January 17, 2002, 00:07
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Good news Guys!
My Father has done with his project with the big computer so I'm able again to play CivIII! I guess that I will be the next in line after Charlotte (if s/he show up)!
Many greetings from the future of mighty France
January 17, 2002, 06:29
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FNBrown: Thanks for this funny intermezzo!  A really good idea to give the advisors names, and Bonaparte and Pasteur are excellent choices. I would like if we all would adopt them. Still we need a domestic, trade, foreign and cultural advisor. For the cultural I'd suggest either a french componist (must be a classical, none of the modern "entertainers") or a writer, may be Emile Zola, Victor Hugo or Alexandre Dumas. Suggestions?
Giovanni: Great, welcome back dude. Guess you will be awarded with most of the English campaign, as CharlotteCivver will probably be busy producing and relocating units.
That is fun guys!
January 17, 2002, 16:29
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Thanks for the compliment.  I was getting a little bored waiting, and decided to amuse myself with a little fictional interlude. I really don't know French history that well, so any suggestions for names of advisors would be welcome.
CharlotteCivver - let us know if you're taking your turn or not. We need to move things along!
January 17, 2002, 19:01
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Yea, we need to move on, where are you CharlotteCivver?
Meanwhile I have my entertainment elsewhere. Had a nice OCC as the Greeks (very good civ for OCC!) and actually am playing as Egypts at Marla's map. Boy that is fun. I mean this RULES! A suggestion for the next succession game? Egypts combine 2 good traits and their real start position rocks (provided you step S then SW before you found 1st city). And the map kicks butt.
January 17, 2002, 19:15
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What's OCC?
Marla's Map?
January 17, 2002, 20:58
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OCC = One City Challenge, win a game with only one city. Means a lot of trade (for resources exactly right time), no wars (would be your end), active trading to keep on in research and getting a tech lead. Had Colossus+Copernicus+Newton+SETI in my city, and Lib+Uni+ResLab. Made over 300 beakers in the end, per turn. Was lucky to have a rubber and even an uranium in my area of influence, but didn't need it, cos all loved me and I won the game easily by culture.
Marla's Map is a beautiful and very realistic real world map, available in the Files forum, I think. Very good, with a reasonable number and distribution of resources. Though it's very large (oversized).
January 17, 2002, 22:31
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I've never considered trying to win with just one city... although I have won without ever settling a city. I was poorly located at the end of a peninsula, with neighboring France between me and the rest of the continent. I did have the good fortune of horses in my realm, so I popped out a bunch of horsemen, and started conquering cities... never had to produce a single settler.
That does seem like kind of a neat way to play a game... and it seems like it's going to be a long time before I get another turn with our succession game...
January 17, 2002, 23:36
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Win with only on city  !
I don't think i will be able to do that (maybe in Chieftian level  ) It looks really hard!
BTW: Marla's map is really a good map! Also because the locations of resources is very acurate! Is big! It is very well shaped! And even Italy looks like a boot  ! It is the perfect map for a 16 civ game becasue you don't have to go to war against everybody (unless you start in Europe  )
January 18, 2002, 00:11
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I'll have to check that map out..
Giovanni, maybe you should go ahead with your turn. CharlotteCivver hasn't checked in yet...
... chomping at the bit..
January 18, 2002, 06:51
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Originally posted by Giovanni August
It is the perfect map for a 16 civ game becasue you don't have to go to war against everybody (unless you start in Europe )
Especially in Italy. It's a real pain in the butt to start at this peninsula and have the militaristic and aggressive Germany as neighbor to the North. Play as Egypts. It's fun and you'll have half of the Arabic peninsula (oil) and the whole North Africa for you. And those War Chariots rock, they are early horsemen (only The Wheel needed) for 2/3 of the cost.  And they upgrade to Knights, so it's not wrong to build a big amount of it.
January 18, 2002, 21:05
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Originally posted by FNBrown
I'll have to check that map out..
Giovanni, maybe you should go ahead with your turn. CharlotteCivver hasn't checked in yet...
... chomping at the bit..
I'm going to play my turn now!
I will post my jurney later!
January 18, 2002, 22:58
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Excellent! Death to the English!
January 19, 2002, 02:38
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After a long civil war finally a leader a brave and "wise" man was able to impose himself as leader of the French! There were a war between all the most powerfull family of France! but nobody was expecting him: Giovanni Augustus I!! Borned from a poor family and with barbarian origin he started his carrer as a swordman under FNBrown! He became later the governor of Ivory Coast and brought prosperity to the city! When Anarchy started to rule in France he was already one of the most popular person in all the Empire! He set up a little army and after the reunion of all Governor to try to decide who should be the next leader of the French he called the soldiers and gained the power! Many governors were against him! But he hanged all them at a tree! Here is the reign of Giovanni Augustus I
Turn 1: Our swordman start approaching the city of Sevastopol! A road is started to be build to connect Happy Valley with the rest of our Empire! Three American warriors are seen near the same city these warriors seem to approach the English city of Dover, The people of Gillham think is time to migrate from the city and the town is starting a great migration project that will last for 8 turns
Turn 2: The friendly American contact us and offer us to trade our territory map for theirs! We discovered that the puny American have no Money at all and no new techonology to offer us!
Turn 3: Swordsman are rushed in the cities of Mimas-Mogul, Edaron and Saint Ralph rush a Horseman! 3 French peasant died in their effort! Their lost will not be forget! Our swardman in Karachi leave the city to help the Nothwest army in Sevastopol. A group of scared Indian settler escape from the city of Jaipur and founded the city of Bombay!
Turn 4: An evil alliance between Russia and the Iroquois bring the Iroquois into war againt us! Gandhi ask us to retreat our swordman near the city of Bombay! Mighty France don't even want to listen to such a puny man and tell his ambassador to go away! Two French warriors and one spearman reach the city of Markopolis, they see the people in there hardly working to builg the Great Library and decide to join them! After a few hour of hard work thay died! But their effort on building speed up the production of Markopolis! Their soul will always live with us!
Turn 5: The production in Markopolis is changed from the Great Library to the Great Lighthouse becouse of Salamanca compliting the wonders before us! The people is angry for that! One of our swordman is killed while attempting on take the city of Sevastopol! The general decided to wait for the arrival of the Horseman that are resting in Gillham!
Turn 6: Finally Gillham produce a Settler! A road to connect Ivory coast with the rest of the Empire is completed! We now have the monopoly on Ivory in our Emisphere! A military alliance with Germany is signed against the evil Iroquois! 50 gold are payed to Germany for helping them accept the deal!
Turn 7: The puny American signed a peace treaty with England! soon or later they will pay for their cowardie! two other swordmans and one other Horseman are rushed! The southern Army now consist in 4 Swordman and 2 Horseman! some Indian military has been sighted near the city of Gillham! If they attack they will pay with their own blood! After a bloody battle were other two swordman lost their lifes! Sevastopol has been conquered! Unfortunatly we are not able to keep it but we were able to capture and enslaved some of the population of that city! The russian slave is sent to Karachi! A road to connect Happy Valley to the rest of France is done! Now France can use these strange and bright stone that has been called Gem!!! The Iron Ore near Rusty city has expired! Now we have only one resource left! A worker is sent to build
Turn 8: A large English military is seen near Happy Valley! A spearmen is sent from Saint Ralph to help garrison the city! And are two fast Horseman are sent to attack the English army before thay can attack! The English attacking troops consist in 4 Archers and 1 warriors! A russian ambassador reach the city of Markopolis asking for peace! A treaty is done! We give them peace, they give us 40 gold!
Turn 9: The city of Augusta Giovannorum is funded! Settlers there soon start the production of a Spearman to defend themselves because of a consisting increase of Indian movements in that area! Also a spearman from Gillham reach the new born town! 2 swordman from the nrth-eastern army are sent to join the Sothern army! They will reach Saint Ralph in 3 turns!
The English army seem to have changed target! Now they are marching in direction of Saint Ralph! The city is well defended by all the Southern Army! They are fool! The Indian declared war to us!!!!!! They will pay for their insolence!
Turn 10: The North-Western army consist of only two Horseman and 2 Swordman! But the city of Bombay should be an easy target! Another rush production bring the Southern Army to an amount of 6 swordman (+2) and 3 Horseman! It shoulb be enough therefore the cities of Minas-Morgul and Edoran are ordered to build a Granary to pay off their lost in civilian! The indian attacked and wounded one of the Horseman of the North-Eastern army that was near Jaipur!
Turn 11: Bombay is destroyed! No lost of our mighty army! Our Southern Army repealed the English attack! No loss of unit and two Horseman and a Swordman are ungraded for their courage and experience to Elite Unit!
Turn 12: Granary is rushed in the cities of Minas-Morgul and Edoran Saint Ralph is set to buil Temple insted of Horseman! One Indian Archer land near the city of Augusta Giovannorum!!!! (NOOOOO) The North-Western army approach Delhi! If the attack suceed there would be no chance for the Indian! Finally two othar swordmans join the Southern Army! Now the attack on England may begin!
Turn 13: The French spearman resist the Indian attack on Augusta Giovannorum! It was to hard for the Indians troop to attack from the river! Another small group of English Archer is seen near Saint Ralph! Two Spearman are called to join the Southern Army that start marching in direction of Dover!
Turn 14: India and Germany signed a military alliance against the Iroquios (i had completely forgot about them....)! The Battle of Delhi begin! Our Horseman is killed but seriously wounded the enemy spearman, so did the other Horseman! A swordman attack and He won!!!! The swordman get the firt victory! Now there is back one of the wounded sperman and the other swordman win easily the fight (no hit points lost), One of our Horseman charge from the just inside the border and get to kill the other sperman! The defence of Delhi is now an arcier! But the Noth-western Army is a poor army and we have no attcking unit left! One of the swordman of the Southern Army got killed from one of the Archer near Saint Ralph! The Southern Army keep marching toward Dover!
Turn 15: The attck on Delhi start again! There is a new Regular Spearman waiting for the attack of our Veteran Swordman! The two soldier look at each other, suddenly the swordman move, he is running, BRAWH BRAWH!!! VICTORY!!! The swordman did it! He won! He is seriously wounded but he did it! The other swordman attack the Arcier unit and win too! A Indian settler is captured and converted into 2 slaves! DELHI IS NOW A FRENCH CITY! We have the Oracle! The Indians refuse to aknowledge our ambassador but now they are so tiny that even they can't compete with us, with Mighty France! The people in Delhi are unhappy and are resisting us! But they will have to give up! The capital of India is now Calcutta! The North-Eastern army is now waiting near Jaipur for new events!
Turn 16: The slaves complete a road from Delhi to Bangalore! A little diplomatic tour show me that no new technology have been discovered, but now we are not gaining any more money from other civs! Bombay is for the third time funded by the Indians (very near to the old spot)! The Southern Army keep marching in direction of Dover and discover 4 new English Archer!
Turn 17: Our North-Eastern army suceed on capturing Jaipur! one swordman lost his life! Our North-Western army (reduced to one swordman) destroyed for the third time the city of Bombay! Our Southern Army is instead nearly arrived in the town of Dover! about 7 Archers are approaching the city of Saint Ralph that is defended by 3 Spearman and a Horseman! This one suceed on killing one of the first 2 Archers! Civil disorder in Delhi!
Turn 18: Athens build the Great Lighthouse (we needed only 3 more turns GRRRRR) Markopolis go in civil disorder! The Southern Army has been surrounded by a horde of English Archers of the Mountains!
Turn 19: The English Archers are now marching to Happy Valley (Saint Ralph was a too hard city for them) Finally the Southern army is just one turn to attck Dover. The governor change the production in Markopolis to Harbor! From the palace there is another change to Library! Bangalore and Delhi are finally connected to the rest of our Empire!
Turn 20: An evil alliance between England and Russia move us at war to Russia (once again) it looks like the lesson we gave them 20 turns ago didn't teach them anything! This time the Indian refuse to aknowledge our envoy and so we are now at war against 4 enemies (Russia, Iroquis, English and India) defently too many! The battle of Dover begin! One of ours mighty Horseman die in battle! The swordman attack the second spearman and because of his great war skill and courage general Napoleon decide to upgrade him to great leader!!!!!!! A second Horseman killed the remaining spearman and a third one an Arcier nearby! The 2 spearman are sent with the Great Leader to the city of Saint Ralph!
The Emperor is now old and sick and while he was going down from the stairs of his palace he accidently fall down! Rapidly the governor of Markopolis brought him back to his bed to take care of him! But there was nothing left to do! The Emperor was dead!
After hei death people called him Giovanni Augustus the Lucky!
France is once again without a leader and anarchy rul between the French people! Only a brave man can lead France once again to victory! People think of the "Hero of Delhi"!
January 19, 2002, 02:39
Local Time: 20:06
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
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I don't know how to do the screenshots so..... you will have to deal only with that!
January 19, 2002, 13:04
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Originally posted by Giovanni August
I don't know how to do the screenshots so..... you will have to deal only with that!
No prob, mate! But it's easy, so next time you can either use a screenshot program or simply use paint. When you have the screen you want to shoot, you press the Print Screen button at the upper right of your keyboard.. then open Paint and select Paste. Confirm that you want to resize and there's your picture. Now, remember to save as .jpg or .gif, NOT .bmp! If you want only a part of the picture, use the cut tool and cut out the part you want. Then select New (or whatever it's called) to get an empty picture. Paste the part you cut out into the new picture (which hopefully is smaller).
I used Paint to do the screenshots during my turn. You can of course use any graphics program.
January 20, 2002, 03:24
Local Time: 20:06
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I will try next time!
January 20, 2002, 09:43
Local Time: 19:06
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But he hanged all them at a tree!
Me like.
Definetly the most eventful age in France's history. Some nice conquest (from reading, I havent seen the savegame yet) but a bit of diplomacy for Markos could well be in order (but leave someone for me to attack  )
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 20, 2002, 11:00
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Originally posted by eddy eat world
... but a bit of diplomacy for Markos could well be in order ...
Agreed, 4 enemies are probably a bit too much and I think for the next ruler it would be a good idea to make peace in the north and not to bully the civs there for a while, to concentrate at the main objective: England. By the way, it's good to have a Great Leader, sounds like an incredible army of swordsmen, Heroic epic, (later) Military academy and so on. The ancient wonders are definitely not worth to be rushed by a GL.
January 21, 2002, 00:21
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Well India has only Calcutta left!
I think we could finish them!  !
We definetly should try to make peace with Russia, the Germans instead are already teaching the Iroquis a lesson of fighting so for now they are not a big probleme!
January 21, 2002, 07:49
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Yes, no problem. France is strong. But we should also keep an eye at the Germans, even though they are our allies, and make sure they don't get too strong by conquering others. I once had war with China and India and made Persia my ally. It was in their Immortals era. Well, I was safe from China and India. Persia consumed both and because I didn't care to build LOTS of my own army meanwhile, they had me for dinner soon after.
JMarks, it's your turn again... Are you there, friend?
January 21, 2002, 17:49
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Yeah you are right!
But the Germans didn,t conquer any Iroquis city yet! They are in a perfect balance! And when I call the military advisor he tells me that our army is strong compared to them! Instead he say is only average compared to the English one!
We can do peace with the Iroquis if you want! there is notmuch difference on being at war or at peace with them!
For Jmarks
Be aware of all those english Archers near Happy Valley! The city is well-defended by 2 spearman one Horseman and 2 Warriors! It should stand the first attack... I'm not sure for the future attacks!
There are also some spearman approaching the road to Ivory Coast!
January 21, 2002, 18:31
Local Time: 11:06
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Nicely done, Giovanni... France is really starting to flex some muscle now.
I hear the new emperor is a descendant of the mighty Markos... any word from him yet?
January 22, 2002, 08:40
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72 hours have come and gone.
eddy eat world - it looks like it's up to you to take the brave French onto the many battlefields surrounding our country, and achieve our dreams of a peaceful (French) world.
January 22, 2002, 10:08
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Originally posted by gillskill
eddy eat world - it looks like it's up to you to take the brave French onto the many battlefields surrounding our country, and achieve our dreams of a peaceful (French) world.
Oh no, noooo..., a successor of that old insane tyrant Edius should punish the English and bring France peace and wealth??
Go Eddy go!
January 22, 2002, 17:57
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Tyrant! Whats this? My reign of terror was quite civilised compared to some of the mad whippers.
I'm going ahead with the game now, the story should be up by tomorrow evening.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 22, 2002, 18:27
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I agree... Emperor Edius's reign was a cakewalk compared to that of Emperor Franklin the Merciless.
Looking forward to seeing our next age unfold...
January 23, 2002, 19:09
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Ok, it took longer than expected but I've finished my 20 turns. I took all advice into account and went on the rampage. I will put my report up tomorrow along with the savegame but I'll just say one thing, 5 cities taken, 1 city sacked, erm. . . and one city lost but that doesn't matter. Honest.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 23, 2002, 20:05
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Sorry about that guys. Silly me was relying on Poly to send me notification if anything got posted here. Then, having not recieved anything, forgot due to school. Now I feel like a real moron. Anyway, I was wondering if I could pop back in after Eddy's successor. (way too busy Thursday, Friday, and Sat) Markos will return...
January 23, 2002, 20:08
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Oh, and nice work Giovanni. But I would call him Augusta the Hyper. Those exclamation points are way out there. I think I spotted one period.
January 23, 2002, 21:10
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I would not mind to let JMarks in. Anxiously waiting to see your achievements, Edius II
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