
You can always block access to your cities by posting diplomats and (food) caravans in the way. Foreign diplomats can be sent back. Or even better: make a deal with the player who wants to set up a profitable trade route.
Again, this is very realistic, it happens all the time in the real world (French truckers are blockading international trade as we speak).
I think that diplomats, spies, sea trade, etc should all be removed as units from the game, and replaced with screens, like I've been saying for yonks.
BUT, in reference to modelling the blockade in France of the oil refineries, I think this sort of thing should be available in the game, but it would done as a part of the
trading screen, not with the clumsy way of having to move trucks to enemy towns.
Some of the options that should be available in the tradign screen are:
*Level Tariffs
- Start Trade War (Ultra-High tarriffs).
- Income source (moderate tariffs)
- Help local trade (low tariffs)
*Begin/Resume Trading (give $ to both sides)
- Trade allies (high level of trading)
- Trade patners (moderate level of trading)
- Informal Trading (low level of trading)
*Cease/lower trading
- Permanent stop
- Temporary ban
- Target specific goods (lowers trading)
(I have the feeling I'll be referencing this model some time in the future.)
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...