March 14, 2002, 14:44
Local Time: 19:06
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Hello Markopolians,
I hope you will excuse this brief nosiness, but if it hastens you online to post the rest of this epic then it won't have been for naught.
I have been a Mac user for the last 6 years and have been happily working away on creative stuff until an ex-flat mate got me hopelessly addicted to strat games on his pc. Now I've moved, I need a fix and I have a copy of CIV3 awaiting for me this weekend.
Very excited about playing - I thought I better research a little, and I must say that you've kept me entertained ala Elvis D'Presley for the last three evenings as I trawled through your dynasty.
Its certainly been an education and I feel much more prepared to face my first ever hut of Arnold Schwartzeneggers with your fine cultured  example.
But where are you now? Show me how to finish all of these inferior chefs off and I will be truly thankful indeed.
Anyway - thanks for all your efforts - you've kept me giggling at my screen at work today and thats no mean feat.
March 14, 2002, 17:12
Local Time: 20:06
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Hola Beno
Happy you enjoyed our Sucession game!
If I'm not wrong now it is FNBrown turn, we are waiting for him.
He usually write some really entertaining masterpiece that it worth to wait a little bit more
March 15, 2002, 10:01
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Hi beno  , I'm glad somebody far from us reads this  .
Giovanni, I have a proposal. If FNBrown doesn't show up until Saturday, may be you take over and play the next turn? FNBrown might jump in, after he returns. Beno is right, we must move on. And the war with America ought to be fun  , as they haven't the slightest chance. And if Germany declares war or denies the RoP we rely on, well, It's only a punch through 2 cities from Yakutsk to our Northern territory, splitting Germany in halves and crippling it.
March 15, 2002, 16:48
Local Time: 20:06
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Ok... I tomorrow FNBrown doesn't appear i will play my turn.
finally i will be able to fight a war
March 16, 2002, 03:31
Local Time: 11:06
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Sorry, gang... I've had about two weeks from hell at the office, and I'm not going to be able to make my turn this time around... the entire month of March is pretty much shot for me. I apologize for not letting you all know sooner.
If we're still playing in April, I'd be happy to re-join the rotation... otherwise, I'd be happy to start a new game then.
- Franklin
March 16, 2002, 05:03
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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I understand your situation and wish you the best for your work. We surely will miss your excellent stories. Whether we will still be playing in April or not, depends on the victory type we choose. If we choose the space race (which I'd vote for), you might miss the launch  by a few days. Or you are the lucky one who launches, who knows? If domination/conquest, the game could safely last till May/June. Diplomatic/cultural victories are ways too lame and not worth our mighty empire.
EDIT: sp.
Last edited by Sir Ralph; March 16, 2002 at 09:19.
March 19, 2002, 03:43
Local Time: 20:06
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This was for sure the funniest turn ever, and mostly thenx to Sir Ralph that really set my up with 1 (2) exellent wars!
March 19, 2002, 03:47
Local Time: 20:06
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It’s election day in France, the candidates are: Jean Croissant for the socialist party, their program is to give equal welfare to the citizens of France and to stop the American War, Francois De Livon, for the green party and Marco Augustus, for the French National Party, their program is to crush the Americans and to organize the invasion of Germany.
The exit poll gives to Marco Augustus a little advantage on Francois De Livon, 48% against 47.5% only 5.5% voted for Jean Croissant.
The next day is official, The FNP have won the elections!
But still the Green Party has a big influence on the congress.
Marco Augustus change is name in Giovanni Augustus IV in honor of his great ancestors.
President Giovanni Augustus IV
Turn 1: The Americans sunk one of our battleship (with an Ironclad) and on Galleon, conquer back San Francisco and killed a couple of Greeks Cavalry.
The answer of the mighty French Army is terrible, Buffalo and San Francisco fall on our Cavalry charge, while our tank capture Chicago and Boston and New Orleans
Persia declared war on us and Greece, Rome and Japan sign military alliance with us against Persia!
Napoleon and Richelieu appeared, the first one is used to create a new army while the other one to rest in Augusta Giovannorum so that the city will be able to rush the UN (but I don’t really want to win by diplomatic…) in 5 turns when Fission will be discovered.
One of our settler reports to have discovered the Holy Grail while digging to fund a new city, the city is name after that.
Turn 2: Chinese declare war on Persian, America declares war on China, Rome and Japan, Rome make peace with Babylon.
Germany finally removes their workers from their Railroad (Yessss  ) !
Turn 3: Babylon and Rome sign military alliance against America (poor America  there are at war against everybody except Iroquois, Persia and Germany).
Atlanta is captured, so is Detroit. The Americans have in their mainland only 7 cities left (of 16) but they still hold Denver in the INI and Bombay and Cincinnati at east.
Turn 4: The evil Japanese broke our alliance against Persia and signed an alliance against us with China, Greece sign an alliance against Babylonia with China. The Americans destroyed one of our mighty armies (grrrrr) We captured St Louis and Washington but at the cost of about 4 tanks (replaced immediately by 10 more  ).
Turn 5: Germany join the war side of Greece against Babylonians and Persia, Iroquois on Persian side against Germany and Roma (bye bye Iroquois  ).
“The Ramping Germans force have destroyed the Iroquois  .
Rome declare war on us due to their MMP with China.
Philadelphia is captured, we took control of Magellan’s Expedition. Seattle and Denver are taken.
Turn 6: China and Germany sign a military alliance against us (holy cow). The sneaky Germans killed about 6-7 our cavalry piled up near Minsk and captured about 8 of our workers (I was completely unprepared)!!!
Luckily we should have enough force in America to capture the remaining 3 cities).
Houston is taken, so it’s Miami and New York will fall soon (hopefully)!
French Democracy is unable to stand another big war like that and (after rushing all the troops we can) we enter in a revolution. We have pretty much all the world against us besides Greece and Babs.
We have taken New York.
Turn 7: German’s invading troops have been destroyed, We caprture St. Egis and kill one German Army. Greece signa military alliance against Germany, luckily Rome, China, Japan and Persia didn’t landed yet in our continent…. But with a base like Germany everything is possible.
Turn 8: We captured Fifi (Tlatlecoco), Munich, Cettagarus. The Germans destroyed Jaipur (Arghh)!
Turn 9: We captured Sevastopol, we almost captured Berlin (there was only one red wounded cavalry in it but I didn’t have anything to launch against the city)
Turn 10: peace treaty is signed with Persia, Xerxes give us 20 golds for it. Rome, China and Japan still refuse to meet us (too bad for them), (I’m really starting to think for a Domination win). Liepzig is captured and Frankfurt isnow isolated. Tamuien is captured!
Turn 11: Finally the period of Anerchy is ended… France enter a new period of Monarchy. We captured Berlin, German’s capital moved to Hamburg (just next door).
Peace treaty is signed with China.
Turn 12: Greece and Japan sign a military alliance against Babylonia.
Turn 13: We captured Riga and Konigsberg. German’s military amounts of 11 cavalry and 37 Infantry for 12 cities left
Turn 14: Persia declare war on us, Greece declare war on Japan (The Greeks are doing a very aggressive foreign policy… no wonder they wanted a MPP with us). Fission is discovered Augusta Giovannorum under the guide of the Great Cardinal Richelieu built The United Nations. We have two Uranium already connected to ours cities and I spotted one wandering around. We captured Frankfurt, Bombay and Heidelburg
Turn 15: Greece declare war on Rome. We have taken cologne and Zitlapetlec (D’Artagnan), Bremen. Peace treaty signed with Rome for 40 golds (they give us) Looking at world government I saw that Greece is still under Democracy while all of the Eastern Emisphere + America (Cincinnati) is ruled by the Commies, Germany and us are Monarchies.
Turn 16: Cincinnati, the last American city is razed (1 pop and too few culture), Of 16 civs only 8 are still standing the Test of Time, but soon Germany will make room for more French people. The Infantry of Strasburg heroically resist the attack of 10 our tanks killing lots of them.
Turn 17: We captured Salzburg, Hannover and Hamburg. I’m pretty sure I will be able to crush the Germans before the end of my turns.
Turn 18: We captured Astrakan and Nuremberg. The Germans are left with Sverdlosk.
Turn 19: due to our MPP with Greece we are forced to join their war against the Romans. We taje Sverdlosk, the last German city, incredibly Bismark’s face is still in our Foreign adv screen… I wonder where their last settlement is. Because we do not need big production anymore I told the governors to emphasize food. I piled up our remaining forces near Berlin and our Air force in Munich, set most of the cities to “Peace Improvements”
Turn 20: Sunk a couples of Romans and Persians Ironclad. Germany and Japan sign an embargo against us (WHERE ARE THE GERMANS?????????)
(ps: sorry the bad english but I didn't have time to correct the spelling and grammar  )
March 19, 2002, 05:40
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Posts: 11,117
Wow, that was great  ! Seems you fought a nice world war, and very successful  . And it proves that it was good to set up our military-industrial complex instead of city improvements  . And it was good to go back to Monarchy, although with our commercial and economically powerful (Hoover dam) civilization Communism would also have been an option. Concerning the victory type, I would support to go for Domination, but we also should build the spaceship when it comes, although not launch it. We have spies everywhere, so we can keep track who builds his own ship.
As to the Germans, well, I suppose they have a vessel somewhere, with a settler on it. The old bug, don't sink that vessel or the game crashes. And pray, that the Greeks don't sink it, or our game is toast  . I will be able to look up the savegame at evening only.
So who's next? Since Eddy seems to have defected, it's up to Gillskill to continue our raid.
March 19, 2002, 15:01
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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I had a look at the savegame now. Wow, Giovanni, great work. We have this huge continent for us alone, with the exception Troy. Also, there are a few large gaps, obviously from razed cities. I suggest the next player to close these, or the AI might.
The Germans are definitely stuck with a settler on a probably unmovable ship. I tried to steal their map with troups location, but the game didn't even let me in the espionage window after clicking Germany. A warning again, to everybody: Don't sink the last German ship or our game will be toast! A possible solution is, after discovering where they are: Give them a city for free, declare war, sink the ship and retake the city.
Good luck Gillskill! Hope to hear from you soon  .
March 19, 2002, 15:19
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Posts: 11,117
Attention players and lurkers, here's some stuff for you. First a minimap:
March 19, 2002, 15:25
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Hehe, why don't we have twice as much units?
Now comes a full diplomatic overview about the ongoing world war:
March 19, 2002, 15:34
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
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Bismarck doesn't count of course, for this is for statesmen only and not for steamer captains.
Now, take a look at our heartland. Remember the times we begun it? A lot has changed around the river of Flumen Ordis. Remember, we called the forests near Minas Morgul, with all the game there, the Hunting Ground? Well, the forest is gone. I think of my first turn, where Ralph I poprushed a granary in Markopolis. It worked well... Markopolis has a growth potential till 40. Btw: Who's building all those fortresses, and, what for?
Here's the picture:
March 20, 2002, 00:17
Local Time: 20:06
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
Posts: 179
Nicely done Sir Ralph!
If I knew how to take Screenshots i would do it.
I really would hate to be Persia  .
I don't know if they have a ship or a settler, cause after that i conqured their last city i checked the military advisory founded they had only a couple of rifleman and Longbowman alive and killed them with our tanks.
I switched to Monarchy cause i really prefer to have one (two with the FP) highly productive center, rather than share Corruption of city like Washington with Gem-city like Saint Ralph.
We also have the UN so we don't have to worry about losing via-diplomacy, when they ask us for the elections just tell you don't want to do that.
March 20, 2002, 00:50
Local Time: 20:06
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
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Originally posted by FNBrown
Sorry, gang... I've had about two weeks from hell at the office, and I'm not going to be able to make my turn this time around... the entire month of March is pretty much shot for me. I apologize for not letting you all know sooner.
If we're still playing in April, I'd be happy to re-join the rotation... otherwise, I'd be happy to start a new game then.
- Franklin
Too bad, I will miss your stories, anyway, if we are going for the Domination victory we will sure still be playing in April, so... don't forget to check this thread once in a while.
Gillskill, I guess is up to you... or maybe to eddy (is he still playing?). Aniway... it looks that of 9 we are 3-4 left
March 20, 2002, 06:39
Local Time: 20:06
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Location: of the Sarzaneers
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Originally posted by Sir Ralph
Attention players and lurkers, here's some stuff for you. First a minimap:
... and this is what I call a clear overview of what's going on!!!
Good job Sir Ralph!
March 20, 2002, 16:53
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Posts: 11,117
Giovanni, screenshots are simple:
- Press "Print" at your keyboard, now Ctrl+Esc and open Paint and hit "Paste". This gives you a picture of the whole screen.
- You may now cut the picture with Paint by marking an area, copying and pasting as new picture. Save the result as .BMP file.
- Now you have to convert it in a .JPG file. There are lots of free tools in the internet, just open Google and ask for "BMP JPG FREE CONVERTER" and you should get hundred. Choose one and use it to convert the file in the .JPG format.
- In your posts, you can choose an attachment (just like you're posting the savegame). Attach the .JPG file and it will appear as picture. There are several limitations, AFAIK 500KB in size and 600 pixels width, or so.
One more word to the lurkers:
We are a bit short of players, so if one of you is interested to jump in, I would be glad, and I think the other players would support this.
March 20, 2002, 20:42
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Good history... I like it.
Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
religiones mohosas hasta el alma...
March 22, 2002, 06:49
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Posts: 11,117
Seems Gillskill defected too... So there are only 2 active players left, and if either Giovanni or me go, it won't be a succession game anymore. Oh well, if Gillskill doesn't show up, I will play the next turn this weekend, if I get the time. Depends on whether I get my new computer  today or tomorrow (I ordered this week) or not. If I get, I will be busy setting it up. If not, I will play. I will let you know if I decide playing.
March 22, 2002, 08:39
Local Time: 19:06
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Posts: 36
Sorry, been away for a bit. Got it now and will play over the weekend.
Nice new computer eh?
March 22, 2002, 10:36
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
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Posts: 11,117
Ah, nice to see you Gillskill. I'll be waiting for your turn then.
As to my computer, well, these !%&§$#* haven't assembled it yet  , they still lack the processor cooler and the monitor  , so I would have been able to play too. But I think it's better you play  , as you probably are more calm than me at the moment  .
March 23, 2002, 01:00
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Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
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Pfiu... Gillskill strikes back!
You know what? I think like Sir Ralph that it would be good to take at least one or two more players in order to have a REAL succession game!
I'll be willing to let them play before me if they show up in time
So.... come on guys... join the Holy French Empire of Saint Joan, and help us with the French domination against those barbarians (Persia, Rome, Japan, China, Babylon and Greece)
March 23, 2002, 10:17
Local Time: 19:06
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Two Words: Spring Break
Seven Words: Can I play one turn this week?
 The Markovian Line has returned.
March 23, 2002, 16:17
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 20:06
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Posts: 11,117
Woohoo! Markos is back!!  At least for some time...
Sure, jump in after Gillskill, he's just making his turn. I will play after you then.
March 25, 2002, 10:36
Local Time: 19:06
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Gillskill, where are you? Won't you come out and play? :wimpers:
March 26, 2002, 22:16
Local Time: 11:06
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Location: of the Sierra Nevada foothills
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Wow... nicely done Giovanni... our manifest destiny has been fulfilled.
Thanks for posting the graphics, Sir Ralph... it's nice to see pictures of how mighty the empire has become.
Things have settled for me for the time being... so if there's room for me to squeeze in a turn, I'm available...
- Franklin
March 27, 2002, 01:25
Local Time: 19:06
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If Gillskill doesn't show up by tomorrow I'll take my turn.
 The Markovians Shall Have Their Day Of Reconing
-And they don't mean calculus-
A humble student from a little known island visits the French capital of Markopolis. When he is introduced to the college heads, they are surprised to find his features distinctly French, and his toungue distinctly that of the archaic French only heard in the days of the Epic struggle against the English. His name is Markos.
As he sees the effects of industrialization and 'progress', a tear rolls down his eyes. Where are the trees beloved of his ancestors? The people around him, speaking German and American, look at him funny. Where have the noble days of old gone? As fate would have it, he travels to Minas Morgul and on the ground discovers a piece of paper, worn with age. He picks it up and quickly pockets it, having seen only the words 'Satan buys snow jacket' written on it. Intreguing, must be studied later.
Then he goes off to finish his calculus homework. A voice wispers, 'the day of reconing shall come. And I don't mean your calculus exam.' 'I knew I shouldn't have gone to that party last night' Markos thinks to himself. 'Time for some sleep.'
Last edited by JMarks; March 27, 2002 at 01:34.
March 27, 2002, 09:48
Local Time: 19:06
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Posts: 36
apologies for the delay - I had some trouble getting to the computer...
The death of King Giovanni Augustus IV at the height of the World Wars led to the palace looking for a suitable inheritor. They turned to the house of Gillskill. Gillskill the Fourth moved from his new family residences in the recently conquered lands near Berlin.
Once again the brave French people had been dragged into a war not of their choosing. Gillskill was determined to bring peace to the world to ensure the growth of France. He summoned the diplomats from Persia, Rome and Germany to a summit in the Palace. After waiting for two hours after the opening only the Germans had come, though from where he was not sure. Palace Guards were sent to the Chinese Embassy where the Romans and Persians had Missions, but their representatives just mocked them in their peculiar way. "Well, if that's the way they want to play it" muttered Gillskill darkly.
The greatly reduced World Summit did have one positive outcome - peace was made with Germany and they were pleased to enter into a MPP. At least they would not be a brake on any final peace that the French could enjoy. The German diplomat slipped away, still furious, and evaded the French Intelligence Agency agents who were trying to track down where exactly Germany was these days.
Plans were drawn up to force the Romans and Persians to the negotiating table. Gillskill calculated that liberating one or two of their cities should make them see sense. To this end an agreement was made with China to allow French troops through their lands to strike at their opponents. The dockyards were ordered to build transports to get the French Army over to China in the first place.
New temples being built in the newly conquered northern territories had a massive input of capital resources so that the might of France could reach a wider audience, and put off any others that might want to gain from what was hoped would be a brief period of transission.
the best laid plans of mice and men
Six years into his rule Gillskill was awoken early one Spring morning to find that his plans had been thrown into dissaray - Chinese forces had decided to take on Greece. As much as might like to join in and remove the Greeks from the French continent he was bound by a MPP to fight alongside Greece against China. Well, if he wasn't going to move through them peacefully the Chinese would soon discover the French 'Alternative Method'. An invasion fleet was still being built...
In 1874 the forward elements landed to the east of Tsingtao, the most western Chinese city. After repelling a surprisingly light counter-attack they were able to lay siege to the heavily defended city. In 1878 it fell with its docks still intact. It would become the doorway into China as tens of thousands of troops moved off its quays. Later, its strategic importance was increased with the building of an airfield which enabled an even quicker transfer of troops, but that was yet to come.
Due to the wise development of previous rulers France enjoyed a slight technological advantage. This paid dividends on the war fields of China as a massive tank army formed around the bridgehead - a force that was being met by mostly infantry and cavalry units.
The strategic plan was to drive east (the Southern Expeditionary Force (NEF))and southeast (the Southern Expeditionary Force (SEF)) along the coasts whilst destoying communication links across the mountains separating the two forces, so as to funnel any counterattacks to where the French were strongest. Both forces would be supported by a growing bomber force in uncontested skys. It was going to be a longer war than had been previously known - the forces encountered in Tsingtao were indicative of those that would be holding out in Chinese cities. It was also easy for China's allies from Persia and Rome to get forces up to the front line.
In 1882 Nanking fell to the SEF, then the capital of Shanghai to the NEF. It was in the close combat street fighting that one officer rose to prominence. De Gaulle was instrumental in the victory and was soon given leave to return to France to help boost the war effort.
Tatung fell to the NEF in 1886. Not exactly seeing hich way the wind was blowing Japan decided to take on France. Their minor forces were not enough to worry Gillskill.
A brief period of revolt in Shanghai was soon squashed in 1888, and the SEF moved into Chengou. It was then that the largest body of enemy forces attacked, apparently moving to Nanking. The policy of infrastrucure denial paid dividends as the forces were slowed down picking their way through the mountain passes. They became an easy target for the tanks as they foundered around.
Domestically the Manhattan Project was completed.
The SEF moved quickly and took Macao (1892) and Paoting (1900). France now shared borders with the Romans!
Meanwhile, the NEF had been grinding out a victory in the once mighty city of Beijing, the new capital. It was a veritable mincer of men and machine that took the lives of many French and Chinese young men. Massive assaults of fresh French forces scored many successes but China was still able to get reinforcements in, and call up much of its citizenry. In the end it was only tank forces 1/5th their normal size [one red] that could take on the remnants of the Chinese defence in 1890. AS LONG AS FRANCE EXISTS, THE BRAVE SACRIFICE OF THE LIBERATORS OF BEIJING WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.
Greec re-negotiated the MPP and Gillskill agreed, but for more Greek gold. Ecology was discovered and research started on synthetic fibres.
March 27, 2002, 09:55
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Posts: 36
Good to see you back JMarks!
I think you are next?
China and Rome will be pleased to sign up to a peace treaty, but the Persians are still not playing ball. To help 'quieten' them it might be better to carry on until we reach their borders to ease 'policeing' strategies.
Anyway, good luck and enjoy!
March 27, 2002, 16:26
Local Time: 19:06
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Location: formerly known as the artist
Posts: 785
Gillsill, bad news, the game crashes each time I load the game! Could someone else play one turn and see if it does the same to them? If it works, could you re-save it and re-send it? It crashed twice and Markos really wants to see how soft they've made the thrones for presidents, what with the synthetic prototypes they've got going.
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