Industrious-Commercial takes a commanding lead.
Know what? I'd like to find an industrious-commercial civ quickly.
For the long haul, that might be good; but get in their face early and I think they'd be toast.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
First game I played India because I like the elephants. That's when I realized that Civ traits matter. I'd rather have India as a neighbor (I got Germany).
Then I chose Germany. My oscillating war method killed the German war machine. My cities were in an almost constant state of civil disorder.
Then I chose Aztecs because I heard about their mass producing Jaguar Warriors and after Germany I wanted Religious so I could oscillate my governments. The Jaguar sucked on the large map and few civs I played with. Maybe I'll call on them again when I try smaller maps and more civs.
I am currently on Egypt. They are doing wonders for me. My industrious civ is outpacing Russia and England. I can build roads faster to transport my settlers faster. I will be playing a defensive civ. Haven't started a war yet and just announced my kingship. I have the English pinned to a small section with a landbridge and share the continent with the Russians (I'm not doing very good at sharing though). One more civ is out there by his lonesome. I am playing Warlord.
All civ traits aside, the Egyptians are the best civilization for one simple reason -- they start next to Rome every time! Why does that matter? Because as soon as you start your ancient-era conquesting, you get to see Furious Caesar!
And we all know that Furious Caesar is the most entertaining thing in the game. GRRRR!
To secure peace is to prepare for war.