January 8, 2002, 22:49
Local Time: 19:05
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French Succession Game Play/Read/Enjoy
Well, it seems we're playing as the French. Regent level. Huge Map, Raging Hordes, Continent, 70% water, normal, temperate, 3 billion years.
Here is the Succession list:
Eddy Eat World
Sir Ralph
Fredric Drum
Giovanni August
When you are done with your turn, post your results and stories here. Also post your game here for your successors to download.  Enjoy!
Edit: Giovanni August added to list. Anyone else who wants to join should wait untill someone drops out.
Last edited by JMarks; January 9, 2002 at 13:36.
January 8, 2002, 23:12
Local Time: 19:05
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Markavian Deinasty
0AU (After Unity)-Markos the Unifier gathers together his peoples, known collectively as the French, to settle the land. The Flood plain was deemed unsanitary and unsafe for the founding and building of a new city. Thus he leads his people and nation across the river to higher ground where grain was abundant and plentiful. To seem more dignified and cultured, the court talked superfluously and redundantly. And the People Rejoiced
50AU - Markos dies crossing the river, his successor, Ioannes I, names city after the great leader. Volunteers prepare themselves to scout the land. Wise Guys persuade Ioannes to let them research metalurgy. They claim that they can create an edge harder than chipped stone. And the People Rejoiced
100AU - A contingant of the nation is sent to build roads to more wheat north in the flood plains. With a path, the time to bring the wheat in will be shortened, thus providing more time for other arts. And the People Rejoiced
150AU - Nothing exeptional. Ioannes I sees the last of the original settlers die. However he does not age the same, he only seems fifty years old by now. And the People Rejoiced
200AU - Road to northern wheat completed. Sure enough, the easier travel, not to mention the tolls for using the roads, increase the treasury exponentially. The road builders are ordered into the forest where they will be building more roads for easier transportation of logs and other wooden items. And the People Rejoiced.
250AU - Road to Eastern Forest Begun. And the People Rejoiced.
300AU - Markopolis' regemant of warriors trained sufficiently. Ioannes I joins them to discover new lands, leaving his heir, Markos II in charge of affairs. The warrior band goes north and west along river. And the People Rejoiced.
350AU - The warrior scouts discover more wheat and hills. And the People Rejoiced
400AU - Road builders finish logging route, head south to grassland. The scouts head west across river. Gold seen glimmering in chunks in hills and mountains. Ioannes I dies from massive coronary due to too much fried chicken grouse and the sight of all that gold. And the People both Rejoiced and morned. (the gold did seem to take the edge off the mourning however)
450AU - After Ioannes' last words, 'looks like a good city site', he is buried, and left behind as the scouting group continues its journey west.
500AU - Markopolis outfits another scouting group. Markos II, wishing to follow in his father's footsteps, joins the warriors. However, he wishes to take them east. Having no heir, he leaves the French to his most trusted advisor, Eddy. However, Markos II still runs all aspects of government while on the move.
550AU - Culture expands in Markopolis. A celebration is held as more people flock to the city. Markos orders the road builders to build a road to his father's resting place, and future city site.
600AU - Markos rides through the cool forest, and feels at ease. He hunts delicious game and wishes he could live his life in the forest that hugs the eastern part of the valley. Markos names the valley that his ansestors lived and died in, the Valley of the Kings. However, he heads north into the mountains. The Western scouts travel though the desert valley on their journey west.
650AU - More warriors are outfitted in Markopolis. Markos II orders them to remain in Markopolis to mantain the order. He also orders that all debtors who join the forming settlers to found a new city will have their debts wiped out. And the debtors rejoice.
700AU - After a weary day, the scouts set camp and cook their meals. However, some of the more vigilant notice other camp fires in the distant hills. All are made ready. Markos sees some really intrueging game down in the valley. Oh how he wishes he could do some hunting in the forest!
750AU - Markos II greats the Telemarines in their encampments the next day. These people are mountain nomads who know their land. They gladly share information of the terrain and the lore that went with it. Markos is unhappy to learn that to the East there is nothing but mountains and mountains, with reported Mountain Monsters and other nasty things. But to the north hills lower down into a valley and another tribe dwells there. He decides to great them. The Western scouts stumble into Seljuks. They had very peculiar wagons pulled by horses, the same kind they had seen looking on during Ioannes' funeral. These people gladly teach the French warriors how to make and work the wheels. Soon people in Markopolis start using handcarts to transport goods. And the People Rejoiced
800AU - After the visit with the Seljuks, the western scouts continue west only to find another valley of desert and floodplains. They decide to head north.And the People Rejoiced
850AU - Markopolis reaches the population of 100,000. Markos II becomes unhappy to discover that the settlers were not yet prepared to move out. However he presses on northward to meet his northern neighbors. And the People Rejoiced.
900AU - The western scouts find some cattle and discover that they taste good roasted. The captains fight over the prime rib while the regulars fight over the rest. A budding cook discover that tongues can be a delicassy, and is thereafter promoted by Markos II to chief chef and General of the Western armies. And the People Rejoice.
950AU - Markos is greated by the Marcommani tribe. However, at dinner, Markos offers a cow tongue to the chiefton. The chiefton is enfuriated and promptly calls his warriors to arms. No more messages were recieved from Markos, and all his company is presumed dead. The Stewards of Markopolis take control.
January 8, 2002, 23:16
Local Time: 19:05
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Location: formerly known as the artist
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Ok Eddy, you have 72 hours, starting tomorrow.  If you have any problems tell us as soon as possible. BTW, how do I attach images? I'll try it here, but I don't know if I'm doing it properly.
Last edited by JMarks; January 9, 2002 at 01:01.
January 9, 2002, 00:21
Local Time: 14:05
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Posts: 337
In the frozen land of Nador they were forced to eat Robins minstrels
and there was much rejoicing (yaaay)
January 9, 2002, 00:31
Local Time: 14:05
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You need to find a host site and then follow the instructions for posting imgs here
January 9, 2002, 03:27
Local Time: 11:05
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Good start...
.... umm... do I have to end each turn of my summary with "And the people rejoiced"? I plan on being a cruel and insufferable despot... the people would probably sooner rebel...
January 9, 2002, 10:27
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
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FNBrown: So conclude your turn summaries with "And the people rebeled"  Poor 10:13 will have to deal with the unhappiness you cause, but hey, that's life.  And who knows, may be he's even a more bloodthirsty tyrant than you are
JMarks: Could you post a zip of the original 4000BC savegame? Just for the records  The pic links seem not to work so far. I'll have to wait till evening to have a look at our playground.
January 9, 2002, 11:26
Local Time: 19:05
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Knew I forgot something. Well, here's the 4000BC save. I probably should have explored valley of the kings further north. Oh well, that can be the successor's job.
January 9, 2002, 18:48
Local Time: 19:05
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Turn 1- And lo, in the year of our unification, 1000 AU, a messenger arrives at the gates (well between two of the ramshackle buildings) of the city of Markopolis. He is covered in road dust and he looks as though the hounds of hell have chased him. Some guy, apparently called Gillskill led him to the holy cave where Edius sat in governance (or possible despotance).
"I bring ill tidings," he gasped,
"Do you indeed," replied Gillskill,
"The lord of our people has been killed in battle. Fully three armies of barbarians descended upon his scout party. The first wave was turned back, the second also, but with grave loss. The battered remnats stood ready to fight as I was sent here. My lord. . . he knew he would be slain that day. He sent me to say you are his heir. You now lead the French."
"Is that so. . . is that so."
Edius took no time in declaring himself the Lord High Chaimberlain of the People of God. And the people did not rejoice. But Edius ordered all not rejoicing put to death. And the people did rejoice. With slightly forced smiles on their faces.
Turn 2- Upon hearing that his predecesors last wish was to have a city founded in his honour at the end of the great road his pioneers had built in the north of the valley of the kings Edius sets forth with a band of settlers ready to expand the frontier. More pioneers are ordered to get ready ot leave the city as soon as possible.
Turn 3- An explorer from the far west returns with a strange new dish made from the odd beasts known as "cows". A slab of meat is heat on a fire for the shortest time possible and slammed on a plate with the blood still oozing out of it. For want of a better choice Edius names it the national dish, calling it "steak". The creator of the dish is named Admiral of the Southern Seas.
(erm, Settlers moved towards city site, workers moved towards hill with horses on it).
Turn 4- Edius arrives at the site Markos specified and finds it good. Soon a great city shall stand here. Workers move into the hills nearby the new city site and notice the abundance of horses in the rgion.
Turn 5- "Build a city to rival all cities here," intoned Edius to his loyal subjects,
"Mmkay, I suppose we must," they chorused in reply.
"Shall we name it in the honour of our late king who chose this site?" asked the Lord High Chaimberlains advisor.
"What, why would I do that- lets call it . . . . Edaron."
As he walked away he was heard to mutter, ". . . cheek of it, already has one bloody city named after him".
The Scouts in the West are given the title of The Western Army and are told to continue to explore the north of our territory, working their way back to the north of the valley of the kings. Edius tells the people to learn to fight like true warriors.
Turn 6- THe people spontaneously build a flight of stairs leading to Edius' cave. Tears are noticed in his eyes.
Turn 7- Workers build a road to the horses in the hills of Edaron. "Mwuhahahahaha," comments Edius. Doubts about his sanity arise.
Turn 8- Workers proceed to begin a road to the next city location, the flood plain near the forests Markos so loved to ride through.
Turn 9- Ho, hum.
Turn 10- Pioneers once more depart from Markopolis, this time to the game filled forests to the east of the valley river accompanied by the warriors that were protecting Markopolis. More warriors begin to be recruited.
Turn 11- The Western Army is now declare the Northern Army as it begins to explore the lands to the north of the valley of kings, spotting high concentrations of elephants and barbarians. Pioneers continue towards the forests of Markos.
Turn 12- Edaron's people rejoice as a militia is trained. They no longer fear attack (very much). Pioneers begin to rouse support for moving away to colonise the northlands as the Northern Army finds a lush green valley with a river running through and wheatfields waving in the wind.
Turn 13- Barbarians attack the Northern Army to no avail. Not a man falls as they sneakily wipe out the barbarians whilst throwing rocks down the mountains. The pioneers reach their destination on the banks of the river of the kings and build a city.
"What shall we call it?" asked a pioneer of Edius,
"Call it Minus-Morgul, for I am the Dark Lord and there shall I sit upon my Dark throne in my Dark cave. "
"Really?" inquired the settler.
"Oh yes, he replied off-hand. By the way, do you like my new ring? Oh, and train some warriors up."
Turn 14- Warriors are trained in Markopolis and set about fortifying the city. Now workers are being trained.
Turn 15- Northern army comes into contact with English scouts in the green valley. The English are cautious, but poor in negotiation. I recieve Pottery and Ceremonial Burial for Masonry and 6 gold bars and Elizabeth becomes polite. I am appaled that when we met they had 3 techs we didn't have and we only had 1 they didn't. I notice the science rate is only at 10% but we make so little gold at present that it makes no difference.
Turn 16- Northern army continues moving north and closer to home the road to Minas-Morgul is completed.
Turn 17- Do did a ro did a fiddle fad fo. Wise men discover slood (it's like water but muddier)
Turn 18- Barbarians sighted approaching Edoran. Pioneers begin a road into the forests of Minas-Morgul so that the beasts withing can be transported back quicker and sold for better prices (it's just a road in a forest ok). Northern army spies Bombay across Indian border to the north. We are much more advanced than them. We trade the wheel for Bronze working and 10 gold bars. Wise man is told to investigate the strange grey ore I hope I will find in the nearby hills. He tells us it will take 40 pressings of the holy space bar so I give him some more gold to hire an apprentice. Now it will only take 29 (raised science rate to 70%).
Turn 19- Men to work the land set forth into the grassy land outside Markopolis and decide to dig holes in the ground while back in the city men are begun to be told how to stand and look menacing while waving a spear. I hope this will stand them in good stead in the future.
Turn 20- THe number of barbarians outside Edoran is now confirmed as a "horde". Two armies stand before the gates with one in reserve. The road to horses is pillaged. Upon hearing the news of barbarian armies the great lord Edius' sanity finally cracks and he is finally dragged away while screaming, "The fish, the fish". With no one left to turn to the people of France let Gillskill inherit the mistakes of a madman with only these scraps of writing on Edius' desk to aid him:
1-Get north before the Indians do.
2-Have faith and Edoran will hold.
3-Ware the fish! the fish I tell you!!!!!
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 9, 2002, 19:01
Local Time: 19:05
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I looked at our starter location and thought, ahhhhhhhhh desert. But its not so bad actually, the flood plains to the west will support a city and if we manage to colonise the grasslands in the north we'll have a nice city and will be able to keep an eye on the Indians. If Edoran falls I am really sorry, its just all these barbarians came out of nowhere. Eeeek. Good look Gillkill, we want lots of colonisation (well, I do). i have attached our map, ok.
Edit: Ok, I haven't attached our map, but I tried.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 9, 2002, 19:16
Local Time: 11:05
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Fantastic summary! Looks like our little empire is off to an entertaining start.
January 9, 2002, 19:23
Local Time: 20:05
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
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Uhm!  !
Good Job guys!
keep it up and don't make Edoran falls!  !
January 9, 2002, 19:25
Local Time: 19:05
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My experience with such barbaric hordes is that if they overcome the garrison, the just plunder and steal, leaving the city to you (or anyone who decides they want it).
Of course, Markos' sons (rumors are he escaped and sired a son with a Telemarine wife) will some day return to restore order, someday...
January 9, 2002, 19:31
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
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Great job, from both JMarks and Eddy! The start location looks quite "Egyptian" though  but it isn't so bad indeed! And there's not only elephants, but also strange glowing stones called gems in the mountains north-west of Edaron. Our wives will surely love them if we get them under our control as soon as we can.  And who knows, may be there are even so much of them there, that we can sell them for lots of gold coins
Actually I am merely a warrior with a stone mace and serve in the guard in Minas-Morgul, but I heard rumors, that my grandchildren might some day rule this country  Who knows? If the prophets forecast it, it has to come true...
January 9, 2002, 19:32
Local Time: 20:05
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I usually set my barbaria level as low cause i don't like them much! So i don't know what they usually do!
Why not posting also some screenshot in the summary!
I think it would help a lot and it would be more enjoible!
January 9, 2002, 19:37
Local Time: 20:05
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Me instead I'm actually one of the leader of the Marcomanni tribe a Barbaric tribe allied with France!
The Druid told me that someday the Marcomanni dinasty will begin!
I'm looking forward to it
January 9, 2002, 19:45
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
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Giovanni August: You don't know what the Barbs do? Hey, they are the best trainers for your warriors  You are surely missing the salt of the early game! I set them at least "restless" in my games. They disappear in the end of the 5th century AD anyway, except in goody huts. I once had a hut on a mid-ocean island, where barbs brought my musketman down to 1 hp (bad seed) and almost killed my settler, and all in the 13th century!
January 9, 2002, 22:42
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How to download the zip file correctly?
I tried to download it simply by clicking on it but it save it as a document file and when i try to load it I can't find it in my save file directory!!
January 10, 2002, 05:24
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
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Giovanni: It should work by simply clicking it, but the downloaded file may have another name. When I download the file, it's name is for some reason "attachment", without extension. Of course neither WinZip nor Civ3 will accept that file. When I rename it "france.zip" or something like that, unzip it and move it to the Saves directory, I can load it without a problem.
May be for you it's similar, check it.
Last edited by Sir Ralph; January 10, 2002 at 05:38.
January 10, 2002, 06:27
Local Time: 20:05
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Hmm... who's playing now? Sir Ralph? Is it me next?
January 10, 2002, 06:30
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
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Originally posted by Fredric Drum
Hmm... who's playing now? Sir Ralph? Is it me next?
It's Gillskills turn now. Then mine, and after me yours. Read JMarks thread opening post.
(Sorry for Edit, had made a GillSpill out of GillSkill  )
January 10, 2002, 06:45
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I read the post, but wasn't able to figure out who was playing...
January 10, 2002, 06:55
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I've got the zip now and will play it tonight. I shall, of course, avoid all fish.
January 10, 2002, 07:21
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Originally posted by gillskill
I've got the zip now and will play it tonight. I shall, of course, avoid all fish.
Well, you must!
January 10, 2002, 12:20
Local Time: 19:05
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Before we can attach images we need a site where we can put our images on. I'm not sure how its done but if one of our members (or a reader) knows how and can offer a site it would improve our stories.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 10, 2002, 12:30
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JMarks - how did you get your images up?
January 10, 2002, 13:00
Local Time: 19:05
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Don't know, I still can't see them.
I'll tell you what, send maps to me and I'll create a site on geocities with them and the stories when I get the time, ok?
January 10, 2002, 13:28
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
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Originally posted by JMarks
Don't know, I still can't see them.
Neither can I...  What are you talking about, gillskill?
January 10, 2002, 16:28
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Originally posted by Sir Ralph
Neither can I... What are you talking about, gillskill?
I can.. they're just lovely! :-)
January 10, 2002, 17:57
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
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Now I can see them also. Cool idea to give some regions, rivers, mountains etc. names, this makes comments about resources etc. easier. We could even, after further exploration (probably after discovering map making  ) make a map of our mighty empire
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