January 23, 2002, 21:48
Local Time: 11:06
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What?!?! JMarks has a life outside CivIII?!?!?
For shame!
Of course you can jump back in... and I'm also looking forward to seeing the summary of Crazy Eddie...
January 23, 2002, 21:49
Local Time: 11:06
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Oh, and I haven't been getting reliable e-mail notifications about updates to this thread, either... I've just bookmarked it and made a habit of checking it every so often for updates.
January 24, 2002, 05:59
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No problems JMarks. The rumours of descendents of Markos wandering around the forests appear to be true...
January 24, 2002, 10:56
Local Time: 19:06
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Yes, those woods are peacefull... and quiet... and boring. I think, should no one else name them (and even if they do), I shall call them the unenchanting forest. This shall be where the burger people will live, a small offshoot ofthe Telemarine and Marconni tribes...
Well, I won't give too much away.
January 24, 2002, 14:03
Local Time: 19:06
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Markos, hero of Delhi, stepped forward into the throne room the man said to be his fore-father had built aeons ago. His eyes rested on the gilt laden throne so many great (and rather eccentric) rulers had rested on before and he began to walk across the echoing marble floor towards it, his goal for his entire life. He stepped onto the newly laid great rug depicting a huge marine scene with hundreds of shoals of tiny fish . . . . when he seemed to stagger and fall forward. A pool of crimson spread on the beautifully woven decoration from the shaft in his back as a figure garbed in black stepped forward from the darkest corner of the vast room.
"I did say to "ware the fish".
So began the rule of Edius the Second.
Turn 1- Edius declares himself head of the council of the wise (only one member allowed) which would rule the empire. A group of noblemen demanded a hand in the ruling of the country in exchange for giving Edius a levy of troops and all their loyalty to which Edius replied "Sorry chaps, at our technology level we can't even begin to comprehend such a style of governance". When they protested he followed the time-honoured tradition of the rulers of France and had them hung by a tree declaring, "there is a precedent."
The Iroquois heard of the new ruler and contacted to see if I was interested in peace, I told them I was interested in their entire treasury and their world map. They agreed. They are now polite. 2 English Archers attack Happy Valley acheiving little but the title of veterans to the defenders. The scattered offensive units in the north begin to move towards Jaipur. Our elite riders corps destroyed a group of English Archers on the Happy Valley plain. Our great leader begins to move towards Saint Ralph escorted by Spearmen. The Southern Army marshals and begins (continues?) the march towards Liverpool.
Turn 2- Indian assaults on Jaipur repelled with the Swordsmen stationed there now considered elite and an example to all you French men and women (due to the equal opportunities policy now instated in the French military). The Southern Army near their goal.
Turn 3- The once Indian town of Delhi trains men with spears for defence but Edius the Paranoid demands more should be trained as a precaution. Russian settlers escorted by archers are spotted in the no-mans land near Karachi. Horsemen sally to destroy the Archers and introduce the Russian citizens to the way of life of the French, ie, slaving building roads and mines until you die. The Southern army's advance swordsman unit is destroyed trying to attach a unit of English archers camped outside Liverpool city gates, the reinfocements arrive moments later, putting the archers to rout. The rest fo the army arrives outside the gates.
Turn 4- French swordsmen rout archers on the Happy Valley plain. THe assault on Liverpool begins. Fully 3 divisions of Spearmen stand beyond the gates supported by archers but due to General Markos' (Edius was told, no relation) brilliance only one division of Swordsman sustain losses that cannot be replaced. 4 workers captured. The first elements of the Northern army (2 Swordsmen) begin moving towards the Ore Hills to try and destory or limit the annoyance of the enemy units in that area pillaging.
Turn5- Republic discovered, when asked if Edius wishes to have the people rule themselves he laughs and asks, "How would they know what to do?" Wise men begin discovering new ways of constructing monuments to Edius' greatness at his bequest. Army consolidates in Liverpool. Horsemen destroy archers at the gates of Karachi. Swordsmen near Delhi fail to defeat the Spearmen escorting a new wave of Russian settlers near Delhi.
Turn 6- Production in the Ore Hills is changed to Swordsmen to replenish the ranks of the elements attempting to become an army to finish off the few Indians left in the north. 2 Sworsmen depart to attempt to finish the Spearmen near Delhi and the Russian citizens tresspasing on French soil. Outside Karachi, the Horsemen of the city sweep from the gates once more to route the Indian rabble of archers advancing. In the mountains near Saint Ralph and Happy Valley Swordsmen destroy English archers.
Turn 7- Enemy units destroy the road to iron that gave the city of Ore Hills its name (a bit of lax defence by me and the reason for mass production of Horsemen in the future). The citizens in Edaron that are able to read celebrate when a library is built. The cheer almost reaches across the street. Men of the city who can ride are begun to be rounded up and trained into a fighting force. Swordsmen are trained in Minas-Morgul and work is set out on the training of a mounted force. Sworsmen are trained in the Ore Hills and the governor decides it would be kind to give them a barracks to sleep in. Edius is bored and commisions a group of craftsmen to build an extra storey on his palace telling the workers "you're doing this because you love me, remember" as he got out his whip. The Great Wall of Babylon is built far, far away. The Southern army mobilises once more, the target this time . . . . Liverpool.
Turn 8- Barracks built in the Rusty City, now Horsemen are begun to fill it. Augusta Giovannorum trains Spearmen and begins a temple. Novgorod is founded by the Russians between Delhi, Augusta, Jaipur and Gillham. Little do they know of the 2 units of Swordsmen approaching from the mountains.
Turn 9- Assault on Newcastle begins, both units of Spearmen garrisoning it are destroyed with relatively few casualties. Sworsmen rush down from the hills into the tents of the settlers of Novgorod, putting all to torch with roughly half of them killed in the street fighting with the Spearmen. Swordsmen kill English Spearmen in the desert outside Dover. I demand 40 gold from Catherine the 'Great' for her traspassing nature and as reperations to the damage done by her troops in exchange for peace. Accepted.
Turn 10- Markopolis becomes the shipping capital of France as a harbour is built. Olifant builds a granary and begins training Horsemen. Units from the Happy Valley begin to cross the much bloodied plains to support the Southern army. Citizens in newcastle are whipped to train a garrison force of Spearmen.
Turn 11- Newcastle produces Spearmen and begins a temple.
Turn 12- Horsemen emerge from Edaron and a Settler is begun. Minas Morgul trains horsemen and begins more of the same. Gillham builds a granary and starts a library. We get Construction for 50 gold off the Americans. Everyone is annoyed at us! Horsemen from the central area of France begin the long trek to England.
Turn 13- Ferusopolis completes harbour and begins a temple. The English army is sighted . . . 3 marches away from Ivory Coast. 6 Archers and some Spearmen are reported. Just 2 Spearmen garrison the Ivory Coast. Horsemen moved from Edoran to aid the city. In the north the horsemen of Karachi attack Spearmen defending settlers only to be repulsed. The unit licks their wounds.
Turn 14- Southern Army (at present 4 Swordsmen, 3 Horsemen with 2 Swordsmen and 2 Horsemen either approaching the main stack or tied up in garrison duty) begins advance on Brighton. Swordsmen finish off Indian Spearmen escorting Settlers & captures slaves. Colony built on Iron reserves near Ferusopolis.
Turn 15- Horsemen produced in Minas Morgul, swordsmen begun. Jaipur builds Spearmen. Southern Army arrives outside Brighton. Ivory Coast changes production to Spearmen (will be finished next turn). English Army camped outside Ivory Coast.
Turn 16- Iroquois declare war on us, I laugh. Ivory Coast falls to the English, all of our Spearmen were destroyed by 1 Archer each!(ahhh, Ivory Coast is on a hill, the Spearmen are fortified, ahhh) The Horsemen killed 2 archers before being destroyed themselves. Northern army sets out north to Calcutta (2 Swordsmen, 2 horsemen) Assault on Brighton begins. There was only one division of Spearmen garrisoning it who are destroyed in the first attack of my elite horse unit.
Turn 17- America and the Iroquois sign a military alliance against India. Olifant produces riders and begins a library. Bangalore builds a harbour and begins a temple. The citizens of brighton are whipped into producing Spearmen units.
Turn 18- England and America sign a military alliance against India, Edius wonders why everybody hates the Indians. Minas Morgul produces Swordsmen and the production line of military units there continues as Spearmen are begun to be trained to bolster the defences of the cities of the Valley of Kings in case the English army advances up the Ivory road. The Southern Army moves on towards Dover.
Turn 19- Delhi trains Spearmen and begins a temple. Units are sent to Edaron, the next city on from the English armies conquest. The northern army arrives outside Calcutta while the Southern Army arrives outside Dover.
Turn 20- The colony of French pioneers in the iron mountains near Ferusopolis are overrun by Indian spearmen. Settlers are produced in Edaron and Spearmen are begun to be trained. Minas Morgul trains Spearmen and finally a "CITEE EEMPROOVEMENT" is begun, a colluseum. The assault on Calcutta begins. 2 Spearmen are destroyed for no loss (though my Horsemen are beaten up pretty bad. The assault on Dover begins. 2 Spearmen are also killed for no loss. On hearing the news Emperor Edius II chokes on a fishbone. The line of succesion is unclear but many back the General who has had such amazing victories in the South, Markos.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 24, 2002, 14:10
Local Time: 19:06
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I'm sorry if I've overstretched us a little but I must have been in a really military mindset when I played it.
I've considered an alliance with the Greeks against the English but I think we want the southern end of the continent to oursleves, right?
Also, I think there's a landmass to the west of our continent that might be worth checking out, I was too busy pumping out Horsemen to pay attention to exploration (culture, happiness, science etc. . .  ) but I hope it's been worth it.
The English would probably beg us for peace if we asked if my successor wants it.
Just my thoughts on the next stages.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 24, 2002, 18:40
Local Time: 19:06
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I won't be able to play untill Sunday afternoon, so if the next guy wishes to play his turn, feel free. If not, I should be able to play and post Sunday. If I'm lucky, mabey even earlier, but no gauruntees.
General Markos approached the dead dictator who had given him so many dictions. Appropriately, the emperor was lowered into a fish-shaped coffin and set afloat to drift south. Not happy with such a boring scene, Markos delights the party celebrating Eddy's death by setting the floating coffin on fire. Party boats are sent out to roast a sticky sweat food made from the Mallow Plants that grow in the unenchanting forest. However Markos has doubts as to his reign, and he journeys into the Unenchanting Forest for three days...
January 24, 2002, 19:20
Local Time: 11:06
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I can't possibly imagine a more honorable burial than one at sea in a flaming fish-shaped coffin...
January 24, 2002, 21:41
Local Time: 14:06
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Hey, mind if I join the game? I promise I won't ruin the empire TOO much.
January 25, 2002, 00:25
Local Time: 11:06
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Gotta get the rest of the gang to OK it, but, seeing as how we've had a few drop-outs, I don't think it'd be a problem.
January 25, 2002, 01:09
Local Time: 20:06
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You did a pretty good job Eddy!
But Ivory Coast..... tsk tsk tsk!
But that was also my bad! I should rushed more spearman there! I should predict that the English would attack there!
I hope the next successor will be able to retake it!
GLORY TO FRANCE! (i never thought i would ever say something like that before  )
To JMarks!
Do you really think i use to many of these "!!!" ?
I wonder why!
To Major_Tom!
For me is ok!
I don't think there would be any probleme!
Just destroy the evil enemies and share your work with us!
I was forgotting!
Remember to use these "!!!" The magic simbole of the French Empire!
January 25, 2002, 04:58
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 11,117
I don't mind to let Major_Tom join. I would suggest JMarks to edit the succession list in the 1st post, we had drop-outs, turn changes and a join then and this would get things straight again. Or, it might happen, that one doesn't make his turn in time just because he doesn't know that he is next. Chaos ain't good for France's glory  .
As for peace with the English: Agreed, provided they give at least Ivory Coast back (or we retake it before). Let's have about 20 turns break, build up swordsmen, horsies and may be a few catapults and finish them up as soon as possible. Why's the leader sleeping? Build an army (of swordsmen I think, horsies will be soon outdated) and let it win, so that we can build the Heroic Epic. Don't forget to settle in the razed gaps, or the AI will, and we'll have the next war.
January 25, 2002, 10:26
Local Time: 19:06
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Ok, here is the order:
Eddy Eat World
Sir Ralph
Fredric Drum
Giovanni August
Also, I have made a major-minor desission. I will play my turn after Gillskill, but will make it my last. More on this break-through development later.
January 25, 2002, 13:36
Local Time: 20:06
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Originally posted by eddy eat world
I'm sorry if I've overstretched us a little but I must have been in a really military mindset when I played it.
I've considered an alliance with the Greeks against the English but I think we want the southern end of the continent to oursleves, right?
Also, I think there's a landmass to the west of our continent that might be worth checking out, I was too busy pumping out Horsemen to pay attention to exploration (culture, happiness, science etc. . . ) but I hope it's been worth it.
The English would probably beg us for peace if we asked if my successor wants it.
Just my thoughts on the next stages.
Soooooo... everything is going according to the master plan - BECOME MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!
Anyway, I don't think I'll be able to play... It's simply too much work (not playing the 20 turns, but recording everything and making screenshots), and I have plenty of other (PAID!) work to take care of at the moment. That's the downside of not having a 9 to 5 job, not always having the nights free... but that's nothing compared to the positive sides!
So... keep up the good work.. be hard on the hard  but don't be too cruel  , be wise  and rule the country with authority and a firm hand  and no man shall dispute France's superiority over all other nations on the planet Earth!
January 28, 2002, 05:57
Local Time: 19:06
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Many might back the General who has had such amazing victories in the South, Markos, but he is not exactly close to the capitol. In the confusion of the interregnum steps forth Gillskill II from the shadows (making a mental note to himself to get his scientists to invent some light making things so that he can actually see what is going on inside the palace), the blood of his forefathers surging through his body giving him the confidence that he can follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, the first Gillskill.
He surveys the French land and sees the large gains that had been made from the English empire, whilst the northern borders with Germany and Russia were largely fixed. Relations with them were peaceful but the Indians, whoops destiny it seemed to be to build cities so that the French could take possession of them, were still an annoyance. Indeed, they were at the gates of Karachi. Gillskill II ordered the temple being built there to be torn down and the stone blocks set up around the town to help the lone spear unit defending it.
The choice was his to make – bring peace to France and build up the infrastructure of his scattered cities, or inflict many more years of struggle and death on his people in the continuing struggle with England. What did he care about the people? He was a despot! England would go to the sword! London or Death!!! (© Giovanni August)
In Olifant, citizens queuing to enter the soon to be completed library were press-ganged into the army and taught how to use a sword, so that they could take on a rogue spearman in the hills above the city. Rather than sit on their backsides in the coliseum, the citizens of Minas-Morgull were persuaded that they might want to go forth and develop the French lands. From Happy Valley a spearman and warrior were sent to Dover to take over the defence from the Southern Army. An Ivory Coast Relief Force (ICRF) consisting of two swordsmen and two horsemen were sent front Edaron to Ivory Coast (obviously). A swordsman and horseman were sent from Brighton to harass the outskirts of Nottingham. They come across an English settler but are not able to finish off the escort.
1 440AD The Indians capture Karachi. As almost the first thing to happen under his rule it is not an auspicious start for Gillskill II. He vows that they shall not have too long to enjoy it and moves two swordsmen in the northeast towards it. The Indian spearmen who had sacked the mountain colony are seen moving between Ferusopolis and Fredric.
2 The settler from Gillham is sent to develop the ‘empty lands’ in the Green Valley. To ease the overcrowding problems in the capital, Markopians are shown the ways of settling. In honour of the original Gillskill, and to get some horses, workers from Happy Valley are moved towards Horse Hill to repair the road there. The Southern Army moves out of Nottingham to take Dover from the east. The western part of the pincer is distracted whilst it completes the capture of English settlers, who are then shown the best way of making roads.
The Indian forces move towards Fredric. An English archery attack on Dover fails. And the scientists announce that they now know how to swap gold for anything you want. At last he could do something with all that useless yellow rock the people had been giving him for their taxes. With confidence that there will be more ages to come in the future Gillskill II pronounces that his people are now in a ‘Middle Age’. The scientists were convinced that they could discover a way of government called Feudalism. Seeing as they didn’t know what something called monarchy was yet, which it relied on, Gillskill II was a bit sceptical but thought he would give them a go.
3 The ICRF moves to the bottom of the hill that Ivory City lies upon. On their journey they can see the bulk of the English forces north of Norwich.
4 Indian forces move up to Fredric and now pose a serious threat to spice collection. The Western Army is incredulous as a settler moves in front of them. Either the English are brave or fools. Either way they are going to be dead. The Russians found the city of Novgorod between Jaipur and Rusty City. Gillskill II is sure that this will become valuable French real estate. But just not today.
The swordsman from Olifant wipes the English blood from his sword. The clean up of English units moving around the French countryside has started. The settler from Minas-Morgul is sent into the eastern mountains, for the glory of France.
Good news for Gillskill II as the ICRF takes a lightly defended Ivory City, and Karachi is also re-taken. A bitter Ghandi comes to the Palace to attempt to save his nation. Seeing as the only surviving Indian city is now north of Germany Gillskill II decides to offer the hand of peace. For all the money in the treasury (24 gold) and their map of the world. It is with a little disappointment that legends of vast new lands to the west turn out to be only a small island. (“But with nobody on it…” thinks Gillskill II.) In a unanimous vote it is decided to call it Solset Island. The Americans immediately ask for help in crushing the Indians (what HAVE they done to get everybody annoyed?) but settle for a deal where they give us monarchy, 7 gold and 1 gold per turn for currency. Should help the scientists.
The English Army is moving towards Dover.
5 The assault on Nottingham quickly brings results and it is welcomed to the bosom of French friendship. The all-powerful Southern Army moves on to Canterbury “to see if they want to join”. The ICRF advances on Norwich, to draw the English army away from Dover.
Gillskill founds his first city – Vertoun in the Green Valley. What was once Indian is now virtually all French.
6 The ICRF attacks the rear of the English army, and in the ensuing counterattacks does not sustain any serious casualties. The people of Markopolis are ready to set forth to new lands. But Gillskill II asks them to wait a little bit while they build ‘a floaty thing’ to take them to Solset Island. And they look a little bit apprehensive. Minas-Morgul is conferred the honour of building a Wonder. Some tall gardens should help improve the forest a bit.
7 The ICRF moves back to Ivory City for, er, relief. The English army is now all but decimated and can not pose a threat. The Southern army arrives at Canterbury and enquires about their desires to learn French. Quickly.
The Iroquois and Germans come to some sort of peace agreement, and because they are in such a good mood the Germans give us their world map for our territory map.
8 Canterbury now drives on the right and has long, thin loaves. In glorious celebration of the Southern Army’s continued success Gillskill II orders the completion of temples in Liverpool and Newcastle. Unfortunately there are some casualties, but the Gods are appeased.
9 English stragglers are attacked around Norwich, and the Horse Hill Road is completed. In Markopolis it is a proud day for France as it builds its first naval force. Admittedly it is only a galley, but it should get the settlers to Solset Island. They don’t look so convinced as they gingerly step aboard.
10 An English attack on Nottingham from the west is repulsed. The road to Ivory City is cleared of the last English rogue unit. And Montaigne is founded in the mountains.
11 In a period of continuing expansion the city of Angfeld is founded on the coast between Liverpool and Happy Valley.
12 Norwich is destroyed, but from the ruins a Great Leader arises. The old one who had been hanging around St Ralph is sent to Minas-Morgul to help finish off the Hanging Gardens. He’d been making a nuisance of himself down the pub anyway.
In an audacious attempt to turn back the tide of history an English force is landed on the beaches at Ivory Coast. The forces there have been moved further west so it will be a close call whether Ivory Coast is lost again.
13 The Hanging Gardens are completed, and the people of France demand that they be allowed to make his home bigger. Gillskill II opts for a second floor.
14 Dead quiet in France. Gillskill II is worried by the scratching sound behind the palace walls, so goes out for a long walk.
15 Another quiet day, so Gillskill II decides that it is time for France to descend into anarchy. Just for a laugh.
16 The English Forces around Ivory City are despatched to their gods. In the far east of France the city of Fauteuil is founded. It’s pleasant beach location and renown as being the furthest eastern city in the known world led to a flourishing tourist industry.
17 Again the French show their generous side and insist on once more increasing the comforts at the palace. He opts for big pointy things in the front gardens, lights not being invented yet.
18 The Southern Army moves west and forward elements encounter slight opposition on the plains north of London. Anarchy ends and the First French Republic is formed. To avoid causing the French citizens too much confusion, and in light of the continuing state of war the country is in, Gillskill II decides to give the vote to only to his nearest and dearest. He becomes quite emotional when they elect him as leader.
19 The road to Ivory Coast is completed, so it can take its rightful place in the Empire. The Iroquois offer peace. As they have been no problem at all and pose no threat Gillskill II accepts. Maybe taking this as a sign of weakness Elizabeth requests Gillskill II to discuss peace on the fields in front of London. Keen to meet his foe the leader of France makes the long trip. Elizabeth is proud but recognises the desperate position she is in and offers up new cities to France to stop the pillage of England. Gillskill II considers her request. And laughs. The English delegation make their way back to the capital resigned to their future.
20 620AD The knowledge that the scientists have discovered feudalism and are now researching engineering, and buying monotheism for 670 from the Aztecs hardly affects Gillskill II as he prepares his army for the assault on London. With their leader at their front and overwhelming force the French forces are unstoppable. London falls and becomes the most western part of the French Empire. Elizabeth though escapes to York from where to conduct her defence. But it is a sad day for France and there are no jubilations in the Southern Army. Gillskill II, who has brought them so much English lands lies fallen on the streets of London. His body is taken back to Markopolis for a state funeral. London AND death!
Vive la Republique! Vive la France!
January 28, 2002, 06:31
Local Time: 19:06
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Posts: 36
trying to get the zip attached, but failing so far...
Thanks Fredric Drum - you will always find a place in the Empir named after you! Pop in to see how it's going.
The English are collapsing and will soon be no more. I've ignored the Germans who have been recently moving around France, though they probably need keeping an eye on. I think it will probably be better to keep them on-side, but get some settlers going to avoid them getting to the spaces in our Empire. Once England goes then I think our next target should be Russia. That way we'll have Germany virtually surrounded.
Good luck to my successor.
Last edited by gillskill; January 28, 2002 at 08:05.
January 28, 2002, 09:38
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the zip still not going on ....... still trying
January 28, 2002, 10:39
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the zip!
January 28, 2002, 12:24
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Posts: 785
General Markos, victor of the English fields, woke up from a delightful daydream he was having. Then he looked at his watch, patent tending, and discovered that he had been asleep for 180 years. Wandering around in the forest, which, for some odd reason, had changed since he last had seen it. Ghosts of France's founder pocked and prodded him to do their bidding. Markos finally consented when they threatened to give him some cow tongue.
'Find my progony' he ghost whispered.
'Or what?'
'Or France falls.'
'No, I'm filling you with forboding so that you'll leave and I can play hopscotch in peace with out some lunatic of a general disturbing me!'
Not sure whether the ghost of the legendary Markos the Unifier was kidding or not, he left the unenchanting forest to seek the ghosts living kin.
As Gillskill II, man of legend and mirth (the mirth part never really getting into his biography), was being carried off from London to Markopolis, a young comander, Yanni by name, looked on. He had never seen Markopolis. He probably never would. Orders to continue preparations had been recieved from the interegnum government, aka senate. They would squable for leadership and decide on one of themselves, as usual. Or as usual as it would be if they had ever been placed in this situation before. Not that leades dying had not been a common occurance, but never had it happened when a 'senate' of the aristocracy was in place.
Returning to his tent trying to untangle his knotted up thoughts, a shady figure approached him. 'Hail Yanni' he said.
'Who are you? Yanni asked.
'I was general of the West, conqueror of the English fields 180 years ago. You have made good progress in crushing the English.'
'I am but a corporal, or a captain, could never remember which.'
'Now you shall be ruler of all France.'
'I thought France was a Republic.'
'It is?'
'Yes, where have you been?'
'Asleep in the unenchanting forest.'
--More sensless talk--
--Hole in Plot--
--Part where you discover Yanni is the the heir to the Markovian dynasty. and where he takes up the name Ioannes II.--
--Another hole in Plot--
Ioannes, followed by General Markos, exited the Senate building as the new protectorate of the French realm. Throngs of people, 5-6 at liberal estimates, cheered saying, 'Hail Yanni!' And from that day, Yanni became a title of the counsilship, despite the leader's name. So Yanni Ioannes II began his rule, to expand the French empire, and spread the joys of roasted cow tongues to all barbarians. May his rule enlighten the French people and their culinary tastes.
In other reports, fish au' flambe with roasted marshmallows seem to be the favorite food among the populace of Markopolis, though few are left alive that remember that memorable night nigh 180 years ago...
I'll play the game and hopefully post stuff tonight or tomorrow night. -JMarks
January 28, 2002, 15:52
Local Time: 11:06
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Deep in the rather unpleasant bowels of the palace at Markopolis, a timid English captive trembles in the small cell that will remain his home for the rest of his life. Neville Chamberlain had assured Queen Elizabeth "peace in our time" when he volunteered to be the diplomatic envoy to France, and was quite aghast when Gilskill II simply scoffed and ordered guards to beat him senseless and throw him in the official English Embassy.
The ghostly whispers that seem to come from the walls all around him have not ceased in the two months of his captivity; in fact, they have become louder each day. It the autumn of 620 AD when the whispers suddenly break into roaring, maniacal laughter, and Chamberlain merely covers his ears and screams in horror.
His bowels cease to obey him when a glowing apparition appears in his cell. The figure of a tall, grinning man looks down upon the soiled English diplomat and sneers. "London has fallen. My successors have rained terribly fury upon all of England, and, behold, have even brought me a captive to torment."
Chamberlain had heard the stories of the ghosts of French rulers haunting the palace at Markopolis, but had, until now, dismissed them as mere fairy tales. He now wanted nothing more than a clean pair of shorts and an exit from his prison. He would be granted neither.
"I am Emperor Franklin the Merciless," the ghost bellowed. "I have news from Gilskill the Second, who has most honorably joined me in the afterlife only recently. Your capital is now a French province, and your countrymen lie rotting in its streets."
Neville could not bring himself to look directly at the ghost, but only managed a meek reply, "What do you want from me?"
"I cannot seem to leave this palace, and there is nary an Englishman within a hundred miles of here, save you. With my dying breath I pledged torment and pain upon the English, and you are my sole unfortunate target in this condition. I just thought you should know that the chances of you ever being released from this captivity are slim, at best, as Elizabeth is certainly in no position to bargain for the life of a diplomat while Buckingham Palace is being used to stable French cavalry. As France grows stronger, so does my presence. I do hope you'll enjoy the company."
Chamberlain lept from the straw mattress that served as his only furnishing and began pounding on the heavy wooden door to his cell, screaming for the guard. The ghost merely laughed, knowing full well that no French guard would relieve the tormented Englishman. Chamberlain threw himself at the door until he knocked himself senseless, and lie bleeding on the floor in his own filth. The dead emperor shook his head. "I do hope they bring more prisoners from the west. This one may not last the week."
January 28, 2002, 17:17
Local Time: 19:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: NE England
Posts: 20
Nice story.
C'mon people, if the council of the wise is breaking up lets have it in the open so we can draft more *cough* wise people.
Nicely consolidated Gillskill.
"Always admit fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and allow you to commit more" Mark Twain (possibly)
January 28, 2002, 17:37
Local Time: 14:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Canadia, or whatever they call it now
Posts: 6
Major Thomas of the French Republican Army looked over the horison. He was on top of Mt. Shinybright, highest point on the glittering mountains. The senate had agreed that they should fortify the mountains, in case in several thousand years men in laser-tanks will use their lunar-shoes to come to Earth and smite the French from the mountains.
Thomas didn't know what laser tanks or lunar-shoes were so he just did what he was told. He looked around and saw clouds floating around him, the sprawling Republic of France below him, and a lottery ticket.
Thomas didn't know where the lottery ticket came from so he picked it up. It said something along the lines of this...
He looked at the numbers. They seemed so familiar. Then he remembered...
*flashback sequence commence*
Thomas woke up and went on a stroll to town square. There, the herald announced some boring stuff, mumbo-jumbo, lottery numbers...
32 42 52 99
*flashback sequence end*
Thomas looked at the ticket.
32 42 52 99
Thomas looked at the back of the ticket...
Thomas folded the ticket up and put it in his pocket. He walked down the mountain, heading for his barracks to announce his resignation. Then he would go back to his farm and bide his time...
In other news, the people rejoyced this week...
January 29, 2002, 01:36
Local Time: 20:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
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I've gone away for two days and I see that the evil English are learning some good fighting lesson from us!
really good job Gillskill!
The ghost of Giovanni Augustus (the lucky) has blessed your descendant so that they will always rule with pride, glory and wisdom!
January 29, 2002, 05:37
Local Time: 19:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: hull
Posts: 36
thanks Giovanni August, but I was helped by the forces Eady Eat World had positioned for the push into the English heartland. It was good fun finishing off the English Army around Dover. Now we will not face any co-ordinated assault, which can't be a bad thing.
January 29, 2002, 12:20
Local Time: 19:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
First I'll post the game, then results. (PS England dead, War With Russia)
January 29, 2002, 13:09
Local Time: 19:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
Yanni Ioannes looked around the senate chamber. Weaklings one and all. NONE of them even knew how to cook a cow tongue, much less pisces au'flambe. This would have to change. Just not now. He left the pathetic aristocracy alone and consulted his new war counsil, Richelieu.
'How is the war with England proceeding?'
'The English are all but broke. However, they have settled on Norwhich Isle, or so they call it now. But our galley should be able to bring some soldiers across the channel.'
'Are you sure? Those things look kinda flimsy, and all those armor and horses surely would sink them.'
'They are sturdier than you may think my Yanni.'
'Carry on.'
An envoy from the mayor of Saint Ralph aproached, pleading for help. 'Yanni, Sir, the people of Saint Ralph really would like to store food for the coming winter. They are tired of storing their harvest in the middle of the street where they get all dirty from the refuse and birds. Please, we need funds to build a granary!'
Ioannes thought for a moment. Then an idea sprang into his mind. 'I will fund your project. And I will fund projects all over the kingdom, and then my peope will know that I am their god!'
'The Cultural Advisor, Elvis d'Presly, stepped up. Uh, Sir, the people aren't in to that sort of thing, uh huh!' he said twisting his hips. 'Not with the advent of Monotheism.' He twist his hips again.
'Is that even French?'
'It is if you make it, uh huh.' He twist his hips again.
'Thats kinda'v a hipnotic effect. You should set up a school for entertainment. That should distract the populace. Seems the war with England is begining to become unpopular.'
Elvis twisted his hips again, 'sure thing Yanni' and off he twisted.
Turn 1 - 630AD
Perveying the undeveloped region around Markopolis, Ioannes decides to recruit workers from the settling party being set up.
The Granary at Saint Ralph is funded. Grain will be stored there next winter, though the cats will now have to look for another source of cheap kitty-litter.
To fund such projects, We trade gems to the Greeks for 3/gold a turn. (my successor might want to try to renegotiat a greater bargain when his turn comes)
Realizing that luxuries can be sold for good profit, Ioannes proposes a land route to Germany.
English send a horseman retreating.
Markopolians start working on surrounding terrain whilst more start the settling project again.
Olifant constructs library. Now if only we had some books to read... Ioannes begins memoirs to be written by scribes, thus ensuring it will be a best seller. Now if only we could mass produce these things...
Saint Ralph starts making pikes for some Pikedudes.
An elite horseman attacks the English archer and wins. The leader, Richelieu is promoted with honors and is summoned back to the French Homeland. Field general Napoleon moves to London to form army. (did you know that, if you don't load guys into an army, you can move it and then load him up?)
Elite Swordman attacks another archer. FAILS!!! DEAD!!!! GONE!!!!
Ioannes sells Ivory to the Greeks for 5 gold a turn. He wonders if they would buy his sofa.
Due to 'Peace Riots' Minas Morgul goes into civil disorder. Elvis d'Presly twists his hips and hipnotizes the girls.
Two Hormen attack and capture Warwick. One is upgraded to Elite statis.
Upon hearing the good news, Ioannes sells the Greeks spice for 2 Gold a turn.
Army assembles in London under Napoleon. Fish are fried and stuck between two cow tongues. The delicasy is called a Warwick.
Ioannes is greated by an old nemisis, the Indians. Well, one actually. He rides in on a stead and falls down in front of him. The... Americans... Win...
Ioannes promises the dead warrior that the Americans will pay, eventually.
Riots spring up in Nottingham, Elvis d'Presly does his thing.
Gillham citizens pick up their bags and head for a new home.
The Napoleon army advances on Oxford. the Oxfordians tremble in their nickers.
The Montaigne forest is cutdown, wood is brought to help build the temple.
Turn 5 - 670AD
More riots break out in Dover and Orehills. Students of d'Presly start doing their thing.
Oxford falls to the sword of Napolean. The Western army prepares to strike north against Coventry.
Ioannes looks at the treasurer's report. 'Seems we have too much money' he says. Ioannes fires him, but spends the money on the temple of Montaigne.
Gillham and Delhi starts rioting. The Peacenicks are gaining the upperhand! Ioannes promises to finish off the English for affecting his dear people so when he is hit by a stray brick.
Markoplians set out to find a new home. Germans settle in the middle of our territory. Ugh.
Three Horsemen attack Coventry, one dies while the enemy archers hold the city.
Settlers land on the southern part of the uninhabited isle. Not remembering what they were to call it, they name it Isula Non Inhabitat, or INI, just as a reminder that, just because no one lives here, and just because they hear wierd sounds at night, and just because apparitions of French Emporers whip them in their dreams, does not mean that the island is not haunted. They discover an abandoned settlement containing 50 gold. They decide to move south.
After unloading the cargo, the French galley spots an English galley. They decide to attack. The French galley fights bravely, but to no avail! They win a victorious sea battle, the begining of many more to take place over the fishes.
Richelieu Compiles his treatis on the Art of War. Generals all over are instated into all cities to give proper training according to Richelieu.
Will finish up later. Come back for the exciting conclusion of Ioannes sinks the French Ship - or - Attack of the Killer Russians!
January 29, 2002, 21:31
Local Time: 19:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
Resistance in Warwick ends, and the people rejoice over cow tongue au'flambe.
Coventry is captured, and the people rejoice.
Two horseman assault York, one dies in the effort, but one defender remains.
In the north, the Germans rejoice as the newly completed road is trampled by caravans carrying Ivory and Spices for the low low price of 10 gold a turn. Now the French treasury gains 57 gold per turn.
The Warwick garrison leaves and assaults York, capturing the city. And the Army rejoice.
The mayors of Augusta Giovonnorum and Liverpool beg for more entertainers as rioters throw bricks at them.
With the nice income, Ioannes splurges on the Bangalore temple.
Ioannasburg is founded in an area where visions did not disturb the people. After settling, they notice that there is some nearby FISH! They celebrate by catching a giant one, hollowing out its carcass and recreate Eddius II's funeral. The tradition continues for millenia, not that I would know that...
Russians enter French land with a settler and gaurd. Ioannes asks them to leave very politely.
York is overthrown and return to the English! They will pay for their insolance.
Upgrades occur in key garrisons. Spearmen get pikes to replace their spears and wonder, whats the difference?
The Armies of the English Expidition (AEE) retake York and burn it to the ground. Of the surviving Yorkers, only the fittest survive, only to work the fields for their insolance.
Napoleon presses on toward Hastings, the last mainland English city.
A raiding party lands on Norwhich Island.
Norwhich is destroyed with no losses, and the army wonders why anyone would found a city on such a desolate island.
The Germans settle within French territory. Ioannes is unconcerned, for he knows that, in time the city will convert, in time.
Civil Disorder and general anarchy reign in Edaron and Minas Morgul. The dark Lords of those cities are crucified by the people. A new aristocracy is inundated who promote general happiness via Presly hip twists. Finally, some dolts I can control Ioannes thinks.
Russians refuse to leave politely and declare war on the French people! Taking drastic action, Ioannes attacks and disburses the settling party. The poor Russians are liberated and work happily for minimum wage, which was much more than they could ever have made in Desolate Russia. Ioannas makes this promise. 'I will not rest, untill all Russians can enjoy the prosperity and delicate cuisines that all French enjoy!' To do this, Ioannes decides to bring the Germans into the war. In return, Ioannes teaches them how to fuedalize, though he was unsure if fueding was such a good idea.
The Iroquois buy currency for five gold and one gold per turn for twenty turns. And we both rejoice.
The Napoleonic Army sits at the gates of Hastings, most of the rest of the English Expadition Force (EEF) transfere North to the Russian Front. The Northern Russian Army (NRA), taking weapons in hand, march to Novograd.
Novograd is captured by the NRA, the children cheer holding small wooden swords. Now prosperity and freedom of weaponry will come to the Russian peoples. Not to mention Cow Tongues. Plenty of Cow Tongues. And the people Rejoice.
In a desperate attempt, an English archer runs past Napolean's army...
More projects are funded. In Nottingham the temple to French culinary cheifs is erected.
Hastings falls to the sword of Napolean, the English are no more! The English archers disperse near the former site of York. Their ghosts still may be heard...
The moron Aztecs, a naval empire who are so barbaric that they don't even connect any of their harbor cities to their capital so that we can trade luxuries to them, found a city on northern INI.
Word comes from a distant land yet undiscovered, that a people named the Zulus were destroyed. Ioannes thinks of the lucrative trade that could occur between France and the unkown conquerors.
With the English destroyed, all the peacenicks stop their protests and start celebrating! 'We love Yanni' days occur all over the empire. The people wholy support the Russian Liberation War (RLW) and the NRA. Ioannes resides over the new Senate. They all demand that Catherine the 'Grape' be captured.
Ore Hills finish library. Ioannes hires more scribes to record more of his memoirs to fill the shelves.
Montaigne starts working on a Heroic Epic based on the English War.
The Palace is expanded by happy happy workmen. A beautiful dome tops the residence of the French leaders. Ioannes figures that will keep the rain out...
More settlers prepare to move out to INI. Unfortunatly their guide leads them inland instead of to the galley. He is executed by the party leaders.
Augusta Giovannorum finishes a granary Most of the southern army moves to the Russian front, leaving England relatively empty.
Happy Valley finishes a courthouse. Now law is brought to the lawless, justice to the justless, and order to the odorless. Or something like that. More projects are funded, the temples in Rust City and Jaipur are completed, while the temple in London is slated to be completed in a turn, for extra profits for the workers.
London begins to work on a Courthouse where grain will be stored untill a grainery is built.
The Greeks land on the York Isthmus, a French settling party hears the news and turns around.
Kiev is assaulted by the NRA. One swordman dies. The NRA now contains 3 sword and 3 horse, wilst more reserves come up from England.
The Greek colony of Troy is founded where York once stood. The citizens hear the cry of the English revolters. Ioannes, seemig to remember something from another dimension, finds the colony's name ironic...
Ivory Coast and Dover finishes temples, and the people rejoiced.
Not wanting to hoard knowledge for the French, Ioannes sells Engineering to the Germans and to the Greeks for 10G & 10G/turn and 20G & 4G/turn respectively.
Rostov, a Russian colony founded in the Glittering mountains is destroyed at the cost of one swordman.
Thinking it wise, Ioannes keeps a swordman in Markopolis, as useful for keeping enemies away from the hallowed city as it was to keeping the people in so that they don't run away from the apperitions who, reportedly didn't have enough English to work on...
American settling party aproaches French territory.
Vertoun completes temple and starts working on a library. Ioannes orders more of his memoirs to be made.
The wise men research deeply in Theology. Ioannes drools over the prospect of the New Cathedral Designs avaliable. 'We must build this wonder if we build any at all!' He exlaimed. Just then, a coup, headed by the new 'entertainment forever party' (EFP) stab Ioannes in the back. While chaos ensues, the NRA marches into Smolensk at no loss and the second settlers reach their desired location on INI. However, 'we love the Yanni' day ends all over the empire, due to the loss of their great leader. Ioannes leaves his successor 183 gold and 85 gold per turn income.
Ioannes will be remembered (or else) for his love of culture and his love of initialization. Rumors have it that he has actually survived, but left for foreign shores to study Greek and Latin and their relationship to the Chaos theory and how it all relates to Art and Education. If this is true, he will check back from time to time and write some really stupid stories and memoirs to keep things going. He will be missed by his people. And the people rejoiced.
January 29, 2002, 21:33
Local Time: 19:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
-In other news, Ioannes' beloved cat, Satan, buys a flower jacket.-
January 30, 2002, 05:03
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 11,117
Very good work, and nice story, JMarks. I will take the reign over France for the next 20 turns. I think I will look for gaps in our lands and settle there, to prevent further AI intrusions. I won't attack the Germans and the Greeks yet, as they are still good trade partners. One of the cities (probably the Capital) will start to build the Sistine Chapel (it's very powerful), and I think I will prebuild a few wonders in other cities, as wonders in the medieval era are almost all quite attractive.
I think I will make my move either today in the evening, or tomorrow.
January 30, 2002, 09:03
Local Time: 11:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Sierra Nevada foothills
Posts: 527
Nice work! I doubt the Russians will pose much of a problem, especially with Germany nipping at them (not that they did much good against the Indians for us, but, you never know...)
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