January 5, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 18:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
The Order of the Elephant
I tried posting this thing up two days ago, but can' find it anywhere. Ohwell. Here is my story based on a game I played as the Indians. I chose them at random (or rather they were chosen for me) and I was plesantly suprised at how well they worked for me.  This is at monarch level, huge continental map, 16 players. Please read the story, tell me if you like (or even if you think it absolutely sucks). If enough positive response comes in, I may finish the story.
January 5, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 18:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
“What you fail to appreciate is that war has made the Augustinians great! It launched us ahead in technology and money and land! Do you think those cozy chairs you’re reclining in were not purchased with blood? Why are we the predominant culture? WAR! Why should we hold back our troops when we can dominate the world? The Augustinian flag could fly everywhere! We have the best army, and that shall make up for size any day!” And so ranted the minister of war Brundisarus.
Xinjana, the new minister of Culture replied calmly, “But we never sought those wars. Remember what happened to those that sought war for the sake of war? Do you not remember that each of them fell in their own turn? They coveted, and we beat them back, yes, we crushed them. But not for the sake of conquering, but for peace. First the Huns, then Japanese, and then the Shang. They invaded, and we took the war to them. But the peoples did not join us because of war. We took them by war but won them by culture.”
Otto, minister of finances replied, “yes, and this has made us what we are, wealthy and the envy of the world.” He reclined, sipping a pinocolada, “But if someone wants to declare war on us, I’m sure that our coffers will no-doubtably increase in size before the war is out.”
Brundisarus ceded. “Very well, we will not seek war. But the Order of the Elephants are impatient. The military, once roused, do not easily rest.
The mountain city of Chendu, on the southern extreme of the Augustinian Democracy, was bustling with activity on a cold December day of 5685 AR (Augustinian Reckoning). The city was based on the gold trade, and everyone was rich. But work was still required. The new truckload of gold and other minerals pulled into the dock. Ah Chou directed the unloading.
“Yes, that’s right, over there. Wong! What are you doing?”
“What I usually do, I need to feed the family somehow.”
“That’s crap and you know it. You have enough money to feed the Imperial army for ten years. What I mean is that’s way too much to take home. Policy is to only take 30%. That’s divided between miners, truckers, handlers, and sellers. Now, everyone can only take so much out of each load before some government official gets suspicious. Take only half of what you’ve got there and you’re still filthy rich, like the rest of us.”
“Sure thing boss”
After work, Wong traveled home, just to the south of the city, in his autorider, a new fangled idea for transportation. Almost everyone in Chendu owned one. Some of the more enterprising citizens were tinkering with ideas to make them better and faster, but he was content with his monster. He pulled into his drive and got out. There he had a magnificent view of the plains to the south. He could see New Hoblane, an newly independent state under Egyptian protection. He felt sorry for the people down there. They’ve been living under the umbrella of war for so long. Good thing it was all over now.
He heard a whinny from behind his house in the old stable. He hurried inside where he met a cavalry officer, or so he assumed by the elephant badge on his tall hat. “Why are you in my house?”
“I’m sorry, but the government has decided that this is the perfect place for a forward base, you and you’re family will have to relocate. And I would recommend further north in the Chendu Range.”
“Why, we aren’t at war, are we?”
“You ask too many questions. Besides, you’re wealthy enough.” He looked around the highly ornate room. “How much does a dock worker get paid?”
“That’s not of you’re business.”
“Then I suggest you pack your bags by next week. That is all.” And the captain left.
Captain Rocko looked confused. “Set up base in Chendu? We already have a guard there and there is no-one but some independent states and our allies, the Babylonians, there.”
The general glared back, “You have your orders, move two divisions of infantry, three brigades of cavalry, and the three wings of aircraft under your control to Chendu, and prepare them. You are on a need to know basis, and when you need to know why, I’ll let you know why.”
“Yes sir”
Captian Rocko left the Brundisarus’ office in Olympus City. The office was in a newly renovated building attached to the old barracks in the old city where it was said that the first war elephants were trained, and their riders first joined the fighting monk order, unimaginatively called the Elephants. Only the most valiant could be an Elephant, though they no longer fought on those beasts. No, now they rode horses and where the remnants of the feudal lords called upon to defend Augustinia from attack more than a thousand years ago. Rumors had it that some of the pilots were being admitted into the order, but no infantryman need apply.
Old Olympus rose on the lone mountain over the new city. The city spread for miles over an extensive plain, the suburbs even further, and they overlapped with the suburbs of the other great cities of the Augustinian homeland. But Olympus was the largest, boasting a population of over five and half million people, by far the largest city in the world. Ancient temples and new churches dwelt side by side, giant stadiums to appease the masses dotted the landscape. Often frequenting the new fangled malls were the wild university students. But behind it all was the governing hand of the Provost. The Provost was a magical title given to the president of the nation. But the title was used before, millennia ago when the Augustinians first settled on the sea.
The city was way too big. “Its time to leave this place.” Rocko said to himself. “Besides, I always wanted to live in the hills.”
January 7, 2002, 18:55
Local Time: 13:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: MD
Posts: 184
You are right. It is crap.
I am just kidding! Somebody posted once that I ALWAYS say good things...so I wanted to change things up
Seriously, it is very well written. Excellent job. I really liked how you altered the culture of your story world to that of an alternate history (autorider, august reckoning). I like it when people use that kind of creativity. Keep it up
'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."
January 9, 2002, 12:22
Local Time: 18:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
Here is part 2. Enjoy.
Wong decided not to leave Chendu, but moving north did seem to be wise. He quickly packed the necessities, gold bullion, gold jewlry, some cloths, and abandoned his dwelling. He would make his fortunes further north. If the military was going to kick him out of his home for 'security' reasons, mabey he can become even more wealthy making gadgets for the military. He drove north in his autorider when an idea struck him. Why not mount weapons on a vehicle platform? Sure, it would need a lot of work to make succesful, but he had the money and the time. He wasn't going to stick around the dock with so many military units around.
He arrived at a farmyard that had been abandoned ever since he was a boy of six. The terrain was poor for farming, and there were no minerals to be found here. And thanks to the free land act, it was his for the taking. A perfectly secluded place for inventing. Now he only needed some materials.
In town he said hi to his friends, told them he was going on a little break. They understood. Dock working was a difficult job. He picked up a newspaper. Hmmm, he thought, war on the European continent. That can't be good. He read further. Rome Conquering Greece, Egypt Joins Attack! Peace Conference Called. But Wong came here to buy supplies. Lots of them.
The Augustinian Provost hosted a world-wide conference for peace in Thalaktopolis, the capital. Embassies from every nation on earth attended. So did the head of the Elephants. Brundisarus was going to make sure that anything but peace prevailed.
The conference started with heartwarming speaches from the cultural advisors of the Russians and French. Then the Greek embassador begged for peace. They pleaded. They grovelled. Greatly moved, the Roman embassador stood and proclaimed that peace was to be had, and all greivances repared. *BAM!* The door was nocked down and in rode a clocked company of Greek Cavalry. Among the mayhem they shot the Roman and Egyptian secrataries of war and carried off the Greek embassador to safety. Everyone was in an uproar, peace was never settled.
The Greek embassador was so shocked he didn't move. Even when the cavalry brought him to a small shack in the forest far from the city, he could only stare. 'Pyrus, what a pleasant suprise, though I have been waiting for you.' said a familiar voice.
'Brundisarus! What is the meaning of this?' the dishovelled embassador querried.
'You know very well that peace is only an illusion. Peace between the Greeks and Romans is not a possibility. Not after the Greek guard assasinates the Roman AND Egyptian secretaries of war. Oh no. Of course, your successor will claim that they were Romans in disguise who wanted to perpetuate war.'
'My successor?'
'You don't think you'll survive the trip home, do you? Especially if you're in the hands of blood thirsty Romans. Of course, the Augustinians will believe your side of the story, and join the war against the Romans and Egyptians. Your sacrifice will be appreciated.'
Two Cavalry officers stepped forward. 'Dispose of him.'
January 9, 2002, 17:22
Local Time: 13:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: MD
Posts: 184
I thought there was more to it...but I wasn't sure
'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."
January 9, 2002, 18:42
Local Time: 18:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
And there is more to come.  I only need to be able to use the computer I played the game on so I can remember half the names and ideas I had come up with.
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