Originally posted by Cecar
How is the best way to start the game? Build a lot of settlers and building cities? I'm having trouble to keep up with the other civilizations in the game in the beginning. They are growing rapidly! Even if i build a lot of settlers.
Try this production queue for the start of the game, it's working for me at Regent, playing American.
So every city creates two more, and provides two workers before I really start building up my city. I'm not having to much trouble keeping up to the AI's rapid expansion. Plus I try to place some advance cities in the path of a nearby Civ, even if it means a having a huge gap in my empire. If you can limit the available land for expansion of your neighbours, you can always fill in the gaps of your own empire later, and you will be in a much more strategic position in the event of war. The AI will tend to throw all kinds of units at the front cities, so if they're well defended, you can make a big dent in his forces just by sitting there.