January 10, 2002, 18:26
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I think a map would be a great idea!
Only problem with Geocities is you can't link to images hosted there... not sure if any other free website services allow that or not...
- Franklin
January 10, 2002, 19:20
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Mmmmm... I have some non-free webspace. The problem is, it has a hard 2-MB-quota (took the cheapest cos it wasn't meant for a big site) and that is probably not enough for all those pics
January 11, 2002, 02:02
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I might be able to provide some space, too... if nobody else comes up with anything, please let me know.
January 11, 2002, 02:54
Local Time: 20:05
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Originally posted by Sir Ralph
Giovanni: It should work by simply clicking it, but the downloaded file may have another name. When I download the file, it's name is for some reason "attachment", without extension. Of course neither WinZip nor Civ3 will accept that file. When I rename it "france.zip" or something like that, unzip it and move it to the Saves directory, I can load it without a problem.
May be for you it's similar, check it.
Ii works good!
January 11, 2002, 07:39
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Just testing this site netfirms.com
January 11, 2002, 07:40
Local Time: 20:05
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Ok, just sign up for an account on www.netfirms.com and you'll be able to post pictures.
January 11, 2002, 08:00
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The Reign of Gillskill
1 (2270BC) The self proclaimed Lord High Protector Gillskill immediately took over the defence of Edaron and led the newly formed warrior force in Minas-Morgul. It would be a long, hard march across the Valley of the Kings, but they would be able to garrison Edaron if the forces there succumbed, or move into the hills to hunt the Marcomanni camp down. The Northern Army is ordered to continue exploring north, and move east of Bombay. Good news reaches Gillskill's relief force - the Edaron warrior survives the first onslaught and achieves veteran status. Gillskill's absence from the capital means that he can in no way be implicated when Edius was 'accidentally' bricked in behind the walls of the new extension of the Palace the people erected in gratitude of Gillskill's defence of Edaron. Oh, no.
2 The road to the woody elephants, north of Minas-Morgul, is started. The remnants of the barbarian attack on Edaron throw themselves at Edaron's warrior, but they easily hold out.
3 The worker at Markopolis grows bored of digging holes and is given the honour of building 'The Way West' from Edaron to the western flood plains. Gillskill's Relief Force arrives in Edaron, and whilst he allows them to refresh themselves in the clear waters of Flumen Ordis he immediately leads the Edaron Defence Force into the hills, bent on revenge. Another barbarian is seen approaching through the mountain valleys.
4 The mighty Edaron Defence Force takes up position above them and prepare for the assault. Meanwhile, from its mountain position, the Northern Army spies the developed wheat fields of what they suspect is the Indian capital, north-west of Bombay.
The barbarians are no match for the Edaron Defence Force, and they are soon no more.
5 Gillskill leads his troops further into the Edaron Mountains, but the barbarians appear to have retreated. The Northern Army are rewarded for their long mountain trek when they come across a vast area of gems.
6 The newly formed spearman unit of Markopolis are revealed to the population as they parade ceremoniously on the steps of the Palace. It inspires the crowd to spread the glories of France and they rush around making preparations for a mini-exodus. Rather than be outshone by the new troops, Gillskill orders the warriors there to form the New Western Army, to continue exploration along the coast to the west. The Northern Army continue to discover yet more gems and their progress is somewhat slowed as they fill their pockets. The Edaron Defence Force marches further into the mountains and at last uncovers the Marcommoni camp. The joy of the troops for the upcoming fight is dashed when news reaches them of a plague that had hit their families with such a devastating effect. It took all of Gillskill's diplomatic skills (and an interesting conjuring show) to keep them to the task in hand. A large part of the remaining Edarons decide to move onto healthier climes on the Indian plains. Those left start training for a new warrior regiment.
7 The settlers from Edaron and the workers who had previously been at Markopolis move out together to Horse Hill, to a few muffled cheers from the remaining citizens. From the mountains ahead of them they can hear the desperate cries for clemency from the Marcommoni camp, being crushed by the Edaron Defence Force. With the gold collected from the remains Gillskill decides the time is right to concentrate more on researching some new knowledge. He now spends 90% on science. The people mumble "What about us?"
The Northern Army is contacted by the Germans. At first they were annoyed (despite trying their best there was no way the troops could hide their bulging pockets of gems), but relations improved when they exchanged Warrior Code for Wheel and 115 gold.
8 The Way West is started on Horse Hill, and the settlers move towards the Indian grasslands.
9 Despite the Edaron Defence Force having achieved its objectives, under the leadership of Gillskill it continues towards the Indian lands "just for a look". In Minas-Morgul the populace set forth to start a new city in the middle of the woody elephants. Gillskill orders them to build a temple, as a suitable place for the visitors to the Valley of the Kings to pay their respects. (Gillskill had been asking around to find out what a 'King' was but people didn't have any idea. The best guess was that it was a type of desert shrew...)
10 The Northern Army skirts around further German borders, and the New Western Army, moving along the coastal hills, see the southern end of the Western desert.
11 Continuing further west the New Western Army comes across more elephants. The Way West is commenced, and horses are led back along it it to Edaron.
12 Gillskill leads the Edaron Defence Force into the Indian plains, ready to meet their fellows from their home town.
13 A great year as a city is founded (quietly) amongst the woody elephants. To appease the Gods it is named Olifant. A road from Minas-Morgul will soon be completed to take ivory throughout the French lands. The people of Markopolis are finally ready, and to aid quicker growth Gillskill orders a granary to be built. In Edaron a warrior force undergoes training.
14 The Markopolis settlers move towards Olifant, where a road is being built eastwards, to speed up future expansion. The Northern Army, after many years of expedition is ordered back home through the unexplored eastern lands, before they forget where they come from.
15 On their way back they pop over the border of a new civilization, to a city that turns out to be St Petersburg. Despite their best endeavours our delegates are unable to extract any sort of deal. It appears that the Russians are all but broke. Slightly better results are achieved with some Indian warriors who are also visiting the city. Just to get anything from all their negotiations we sell them pottery for all the money in their treasury (19 gold).
In the green Indian valley the Edaron settlers found a city, and in honour of their great leader, now bringing the Edaron Defence Force towards it for its security, name it Gillham ("Oh Really? You shouldn't!").
The newly formed Edaron warrior moves into the friendly village north of the town and gratefully accepts 50 gold. Work on The Way West is temporarily suspended as the workers are pulled back to dig mines in Horse Hill (and the workers mumble "This isn't what we are promised.")
16 The warrior from Edaron moves towards Olifant.
17 The New Western Army moves across the Western Mountains. The sight of a cow in the flood plains below helps encourage them in their journey down the slopes, though the boundaries of another culture causes some intepidration amongst the troops.
After recovering from the celebrations/drunken debauchery following the founding of Gillham, Gillskill decides that growth is progressing too slowly, so orders the people of Minas-Morgul to lay down their lives so that the temple can be built. Those left are ordered to get their things together in preparation for setting out to find a new city. Gillskill decides to spend the rest of his reign in the Capital.
A vandal is spotted east of Olifant.
18 The New Western Army approaches the English. Perhaps due to their cautious attitude they are unprepared to share any of their technical advances, and the troops move on. The settler from Minas-Morgul remains in Olifant whilst the threat of the vandal remains. In Gillham the population undergoes training in the use of a shovel.
19 The warrior from Edaron arrives in Olifant, and the worker bravely continues work on the road as the vandal approaches.
Scientists declare they have found a use for a hard metal found in the ground and are ordered to research writing, so that their reports can be more easily understood. A survey of the known world reveals two iron deposits north of Leipzig (along with their gems they are indeed a city God has smiled upon) and one east of Olifant. Gillskill orders the settler waiting there to go and settle that area, just as soon as it is safe to do so.
20 (1600BC) The warrior in Olifant, led by the mighty Sir Ralph, moves out and kills the vandal. The way is clear for development to the East. After spending many restless nights in the Palace, kept awake by what can only be described as scratching from behind a wall, Gillskill decides to retire to the wooded glades of Olifant. He decides that the battle hardened Sir Ralph is well placed to take on the task of further developing the French, and hands him the keys of the Palace.
January 11, 2002, 08:04
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Attached is the zip file. Good luck Sir Ralph - there isn't much chance of getting further north so I would developing east and west (obviously). Important thing is to get the iron.
January 11, 2002, 08:06
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or maybe here...
January 11, 2002, 08:16
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Thanks, I will, and obviously I also should secure the gems, but... where's the file?
January 11, 2002, 08:18
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Originally posted by gillskill
or maybe here...
Got it. Will make my turn this evening
January 11, 2002, 14:55
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The Reign of the God-like Warrior
It was in the year 2400 after Unity. In the palace in Markopolis was held the Great Council. Ralph, the young ruler and former officer of the guards, had invited all his advisors and the governors of the five cities. He asked them about their business, one by one:
"Domestic advisor?"
A young woman stepped forth. "Here I am, o Great One! Our citizens in Markopolis are happy. Edaron is growing slowly..."
The young, black bearded ruler cut her word: "Shut up! I don't care who is happy or not. How many gold coins do we possess, and how much is our treasury increasing turn by turn?"
"We possess 211 gold coins, and one is added every turn."
"What?", the Warrior replied. "Only one? Who is wasting all my gold?"
"We are spending nine tenth of our income for science, o Sun of France."
"For what? What is this science thing for? Well, we'll discuss this later. You may go. Trade advisor?"
"Here, o mighty Ralph! We have only one source of horses. Let's secure other sources and trade with our friends..."
"Are you burning in fever? What friends are you talking about? Do you mean these Indian, German, Russian and English barbarians that threaten our borders? Do you call these my friends?"
"I am sorry o Light of our Souls", the advisor replied. "Additional to the horses we possess 3 sources of ivory to make our citizens happy."
"You may go. Make citizens happy... what should that be good for? Whatever. Military advisor?"
"Here I am, mon general."
"I am not your general anymore. What forces do we own?"
"We have six warrior regiments, one regiment of spear fighters, two worker forces and one settler force. Another settler, worker and spear unit are in training."
"That is nothing!", the Ruler replied. "Why don't we have twice as much? Do you lack funds?"
"No, o Mighty. We could have twice as much and not pay more."
"So build settlers and military! I will order this to the city governors. How are our forces compared with the others?"
"Average, Great Leader. Except for the Indians, they are weak and no match for our mighty armies."
"Good, colonel. You may go. Foreign advisor? How are our relationships to the barbarian nations?"
"Mostly they are cautious towards us, except the weak Indians, they are polite. The English offer us Mysticism for 110 Gold and say we can't afford Horseback Riding. The Germans offer us Mysticism for the same price. The Russians are not so advanced, they lack Alphabet, The Wheel and Iron working, and have only about 25 gold coins. The Indians lack only Iron working and have absolutely no money."
"Good. Return to your business. I will contact the barbarian leaders myself. Science advisor?"
"Here, O Wisest of the Wise. We lack the funds to keep up in research. Please increase science spending. We are moderately advanced..."
The scar at the Rulers face begun to glow. Furious, he replied with a thunder-like voice: "Are you kidding, worthless? You receive almost all what I have! When will your mystics discover the Wonder of Writing?"
"In 23 turns, o Genius of our days."
"And if I give you only a few coins now and then?"
"Then we need 40 turns, o Teacher of your unworthy advisors."
"Do you mean all my money can not even double your research speed?"
"Unfortunately yes. We haven't discovered Mathematics yet and I'm unsure, but I suppose you are right... Oh, my apologies... I am sure you must be right!"
"Go away now. Domestic advisor? The science funds shall be reduced to one tenth of our income. All else goes to my treasury. I will go, visit our neighbors, and buy the secrets of science there. May be after all, they are not as barbarian as they seem... The city advisors of Markopolis and Edaron are hereby ordered to do all to finish the work on granary and temple as soon as only possible! All other shall continue their work as they were told by the Great Gillskill. The Great Council is hereby disbanded."
A tiny voice was heard, from a distant seat: "And me?"
"Who are you, dwarf?"
"I'm your cultural advisor, o Greatest Son of the Muses."
"What do I need you for?"
"I will do my best to increase our cultural influence. We should build more temples, for the people to worship you, God-like. We should do more to impress our foes, and our cultural influence will grow. We even might gain cities, without sending one warrior..."
"Gain cities without war? Is this really possible?" The advisor nodded. "Sounds good, culpurol (erm... was this the word?) advisor. I will contact you later."
Shortly after the Great Council, the God-like Ruler contacted Elizabeth the English. He managed to buy the secrets of Horseback Riding for 208 gold coins and 2 coins per turn for the time of his Reign. Elizabeth's "Good bye" sounded polite, when he left her. He headed northeast and contacted Bismarck the German. The summit was in Leipzig. ( I was born there, and will personally cut the b***s of anyone, who will raze this city in the future  ) Ralph was impressed of this little, but very rich town. Two sources of iron ore and 6 of gems within 20 miles (2 tiles). He decided to keep track of this town, may be some day it becomes French... But it's not the time yet even to think about it... Anyway. The negotitions with Bismarck were successful, he gave Mysticism and 11 gold coins for Horseback riding, but remained cautious.
The science advisor's comment was: "We are technologically advanced!" And the domestic advisor assured him, that the Empire still owns 14 gold, and 14 are added every turn. The big expenses will soon be compensated.
Ok folks, that's an overview before I started to play... Will make the first real turn now
Last edited by Sir Ralph; January 11, 2002 at 15:08.
January 11, 2002, 21:42
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Local Time: 20:05
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(1) 2425AU
Ralph orders the governor of Markopolis in the palace to hear his report. "Have you built the granary?", he asks. "Not yet, o Great Ralph", replied the governor. "Why not?", asks the young despot. "The people can't work so quick." "Nonsense", replied the Ruler. "Use the whip to speed it up. We'll meet here next turn, and if the granary is still not ready, I will let whip you, understood? And don't dare to tell me, that the people will hate me for this. You are still the governor, make that they love me!" The governor nodded, and went out, after he was allowed.
The western army got the order to go north and explore the site around the gems. The northern army reported an Indian settler and a warrior south of St. Petersburg, heading south. The Olifant garrison got the order to guard the settler unit on the way to the iron deposit. Olifant was left without garrison, but they should train a spearman in 2 turns and there was on one who could be a threat to Olifant till the unit is trained.
(2) 2450AU
The governor of Markopolis reported, that the granary is built. He also reported a loss of citizens, but with the granary the town would soon have more citizens than ever. He was ordered to train spearmen from now on, to guard our settlers on their way to make France still greater.
The governor of Edaron was ordered to increase the speed of the temple building. He did not ask how to do that, he heard what happened in Markopolis.
The borders of Minas Morgul increased because of the high culture. Ralph remembered the cultural advisor and thought, may be he is not so useless after all...
The worker finished mining the Horse Hill and was ordered to build a gold mine, to increase our treasury.
The Indians were reported to build the Pyramids.
(3) 2475AU
The temple in Edaron is finished, the city was ordered to build a settler. An Angle warrior is approaching from east. The Edaron city guard was ordered out to protect the settler. Olifant trained a spearman unit. It was left in the town as new garrison. Ralph ordered the town to build more spearmen.
The western army discovered Dyes near an English city.
(4) 2500AU
The Edaron city guard killed the Angle warrior. The settlers are secure.
Founded Ore Hills north of the iron deposit. Ordered the city to train warriors, for further exploration. A Vandal barbarian is approaching Ore Hills from east.
(5) 2525AU
Workers were finished in Gillham. The town was ordered to build a temple to worship the God-like Ruler. The workers were ordered to build a mine on the grassland.
(6) 2550AU
The guard in Ore Hills killed the Vandal warrior.
Minas-Morgul trained a settler unit and was ordered to build another one. The settler was ordered to go straight to the gem site in the north-west of our known World. A spearman unit from the capitol was ordered to protect the settlers due to the persisting threatment by Angle tribes. The capitol remained without a garrison, but the next spearman unit shall be available in 2 turns.
(7) 2575AU
The cultural influence of Edaron grows.
North of Ore Hills were discovered beautiful grassy grounds with wheat, cattle and woody spots with game. They are, from now on, known as the Paradise Meadows. A river is floating through the grassy plains. It has strange brown water, that tastes metallic. The warrior scout was ordered to explore the secret of this Rusty River.
(8) 2600AU
Another iron ore source discovered NE of Ore Hills. That was it what the waters made rusty.

The capitol finished a spearman unit and has a city guard again. New spearmen were ordered to be trained. Ore Hills is connected to our road net. The workers are moved to build a road to the iron deposit.
(9) 2625AU
An Angle horseman is threatening our workers near Edaron.

They flee in panic, and 4 turns of work were lost. We finally must have more military, to wipe out the barbarian tribes!
The mine near Olifant is ready and doubling our effic production. The workers shall first build a road to the mine, then connect Olifant to the French road net.
Our western warrior scouts reached the shiny sea. Beautiful lands are seen there, with cattle and fish... Fish?!?! Ralph remembers Edius the Madman.
A warrior unit is trained in Ore Hills and sent to explore the Glittering Mountains. The town is ordered to build a temple.
(10) 2650AU
Our eastern army killed a Seljuk Horseman and was promoted to veterans. We must make our own horsemen soon!
(11) 2675AU
The Angle horseman near Edaron is killed and to workers are ordered back to rebuild the gold mine. The city guard is sent to protect the workers, and to find and exterminate the Angle camp.
Our western warrior scouts saw a strange thing swimming on the water. Nomads told them, that this is a Seljuk galley. We must find a way to build such galleys too, and we will be the rulers of the land and the sea.
Our eastern scouts reached the shiny sea too.

We must have cities on both shores! The warriors exploring the Glittering Mountains discovered the Vandal camp and were ordered to attack.
(12) 2700AU
A new spearman unit in Markopolis is trained and sent as the new Edaron city guard.
The eastern warrior scouts were again attacked by a Seljuk horseman. They killed him, but were also severe hit. They are ordered to fortify on a mountain and stay there till all warriors are healed.
(13) 2725AU
A settler unit in Edaron is ready and sent together with the spearmen to found a city near the Elephants on the plains at the southern shore.
A new built spearman from Olifant is ordered to Minas-Morgul and the warriors from Minas-Morgul as new guards to Edaron.
Bad news reached us from the western shore, an Indian settler was seen near the gem site. No doubt, we lost the race.
We lost a warrior regiment after heroic fight vs. the Vandals. Ordered the nearby warrior regiment to take revenge.
Our warriors sighted the Angle camp, and got order to exterminate it.
(14) 2750AU
From now on we have iron ore. The worker finished a road to the deposit. He got order to build a mine, not yet on iron but on a nearby hill.
Terrible news. We lost access to the gems. The Indians built the town of Lahore with gems and 2 cattle heards nearby. Ralph ordered the military advisor in the palace.
"Are we able to attack the Indians and take Lahore?"
"Not yet, o Mighty One. We still don't have good attacking units. We have now iron and horses. I suggest you to let the city governors build swordsmen and horsemen. When we have at least 4 of each, an attack should be possible."
"Thank you for honesty. You may go."
(15) 2775AU
Our warrior regiment destroyed the Angle camp and plundered it.
A settler unit is built in Minas-Morgul. The town is ordered to train swordsmen.
A Vandal horseman was sighted, heading towards Ore Hills.
(16) 2800AU
The Vandal horseman was killed, our warriors promoted to veterans.
The settlers, that failed on the race for the gems, founded the town of Marbleton on top of a hill, with access to gold and enough flood plains to feed the citizens. They immediately started to build a temple.
(17) 2825AU
We finally finished up the Vandal camp and plundered it.
A spearman unit is trained in Olifant and ordered together with the new settlers to the iron deposit near the eastern coast. Olifant is told to train horsemen.
(18) 2850AU
A friendly tribe in the east gave us their map. We discovered a large deposit of spices!

We must them have!
(19) 2875AU
The gold mine near Edaron is finally ready. Order was given to build a road there.
(20) 2900AU
Our settler units reached the city site at the southern coast.
After a long time of reign Ralph got tired. The once mighty black bearded warrior is now merely an old, sick man. The last time he ordered his advisors in the palace. The foreign advisor brought a surprise: Bismarck, who also wanted to bid farewell. He did not come with empty hands, but brought the secrets of Writing, and the contacts to four new tribes: The Greeks, Americans, Aztecs and Iroquois. Ralph ordered to reward his old rival with 230 gold coins from the treasury. "Bye Bismarck. Good luck at the way home. Do you know, that I never really liked you?" Bismarck nodded. "I know." And he quickly left the palace.
The domestic advisor reported, that we have now 7 towns, 133 gold coins after the last expenses, and make 24 gold coins every turn.
The military advisor reported, that we have doubled our military forces, but compared to the other tribes the relations haven't much changed. At least we are building now a modern invasion army.
The science advisor reported, that we are technologically advanced! Immediately he demanded to increase research spendings, but a strange glow in the eyes of the old despot made him blush and shut up. His wise men are now researching the secret of Map Making.
The last words of the old man were: "Take care of France, and serve my successor as good as you served me. I always wanted to sail on a galley, but I never will. Found the city at the coast, where the settlers are right now. It's a good place. Secure the second iron deposit and make an harbor to the eastern sea. And secure the spices! Don't let us lose the race again! And... military advisor... Take care of Lahore! Do it for France! Listen... La-ho-re...!"
And he died. The people did not mourn for him long. They did not forget him to use the whip twice when he was young. Although he never did it excessive.
It was the cultural advisor, who set a monument for the old tyrant. The town of Marbleton was renamed to "Saint Ralph".
January 11, 2002, 22:11
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 11,117
Hey guys, ya have all got yer city, leave Saint Ralph for me
Fredric Drum, it's your turn. You have 2 settler/spearmen shuttles for new cities (one is right there, one almost). Don't forget the spices... And Lahore?!?! We need some more luxuries
Good luck!
January 11, 2002, 23:01
Local Time: 20:05
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Location: of Cheese
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Originally posted by Sir Ralph
Hey guys, ya have all got yer city, leave Saint Ralph for me 
Fredric Drum, it's your turn. You have 2 settler/spearmen shuttles for new cities (one is right there, one almost). Don't forget the spices... And Lahore?!?! We need some more luxuries 
Good luck!
Thank you! Do you think I'll need it? Only time will show...
January 11, 2002, 23:56
Local Time: 13:05
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This is more fun than playing a game myself, especially with all the place names. But what does do did a ro did a fiddle fad fo mean? Was that what was written on the ring
January 12, 2002, 00:58
Local Time: 19:05
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You don't have to put (river) by the flumen ordis. It means river of Order.  Notice how it hugs the valley of the small desert shrews.  This is fun! You guys (albeit creul beyond all reason) are great. Who wants to try a harder game afterward? Monarch, Emporer? Who likes the 3billion year setting? Personally its my favorite. So many extremems.  Lets roll!
January 12, 2002, 02:56
Local Time: 20:05
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
Posts: 179
Very good summary Sir Ralph!
I really enjoyed it!
And you did a good job for the French Domination too!
January 12, 2002, 11:13
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
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Originally posted by JMarks
...(albeit creul beyond all reason)...
I know it's no offense, and it ain't so important, but usually I don't use pop rushing at all. The cities just built a granary and a temple in a time we need settlers and military. I didn't want to simply change it, because the buildings were useful though. If I wouldn't have done it, both cities would be still building and we'd have 2 settlers (read: cities) and a couple of spearmen less. The unhappyness is soon over (1 turn left in Markopolis and 2 in Edaron) and the cities didn't fall in civil disorder a single time.
Originally posted by JMarks
Who wants to try a harder game afterward? Monarch, Emporer?
Anything what remains fun and won't be hard labor. Deity is out. Emperor half yes half no. Monarch at any time.
Originally posted by JMarks
Who likes the 3billion year setting? Personally its my favorite. So many extremems.
I hadn't check it yet, and would like to see the whole map first. The landscape looks a bit "American" to me, all is huge. We probably will have a cultural hole over the Glittering Mountains for most of the game, there is probably nowhere to settle. Never had this with 4billion year setting.
January 12, 2002, 14:55
Local Time: 19:05
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Sir Ralph. No, no offense was meant. The people of France, I am sure, thank you for your leadership in these difficult times, what with the memory of the great tyrants of the ancient days and towers.
I was thinking the map was more Asian, what with real mountain extremes and all. At least we weren't on the other side of the Glittering mountains, assuming there isn't much land on the other side. I guess such extremes aren't for everyone.  Hope Fred goes soon enough, I can't wait to see what he does.
January 12, 2002, 16:12
Local Time: 20:05
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Posts: 120
Sir Ralphs death kept the nation at standstill for 30 days and nights, the official mourning period. During that period, the mightiest men in France desperately competed for power. There were battles in the streets (and in the pubs) and backstabbing left and right. From the shadows emerged the cunniest and strongest of them all, a god-like, mythical being known for centuries as Fredric the Almighty. Was this superhuman entity not merely a legend? The people of France were stunned in awe and threw themselves before his feet. Fredric the Almighty had seized the throne, and a new era had begun! LIBERTY, PROSPERITY, GLORY!!
Fredric hastily summoned his advisors and informed them of his magnificent plans. -The legendary Sir Ralph was a wise man indeed. His decision to secure a second iron ore deposit will be carried through. However, the new town will be founded on the lush river plains near the springs of rusty river. The second town will be established on the spot Sir Ralph identified, providing the French people with precious ivory, and mayhap the skilfull French fishermen will be able to develop methods to catch those huge, beastlike creatures playing in the waters off the shore. Turning towards his trusted generals, Fredric's face hardened. -Lahore! LAHORE, I say you!
The evil Indian people must be punished for stealing such valuable land entrusted us by the gods and rightfully claimed by the late Sir Ralph. Our spies report that the garrisons stationed in Lahore are few and badly equipped. However, it is not merely a question of seizing Lahore. A war against the Indians will most likely result in heavy assaults on Gillham and they may even wipe out the beautiful city of Saint Ralph. Therefore, the most critical preparation will be to strengthen the defensive fortifications in these two locations. Gillham will immediately stop their work on Temple to free up labour for a new Spearman unit. Additional offensive forces will also be required in order to carry out a successful campaign. Minas-Morgul is ordered to switch to Horseman - the long distance to Lahore is better covered by a faster unit.
1075 AU: Settler pary #1 is closing in on their destination. All is well.
Settler party #2 sets up the first buildings near the vast herds of elephants on the coast at the far end of the empire. Fredric decides that the city will be called "IVORY COAST"! May it prosper and bring wealth and happiness to its mother nation.
Our training camp in Gillham reports the completion of a new, powerful Spearman brigade. This will make Gillham a difficult target for the treacherous Indians.
Fredric is pleased to observe that his treasury increases by 28 gold bars every turn. It also seems that he will not be able to spend any of this excess gold on new technology by purchasing it from the surrounding barbarian nations. - There's a reason why we call them barbarians, he reportedly muttered after realizing this fact. As a result, he decided to temporarily increase domestic science spendings. And the scientists rejoiced, although they knew all to well that they might find themselves out of work as soon as the Amlighty found fit to spend his gold elsewhere.
1050 AU: Edaron completes their long awaited settler expidition. It becomes clear that there's unanimous agreement that it shall head for the promising Spice Jungle to establish a settlement there. This town will in time serve as our eastern harbor, seeing that the new town near Rusty River will be to far from the ocean to support such facilities.
Troubling events occur near Lahore. Two new warrior garrisons seem to be approaching the city to reinforce it's defence. We may need even stronger forces in order to capture the city than previously anticipated.
1025 AU: Our warriors exploring the eastern part of our continent approaches a tribal encampment. They will soon be able to enter and see what its inhabitants can offer. Our other units also make steady progress towards their targets.
1000 AU: The date is january 4th, and the supreme ruler Fredric the Almighty has made a historical decision. The French nation will committ itself to construct what will be a true wonder of the world: Construction of the Colossus has commenced in Markopolis. Rumours want it that the puny Greeks have started a similar project, but with God's help, we will beat them to it. Our two horseman units are making their way towards Lahore. A swordsman brigade will be joining them when the recruits are fully trained.
975 AU: As the millenium celebrations fade, reports arrive at the palace that another Indian town has been discovered. The name is silly enough: "Bangalore"!
The barbarians in the east possessed very little knowledge. All they could give us was a map of the surrounding land, but we already knew what was to know about the area.
950 AU: Our diplomats are ordered to initiate negotiations with all other nations in order to acquire the latest technological breakthrougs. It appears that none of them have made any progress worth noting, and the diplomats return empty-handed. Fredric the Almighty orders his scientists to continue their work - for the time being.
Our first horseman unit now has a nice overview of Lahore. The brave soldiers will hide in the mountains waiting for reinforcements.
The road to Rusty City is complete!
925 AU: The French people went about their business, and not major events occured.
900 AU: We now have a Horseman unit standing by near Gillham. But the French generals all agree that we must strengthen our army before any attempt to punish the Indian thieves is made.
875 AU: A merchantman brings dire news: The Greeks have completed their so-called "wonder" in Athens.. It is decided that Markopolis will now attempt to build an Oracle, in order to better impose our superior culture on the barbarian nations.
GEMS! Our explorers in the north come by rich deposits of this valuable luxury. Maybe there's even more futher up north?
825 AU: Minas-Morgul produces a very powerful military unit: A Swordsman! The mayor in Minas-Morgul is ordered to start organizing a new settler expidition. There's still plenty of new land to settle.
800 AU: Rusty city is coming along quite nicely. The brand new road to the iron hills make the iron there available to the nation.
775 AU: Goth conscripts are blocking the way to the Spice Jungle! Our veteran warriors have destroyed two raiding parties already, and now a third is standing in our way. They will suffer for this mistake!
730 AU: Our warriors are suddenly ambushed by THREE barbarian raiding parties! They are all defeated, however, and the warrior unit is now officially an ELITE force!
710 AU: A new city is founded! It is located in the Spice Jungle and named Fredric after Fredric the Almighty. There is an abundance of spices in the area, four sites has been reported to contain spice in sufficient amounts to be harvested for use. Nearby, there's a camp of barbarian warriors. These will be dealt with in due time.
A new attempt is made to acquire new technology through trade, but the other nations have nothing to offer.
650 AU: Olifant completes its temple. Reports say that our cultural influence in the area is increasing! People flock to the city to worship their gods, and of course their beloved leader Fredric the Almighty. The same Fredric announces his intention to return to Longllens, home of Semi-Gods, where he will enjoy the company of other divine beings.
630 AU: In the last year of Fredrics reign, scientists all around the country join forces to complete their theories of MAPMAKING! Humbly, they present this knew knowledge to their ruler. He saw that it was good. Encouraged by this breakghthrough, Fredric orders his wise guys to start looking into the area of Philosophy, which he believes will lead to a new spirit of thinking in France.
Our army outside Lahore now consists of two horseman units and a swordsman, with another one arriving shortly.
Fredric's reign has brought prosperity, expansion and peace. It's a fragile peace, however, as the stubborn inhabitants of Lahore persists in their claims to the rich gem mines surrounding the city. The gems belong to France and should be seized as soon as the opportunity arises!
A settler expidition is heading for the plains south of Fredric. The plains have yet to be given a name - a suitable task for the next French ruler, who maybe possesses a graphics tool that can put text on the map without that big, white, ugly box!
January 12, 2002, 16:15
Local Time: 20:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: of Cheese
Posts: 120
OK, FNBrown... you're next!
January 12, 2002, 17:41
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 11,117
Great job, my worthy successor!
Boy, that is so much fun.  I really enjoy it very much. That's the first, but not the last succession game I participate in.
January 12, 2002, 20:59
Local Time: 19:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
I know its a minor point, but doesn't AU mean After Unity?  You figure the rest out.
I know its early, but which civ should we play next?
January 12, 2002, 21:05
Local Time: 19:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: NE England
Posts: 20
Hedvaron II, son of a great father looked upon the body that had once been his father.
"H-he wanted to be buried in Edaron. It is the city of our dynasty. He may not be buried in the holy temple there but he one day when one of his great grandsons rules, he will be remebered."
The servant left, knowing that no expense would be spared in taking the dead man by fast chariot to the city of horses. When the loyal man had left Hedvaron roled out a map of the world and looked upon the cities of the French empire. He had only seen the great three founded in his forefather Edius' time and Minas-Morgul was his home. Most of the cities that lay before him lay on ground unknown in Edius' time, when cities that were now considered old were beyond that great mans furthest frontier. This family, he thought, were considered honourable and were rich in relation to others, but the future of this empire lay beyond the frontiers of this map in lands now unknown.
He would journey to these cities, taking up the sword of iron he had been trained with as a boy and look upon new wonders, forge new alliances with the great families there. He would leave his holdings in the ancient valley with his brother and set forth with the division of swordsmen to the frontier where a man of talent could rise to high rank and influence. One day a son of the house of Edius would rule the lands between the eastern and western seas, one day. But for now, unswerving loyalty and, if his sources were correct, death to the Indians. But first, he thought, time to get over some things that were a less useful sign of his families legacy as the he set off towards the new restaurant bar in the city serving the latest delicacy brought to the old city, potatoes and . . . . . . . fish.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 12, 2002, 21:14
Local Time: 19:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: NE England
Posts: 20
Creative writing bug just came over me.
Great job guys, this empire is becoming great. AU has moved into a new reckoning since our time Markos, the prophets have probably predicted something. Any civ would be cool, a new civ is just a new challenge.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 12, 2002, 21:25
Local Time: 11:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Sierra Nevada foothills
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Looks great so far! I'll take my turn and have a summary posted later tonite!
- Franklin
January 13, 2002, 04:49
Local Time: 20:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
Posts: 179
Hey guys!
Unfortunately my "father" has to work on the big computer till about Jan 20th!
And the computer from which i'm writing is an obsolete Pentium 133 that surely does not support CivIII! So I will not be able to play and it should be my turn just start with JMarks again!
I hope my "father" will be quick!!
January 13, 2002, 14:57
Local Time: 19:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
Don't worry August, I'm sure everyone will concure to let you jump back in between somewhere when your dad is done. Cheers!
January 13, 2002, 15:26
Local Time: 19:05
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: NE England
Posts: 20
Sure, it's just one big happy family in French Succession Game Play/Read/Enjoy
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
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