active. Something like 125 units total.
I've only waged war against one other civ, spanking them royally for being foreign. That involved one broken treaty, otherwise I'm spotless. Tho I have been asked to leave territory many times, usually ships passing thru controlled waters.
I've played very isolationist, contacting other civs no more than once in a century. If that really is a factor, it would explain some of the sour attitudes.
Well, thanks for the tips. It looks like it is just lonely at the top!

Maybe I'll move up a difficulty level, be in the middle of the pack, and more popular.